

Agency Funding

  • Mohammed Abuhamad and Eric Chan-Tin (co-PI), “Education DCL: EAGER: Developing Experiential Cybersecurity and Privacy Training for AI Practitioners”, National Science Foundation, $299,095, November 2023 – October 2025.
  • Eric Chan-Tin (PI), Yasin Silva, Loretta Stalans, Mohammed Abuhamad. “CyberCorps Scholarship for Service: CyberRamblers Bolster National Security”, National Science Foundation, $3,803,006, January 2024 – December 2028.
  • Neil Klingensmith, George Thiruvathukal, Eric Chan-Tin (co-PI), Yasin Silva. “Taming Container Privileges using Userland OS Guests”, NCAE-C in Cybersecurity Education Innovation, $499,397, September 16, 2022 – September 15, 2024.
  • Yasin N. Silva (PI), Deborah Hall (Co-PI), Huan Liu (Co-PI). SaTC: CORE: Interdisciplinary Models to Identify and Understand Cyberbullying. National Science Foundation - Computer and Network Systems/Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (CNS/SaTC), Total: $406,421.00, January 2022 - December 2024. https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2336386
  • Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NHLBI 1R01HL157262, Developing a clinical decision support tool for the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of critical illness in hospitalized patients $200,441, 2021–2026
  • Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NIDDK 1R01DK126933, Using Machine Learning for Early Recognition and Personalized Treatment of Acute Kidney Injury, $82,640 2021–2026
  • Eric Chan-Tin, Realistic and Practical Website Fingerprinting, $435,245, NSA and NCAE, 2021–2024
  • George K. Thiruvatukal and Neil Klingensmith, NSF OAC-2107020Collaborative Research: OAC Core: Advancing Low-Power Computer Vision at the Edge, $250,000, 2021–2024
  • Geoge K. Thiruvatukal NSF OAC-2104319CDSE: Collaborative: Cyber Infrastructure to Enable Computer Vision Applications at the Edge Using Automated Contextual Analysis, $209,624, 2021–2024
  • Eric Chan-Tin, Teaching Basic Cybersecurity to All, U.S. Department of Defense, $31,023, 2021–2022
  • George K. Thiruvathukal (Senior Personnel), NSF HRD-2121654ADVANCE Adaptation: INSPIRED-Inclusive Practices in the Retention and Equity of Diverse Faculty, $972,496, 2021–2024
  • George K. Thiruvathukal (Senior Personnel), NSF OAC-2027524Leveraging New Data Sources to Analyze the Risk of COVID-19 in Crowded Locations, $58,000, 2020–2022
  • Eric Chan-Tin and Shelia Kennison, SaTC: EDU: Collaborative: Personalized Cybersecurity Education and Training, $234,654, 2019–2023.
  • Eric Chan-Tin and K.M. George. REU Site: Big Data Analytics at Oklahoma State University, $356,618, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2017–2020
  • Gregory J. Matthews and George K. Thiruvathukal, NSF DMS-1812124Collaborative Research: Statistical Analysis of Partially Observed Shapes in Two Dimensions, $75,028, 2018-2019
  • Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NIDA R01DA051464, Data Driven Strategies for Substance Misuse Identification in Hospitalized Patients, $491,973, 2020–2025
  • Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NLM R01LM010090, Temporal relation discovery for clinical text, $202,301, 2019–2023
  • Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NLM R01LM012973, Learning Universal Patient Representations from Clinical Text with Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks, $229,248, 2019–2022
  • Ronald I. Greenberg and George K. Thiruvathukal, NSF CNS-1738691Collaborative Research: Chicago Alliance For Equity in Computer Science (CAFECS), National Science Foundation CNS-1738691, $72,497 Loyola portion within a $2,011,529 collaboration, 2017–2021
  • Catherine Putonti, Collaborative Research: Deciphering the Genetic Diversity of Viruses through Gene Networks, National Science Foundation, $676,340, 2017–2020
  • Ronald I. Greenberg, Steven McGee (Learning Partnership), and Brenda Wilkerson (CPS), What Features of the Exploring Computer Science Course Equitably Inspire Students to Pursue Further Computer Science Coursework, National Science Foundation, $599,986 to all institutions, October 2015–September 2018
  • Ronald I. Greenberg, Lucia Dettori (DePaul), Dale Reed (UIC), Don Yanek (CPS), Brenda Wilkerson (CPS), Accelerate ECS4ALL, National Science Foundation, $999,438 to all institutions, 2015–2018
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, NSF OAC-1445347EAGER: Collaborative Research: Making Software Engineering Work for Computational Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach, National Science Foundation, ACI-1445347, $109,549, 2014–2018
  • Ronald I. Greenberg, Collaborative Research: Type I: A Taste of Computing: Adding a CS Entree to the Education Choices in a Large Urban School District, National Science Foundation, 2011–2015, $176,149
  • Catherine Putonti, CAREER: How do phage drive bacterial diversity in Lake Michigan near-shore waters? A bioinformatics perspective, National Science Foundation, $706,540, 2012–2017
  • Ronald I. Greenberg, William Honig, Konstantin Läufer, Catherine Putonti, and George K. Thiruvathukal, NSF CNS-0837769Collaborative Research: BPC-A: Improving Metropolitan Participation to Accelerate Computing Throughput and Success, National Science Foundation, $141,711, 2008–2011
  • Ronald I. Greenberg, Howard M. Laten, Kenneth W. Olsen, Carol Scheidenhelm, and Chandra N. Sekharan, ExCEL: Excellence in Computing at Every Level, National Science Foundation, $600,000, 2008–2013
  • Peter Shillingsburg, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Steven E. Jones, NEH HD-50782-09, Humanities Research Infrastructure and Tools (HRIT): An Environment for Collaborative Textual Scholarship, $50,000, 2009–2012
  • Howard Laten, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Timothy O’Brien,*REU Site: Integrated Cross-disciplinary Summer Program in Bioinformatics, National Science Foundation, $282,747, 2006–2009
  • Nancy C. Tuchman, Chandra N. Sekharan, et al., High Performance Computing in Bioinformatics, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, $4,500,000, 2003–2005
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Collaborative Proposal: Ultra-scalable System Software and Tools for Data-intensive Computing, NSF/DARPA, $72,000, January 2005 – December 2008
  • Konstantin Läufer and George K. Thiruvathukal, South Asian Language Resource Center Mini-Grant, $5,000, 2004
  • Jerry R. Sanders, Bryan Pickett, Chandra N. Sekharan, George K. Thiruvathukal, William A. Yost, High Performance Network Connections: HPNC for Science Research at Loyola University Chicago, National Science Foundation, $150,000, 2002–2005
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Chandra Sekharan, and Linda Salchenberger (now with NWU SCS), Information Technology Research: The Community Information Technology Enterprise Project, National Science Foundation, $1,000,000, 2002–2005
  • Michael Goldwasser, Maximizing Resource Utilization through Admission Control, National Science Foundation, $134,866, 2002–2005
  • William Honig, Christine Haught, Keith Van Rhein, TECH 37 Grant for Underprivileged High School Students, City of Chicago, $28,000, 2003–2003
  • Konstantin Läufer, Vineet Gupta, and Radha Jagadeesan, The Triveni Project, National Science Foundation, Software Engineering and Languages program, $154,000, 1999–2002
  • Peter Dordal, Radha Jagadeesan, Konstantin Läufer, and Chandra Sekharan, Academic Equipment Grant, Sun Microsystems, $89,000, 1999–2000
  • Peter Dordal, Radha Jagadeesan, Konstantin Läufer, and Chandra Sekharan, Instructional Lab Grant, Microsoft, $70,000, 1996–1998
  • Ronald Greenberg, General-Purpose Parallel Architectures and Routing Schemes, National Science Foundation, $169,470, 1994–1998
  • Stephen Doty, Representation Theory of Reductive Groups & Monoids, National Science Foundation, $60,000, 1994–1998
  • Chandra N. Sekharan, A Study of Outstanding Issues in the Design of Algorithms for Partial K-Trees, National Science Foundation, $15,000, July 1993 – June 1994
  • Chandra N. Sekharan, A Study of Outstanding Issues in the Design of Algorithms for Partial K-Trees, National Science Foundation, $36,501, July 1991 – June 1994

