Major Minor of the Month - Lisette Amon

- Lissette Amón
- Senior
- Majors & Minor
- Psychology and Theology, Catholic Studies
What are you involved in on-campus?
I am a Sister of the Delta Nu Chapter of Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc., as well as an Achieving College Excellence (ACE) Scholar. This academic year I am serving as a Peer Advisor and co-teach two UNIV sections for ACE. I am also a Lead Retreat Leader for ACE! In general, I attend different virtual events for different RSOs.
Why did you choose to become a CS minor?
I attended the "Finding Your Place" retreat at LUREC at the beginning of the Spring 2020 semester because it seemed really interesting. Throughout the retreat, I really enjoyed getting to know other CS Minors. I also got to meet Dr. Murphy and learned more about the program, I realized how comfortable and welcomed this community made me feel. By the end of the weekend retreat, I decided to become a CS Minor myself
What is a fond memory you've had as a CS minor?
One of my favorite memories is from attending the virtual "Catholic Studies Banquet" in Spring 2020. I enjoyed knowing that I am part of a great community on-campus. Additionally, I appreciated getting to learn more about the graduate's projects for their Capstone course. It was great to see the diversity in their interests and getting to spend my afternoon with the CS Minor community.
Who is your favorite saint?
Sta. Narcisa de Jesús Martillo Morán
What are your career goals and aspirations?
I hope to obtain an M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration and Policy after undergrad. I would like to work in higher education as a counselor or advisor for underrepresented student communities. I would like to give back to minority students in higher education and let them know that they are not alone. As a Latina in higher education I have learned a lot and would like to give provide support for future students.
Who is your favorite Catholic author?
Pope Francis
Best Catholic Studies class taken at Loyola?
I really enjoyed taking HIST 210: Introduction to Latin American History with Dra. Gema Kloppe-Santamaría. This class counts towards the CS Minor and CORE History Tier 2. Not only did I get to learn more about the history of Latin America but I also got to learn about the influence of religion. This is a great course and would recommend it to everyone!
What has been your favorite service experience?
I have really enjoyed volunteering for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. In the past, I have volunteered at the annual "St. Jude Walk/Run" in Chicago, as well as making cards for the kids of St. Jude and making art & craft sets for the kids. Aside from that, I have also enjoyed raising awareness about childhood cancer and fundraising for St. Jude!
What do you think is the most important idea of all time?
Tim Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web
What is your inspiration to do good?
I am inspired by a love for others! Not only the love I have for others but also the love I those around me display on a daily basis. "A generous person will be enriched, and one who gives water will get water." - Proverbs 11:25
What is a central ideal of Catholic thought that intrigues you?
"The Common Good" because it states that humans are both sacred but social, we experience the fullness of life through our relationships with others. I think it is important to work towards the common good which requires commitment from each of us to respect the rights and responsibilities of all people while sharing society’s resources.
Favorite movie?
So many! If I had to choose one it would be Coco, makes me cry every time I watch it.
Pet peeve?
When people let dishes pile up in the sink!
Favorite food?
I am not picky at all and I love all food! I would say anything homemade, by my mom or grandma, are my favorite food!
Favorite type of music/favorite song?
I listen to music in Spanish 99% of the time. My favorite genre at the moment is reggaetón.
Any body piercings or tattoos?
No tattoos, a good amount of ear piercings.
Did you go through a crazy fad that was popular at any point in your life?
I have not, sometimes I wonder if I missed out.
What are some qualities that you value in a person?
Honesty, loyalty, integrity, kindness, authenticity, reliability, etc.
If named the president of Loyola, what would you do as your first presidential act?
I would ensure that different student communities have their own safe spaces on-campus and ensure that these students feel supported by Loyola and it's actions.
Only my closest friends know...
What is the most delicious item at Portillos?
Ohhhh, I love the chocolate cake (with a glass of cold milk) and really anything from Portillo's is delicious
Preferred pizza toppings?
Ham, pineapple, mushrooms, spinach... also deep dish is the best!
Favorite season?
SPRING & FALL! I don't like the extreme heat nor the harsh Chicago winters. I will say summer is my least favorite season because of the heat.
What is your dream travel destination?
Egypt! I have a travel bucket list and this country has been on it for years.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Watching cheesy romantic movies or classics when I am feeling down.
Favorite green vegetable?
Spinach! Goes well with almost everything.
If you could meet anyone past or present, who would it be?
I would love to meet Frida Kahlo!
If you could be omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, or omnibenevolent, which would it be?
I would be omniscient! I think knowledge is power.
What is your favorite Olympic sport (Summer or Winter)?
Figure skating!
What is your favorite movie quote?
“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.” - Albus Dumbledore
“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” - Sirius Black