Loyola University Chicago

Catholic Studies


Major Minor of The Month

Major/Minor of the Month - Olivia Imbrogno
Olivia Imbrogno
Majors & Minors
Major: Public Relations Minor: Marketing, Catholic Studies
Sandusky, OH

Why did you choose to become a CS Minor: I grew up going to public school where I didn’t have the opportunity to explore my faith in an intellectual way. I was excited to hear about the Catholic Studies minor where I could look at my faith through a new lens.

What is a fond memory you’ve had as a CS minor: I really enjoyed my All Things Ignatian class. Our entire class bonded quickly and we were able to have really open and honest conversations, which made for an engaging, and always interesting class. We also had a few dance parties and sing-alongs that I was fond of.

Career Goals and Aspirations: I don’t think I want to grow up yet…

Best Catholic Studies class taken at Loyola: Church in the World taught by Fr. Renczes S.J. at JFRC

Favorite Service Experience: My Alternative Break Immersion trip to Montego Bay

Most important invention: COFFEE

Favorite Movie: Goodwill Hunting

Favorite Food: French Fries

Any Body Piercings or Tattoos: I got my nose pierced and “talked loudly” the entire time.

Crazy fad went through in the past: I was VERY into gauchos at one point… we don’t talk about it.

Qualities valued in a person: Openness!

Nicknames: Liv

Favorite Season: Fall

Dream Travel Destination: Machu Picchu  

Favorite Green Vegetable: BROCCOLI!

Meet anyone past or present, who would it be? Dorothy Day