Foundation Grants

  • Eric Chan-Tin (PI), Loretta Stalans, Jeffrey Huntsinger, Jennifer Forestal, Mohammed Abuhamad, and Jason Cummings. “Slowing the Spread of Online Misinformation through Inoculation”, Dr. Scholl Foundation, $50,000, November 2023 – November 2024.
  • Eric Chan-Tin (PI), Mohammed Abuhamad, Loretta Stalans, Jennifer Forestal, Jeffrey Huntsinger. “Understanding the Origin and Spread of Online Misinformation”, Dr. Scholl Foundation, $50,000, October 24, 2022 – December 31, 2023.
  • Eric Chan-Tin. “Loyola University Chicago Experiential Cybersecurity Scholarship Program”, Motorola Solutions Foundation, $25,000, August 16, 2023 – May 15, 2024.
  • Eric Chan-Tin (PI), Mohammed Abuhamad, Loretta Stalans, Jennifer Forestal, Jeffrey Huntsinger. Interdisciplinary Student Projects in Cybersecurity at Loyola University Chicago: Spreading Misinformation on Social Media and its Consequences for Trust in Government and Cybersecurity, Scholl Foundation, $50,000, 2021–2022
  • Eric Chan-Tin. R&D Development for Well Stimulation, $10,000, Halliburton Landmark, 2018

