
Before including digital files in your learning portfolio that are not your own original work, be sure to familiarize yourself with copyright laws and policies. You may need to request permission or include proper citation when including or referencing images, data, links, and other files in your portfolio.
Loyola University Chicago has several copyright resources available to you, including:
Digital Identity
What is our digital identity?
It is our online self. We often think of our digital identity as separate from our physical "real world" self but in reality they are connected.
The technology we use nearly every hour of the day allows us to switch between different life roles in rapid succession. We are playing "son or daughter" when messaging our parents, we are playing "socialite" when posting pictures on Instagram, we are playing "professional" when looking at LinkedIn, and we are playing "student" when emailing our professors and doing homework. Our technology permits us to be everywhere at once, but it can also leave us feeling "uprooted" and it can be challenging to figure out how to combine each of these roles together into one person.
This is what learning portfolios are all about. They are about taking all the different life events, experiences, and seemingly scattered life roles, reflecting on how they impact you as a whole person, and combining them into one portfolio of you.
Taskstream Archives
As of August 2020, Loyola University Chicago no longer supports Taskstream as their Learning Portfolio Platform.
You can still access Taskstream archives by logging in here:
Log in using your last UVID LUC credentials. If that doesn’t work, you can reset your password by following these instructions.
Resetting your Taskstream Password
Taskstream users can reset their password by entering the following two pieces of information on the password reset screen.
1) Last name
2) Student ID or Email address or Username ( screenshot below )
And after clicking "Email Username & Password Reset" they will get a password reset email at their registered email address. Below are the steps to reset passwords in Taskstream.
Password reset steps:
To reset your password on Taskstream, please follow these steps:
1. Go to
2. Click Forgot Login? (under the Sign In button)
3. Enter your last name and other identifying information and click Email Username & Password Reset
4. An email will be sent to all accounts associated with your email address. Check the email associated with your account and click the link to reset your password.
5. Create a new password (passwords are case sensitive and must be 8 characters, contain at least 1 number, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, and one special character(!@#$). Confirm the password by retyping it, and enter a password hint (something to remind you of the password, in case you forget) and click Enter.
For login troubles, contact Watermark at Watermark Customer Service Support (
Phone: (800) 311-5656 on Monday-Thursday 8am-9pm and Friday 8am-7pm (Eastern).