How to Get Involved with University Senate
University Senate invites all members of the University community to contribute to and participate in shared governance at Loyola University Chicago. There are a number of ways to get involved with University Senate:
Raise an Item for the Senate Agenda
- The agenda of each University Senate meeting is set by the Chair in consultation with the Executive Committee.
- Any member of the University community may propose a topic or issue for discussion.
- Please forward suggestions for agenda items to the University Senate Secretary and the University Senate Chair, ideally two weeks before the scheduled Senate meeting (though later submissions for timely matters will also be considered).
Attend a University Senate Meeting
- All University Senate meetings are open to the entire University community (faculty, students, and staff).
- As time permits, the Chair will allow a public comment period on each University Senate agenda item.
Contact your Senate Representative(s)
- Senators are charged both with general stewardship of the University, and with representing the interests of the respective constituencies that elected them.
- Please feel free to reach out to your Senators with questions and concerns.
Run for Senator (or at least VOTE!)
- Elections for the office of University Senator are held during each spring semester.
- A call for nominations (including self-nominations) will go out near the beginning of the semester, to be returned no later than mid-February.
- Ballots (used as needed) go out the first week of March.
- Senators-elect attend and begin their term during the April meeting.
- Officers for the next year are also elected during this meeting.