Industry Grants/Unrestricted Gifts

  • Yasin N. Silva (PI), Deborah Hall (Co-PI). Toward Safer Online Experiences for LGBTQ+ Communities. Google Research - Award for Inclusion Research (AIR) Program, Total: $60,000.00, 01/01/23 - 12/31/2023. https://research.google/outreach/award-for-inclusion-research-program/recipients/?filtertab=2022
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Intel, OneAPI: Curricular Modules to Expand Systems Courses, $40,000, 2022
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Google, TensorFlow Models Garden Software Engineering, $30,000, 2021
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Facebook, Low-Power Computer Vision Competition, $30,000, 2021
  • George K. Thiruvathukal and Yung-Hsiang Lu (Purdue), Google, Google Research Awards: Machine Perception, $75,000, 2017
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, 4C Insights, Unrestricted gift to supportt systems research at Loyola, $10,000, 2017
  • Konstantin Läufer and George K. Thiruvathukal, Typesafe, Unrestricted gift to support languages/systems research at Loyola, $5,000, 2015
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Microsoft, Unrestricted gift to support HPC and Bioinformatics Research, $15,000, 2009
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Microsoft, In-kind equipment donation of computational cluster (80 nodes), $100,000, 2009
  • William L. Honig, Konstantin Läufer, and George K. THiruvathukal, HP, Learning the Wonders of Computing with Wireless Collaboration, $68,000, 2007
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Hostway Corporation, Unrestricted gift to support creation of open source laboratory, $30,000, 2007


