What is the process for obtaining a student job?
Student positions are posted by individual departments (on-campus jobs), not for profit agencies (off campus work-study) or external employers (for-profit companies, government, etc.) on the career portal Handshake database. Allstudent's receive a free account to search for part-time jobs, internships, volunteer positions, and eventually, full-time jobs.
Students must submit competitive resumes, cover letters, and, at times, references, writing samples and/or an ePortfolio link in order to be offered an interview for a position. Students may receive assistance in the application process, i.e. writing a resume, mock interviews, etc. from Career Services.
How many hours per week are students allowed to work?
Research indicates that students should work between 10 and 20 hours per week in order to balance their academic and work responsibilities successfully. Students at Loyola University Chicago are limited to working a maximum of 19.5 per week but are encouraged to maintain a weekly work schedule closer to 15 hours per week.
What if I forgot my Handshake login or password information?
Handshake is the online career portal that lists jobs, internships, volunteer positions, service-learning sites and is maintained primarily by Career Services. Your login information for Handshake is the same as your UVID. The primary education information that you use in LOCUS is imported daily into Handshake as part of your personal profile.
What is the typical work-study award amount?
UNDERGRAD: This varies based on the student’s economic need per the FAFSA. The typical award range is between $2,000-$3,500 for the year.
GRADUATE: Graduate students have to contact Financial Aid to determine Federal Work-Study eligibility and potential award amounts.
LAW: Law school students should contact the Law School's Dean's Office for information on work-study opportunities.
What is the "Work Authorization Form" and when is it needed?
The Work Authorization form is a document that is ONLY needed when applying to a job in the (off-campus) Community-based Federal Work-Study program. This form, available at either the HUB or the Financial Aid Office, tells the potential employer the amount of the student's Federal Work-Study award. This is NOT required for on-campus positions. TIP ----> When preparing for your job search, obtain one copy of this letter, scan it into a PDF and upload it into your Handshake account for ease of sharing with prospective CBFWS employers.
How do student workers dress for work?
Every student position is different so the dress requirements are also different! Always dress up for an interview and then ASK during the interview what the dress expectations are for that position. Attire across the University and our CBFWS partners varies from very casual (i.e. workout attire at Halas Rec Center) to business casual (i.e. polo shirt and chinos). Managers should provide each student employee with basic attire expectations during or just after the hiring process.
How many jobs should I apply for at once?
First, if you see more than one job that appeals to you, go ahead and apply to multiple positions. Loyola's Student Employment is competitive so submitting multiple applications is generally a good idea! Be sure to customize a short cover letter (or email) with each application. For help writing a cover letter, review the Cover Letter Guide.
What is the difference between a Work-Study Job and a non Work-Study job?
The main differences between a Work-Study and a non Work-Study job are (1) the student financial aid qualifications/the way the position is funded and some small differences in what the student can and cannot do within the position (which managers are aware of). Both are 'real' jobs with responsibilities and most of the time neither allow the student to study while working, a common misconception based on the language of "work-study".
What do I do if I am having an interpersonal conflict with a co-worker or my manager?
The first strategy should always be to set aside time with that person and discuss the situation. If that does not improve the situation, all student employees can reach out to Career Services for assitance at 773.508.7716 to discuss other solution strategies. In an emergency, always call 911 first.
Are the off-campus work-study sites safe?
The Community Partners who host work-study students are health, human service, education, and community-development organizations who are invested in Loyola students and their safety. In addition, Student Employment staff visit Community Partner sites bi-annually. Career Services takes very seriously it's charge of being stewards of the student experience and works hard to ensure students are safe.
Students also have to participate in the management of their own safety. Career Services recommends that each student, regardless of which program they are considering, should consider that working in a large, urban area is going to require a certain level of alertness. We also recommend that every student review our Personal Safety Guide before beginning each semester.