Agency Funding

  • Mohammed Abuhamad and Eric Chan-Tin (co-PI), “Education DCL: EAGER: Developing Experiential Cybersecurity and Privacy Training for AI Practitioners”, National Science Foundation, $299,095, November 2023 – October 2025.
  • Eric Chan-Tin (PI), Yasin Silva, Loretta Stalans, Mohammed Abuhamad. “CyberCorps Scholarship for Service: CyberRamblers Bolster National Security”, National Science Foundation, $3,803,006, January 2024 – December 2028.
  • Neil Klingensmith, George Thiruvathukal, Eric Chan-Tin (co-PI), Yasin Silva. “Taming Container Privileges using Userland OS Guests”, NCAE-C in Cybersecurity Education Innovation, $499,397, September 16, 2022 – September 15, 2024.
  • Yasin N. Silva (PI), Deborah Hall (Co-PI), Huan Liu (Co-PI). SaTC: CORE: Interdisciplinary Models to Identify and Understand Cyberbullying. National Science Foundation - Computer and Network Systems/Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (CNS/SaTC), Total: $406,421.00, January 2022 - December 2024. https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2336386
  • Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NHLBI 1R01HL157262, Developing a clinical decision support tool for the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of critical illness in hospitalized patients $200,441, 2021–2026
  • Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NIDDK 1R01DK126933, Using Machine Learning for Early Recognition and Personalized Treatment of Acute Kidney Injury, $82,640 2021–2026
  • Eric Chan-Tin, Realistic and Practical Website Fingerprinting, $435,245, NSA and NCAE, 2021–2024
  • George K. Thiruvatukal and Neil Klingensmith, NSF OAC-2107020Collaborative Research: OAC Core: Advancing Low-Power Computer Vision at the Edge, $250,000, 2021–2024
  • Geoge K. Thiruvatukal NSF OAC-2104319CDSE: Collaborative: Cyber Infrastructure to Enable Computer Vision Applications at the Edge Using Automated Contextual Analysis, $209,624, 2021–2024
  • Eric Chan-Tin, Teaching Basic Cybersecurity to All, U.S. Department of Defense, $31,023, 2021–2022
  • George K. Thiruvathukal (Senior Personnel), NSF HRD-2121654ADVANCE Adaptation: INSPIRED-Inclusive Practices in the Retention and Equity of Diverse Faculty, $972,496, 2021–2024
  • George K. Thiruvathukal (Senior Personnel), NSF OAC-2027524Leveraging New Data Sources to Analyze the Risk of COVID-19 in Crowded Locations, $58,000, 2020–2022
  • Eric Chan-Tin and Shelia Kennison, SaTC: EDU: Collaborative: Personalized Cybersecurity Education and Training, $234,654, 2019–2023.
  • Eric Chan-Tin and K.M. George. REU Site: Big Data Analytics at Oklahoma State University, $356,618, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2017–2020
  • Gregory J. Matthews and George K. Thiruvathukal, NSF DMS-1812124Collaborative Research: Statistical Analysis of Partially Observed Shapes in Two Dimensions, $75,028, 2018-2019
  • Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NIDA R01DA051464, Data Driven Strategies for Substance Misuse Identification in Hospitalized Patients, $491,973, 2020–2025
  • Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NLM R01LM010090, Temporal relation discovery for clinical text, $202,301, 2019–2023
  • Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NLM R01LM012973, Learning Universal Patient Representations from Clinical Text with Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks, $229,248, 2019–2022
  • Ronald I. Greenberg and George K. Thiruvathukal, NSF CNS-1738691Collaborative Research: Chicago Alliance For Equity in Computer Science (CAFECS), National Science Foundation CNS-1738691, $72,497 Loyola portion within a $2,011,529 collaboration, 2017–2021
  • Catherine Putonti, Collaborative Research: Deciphering the Genetic Diversity of Viruses through Gene Networks, National Science Foundation, $676,340, 2017–2020
  • Ronald I. Greenberg, Steven McGee (Learning Partnership), and Brenda Wilkerson (CPS), What Features of the Exploring Computer Science Course Equitably Inspire Students to Pursue Further Computer Science Coursework, National Science Foundation, $599,986 to all institutions, October 2015–September 2018
  • Ronald I. Greenberg, Lucia Dettori (DePaul), Dale Reed (UIC), Don Yanek (CPS), Brenda Wilkerson (CPS), Accelerate ECS4ALL, National Science Foundation, $999,438 to all institutions, 2015–2018
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, NSF OAC-1445347EAGER: Collaborative Research: Making Software Engineering Work for Computational Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach, National Science Foundation, ACI-1445347, $109,549, 2014–2018
  • Ronald I. Greenberg, Collaborative Research: Type I: A Taste of Computing: Adding a CS Entree to the Education Choices in a Large Urban School District, National Science Foundation, 2011–2015, $176,149
  • Catherine Putonti, CAREER: How do phage drive bacterial diversity in Lake Michigan near-shore waters? A bioinformatics perspective, National Science Foundation, $706,540, 2012–2017
  • Ronald I. Greenberg, William Honig, Konstantin Läufer, Catherine Putonti, and George K. Thiruvathukal, NSF CNS-0837769Collaborative Research: BPC-A: Improving Metropolitan Participation to Accelerate Computing Throughput and Success, National Science Foundation, $141,711, 2008–2011
  • Ronald I. Greenberg, Howard M. Laten, Kenneth W. Olsen, Carol Scheidenhelm, and Chandra N. Sekharan, ExCEL: Excellence in Computing at Every Level, National Science Foundation, $600,000, 2008–2013
  • Peter Shillingsburg, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Steven E. Jones, NEH HD-50782-09, Humanities Research Infrastructure and Tools (HRIT): An Environment for Collaborative Textual Scholarship, $50,000, 2009–2012
  • Howard Laten, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Timothy O’Brien,*REU Site: Integrated Cross-disciplinary Summer Program in Bioinformatics, National Science Foundation, $282,747, 2006–2009
  • Nancy C. Tuchman, Chandra N. Sekharan, et al., High Performance Computing in Bioinformatics, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, $4,500,000, 2003–2005
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Collaborative Proposal: Ultra-scalable System Software and Tools for Data-intensive Computing, NSF/DARPA, $72,000, January 2005 – December 2008
  • Konstantin Läufer and George K. Thiruvathukal, South Asian Language Resource Center Mini-Grant, $5,000, 2004
  • Jerry R. Sanders, Bryan Pickett, Chandra N. Sekharan, George K. Thiruvathukal, William A. Yost, High Performance Network Connections: HPNC for Science Research at Loyola University Chicago, National Science Foundation, $150,000, 2002–2005
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Chandra Sekharan, and Linda Salchenberger (now with NWU SCS), Information Technology Research: The Community Information Technology Enterprise Project, National Science Foundation, $1,000,000, 2002–2005
  • Michael Goldwasser, Maximizing Resource Utilization through Admission Control, National Science Foundation, $134,866, 2002–2005
  • William Honig, Christine Haught, Keith Van Rhein, TECH 37 Grant for Underprivileged High School Students, City of Chicago, $28,000, 2003–2003
  • Konstantin Läufer, Vineet Gupta, and Radha Jagadeesan, The Triveni Project, National Science Foundation, Software Engineering and Languages program, $154,000, 1999–2002
  • Peter Dordal, Radha Jagadeesan, Konstantin Läufer, and Chandra Sekharan, Academic Equipment Grant, Sun Microsystems, $89,000, 1999–2000
  • Peter Dordal, Radha Jagadeesan, Konstantin Läufer, and Chandra Sekharan, Instructional Lab Grant, Microsoft, $70,000, 1996–1998
  • Ronald Greenberg, General-Purpose Parallel Architectures and Routing Schemes, National Science Foundation, $169,470, 1994–1998
  • Stephen Doty, Representation Theory of Reductive Groups & Monoids, National Science Foundation, $60,000, 1994–1998
  • Chandra N. Sekharan, A Study of Outstanding Issues in the Design of Algorithms for Partial K-Trees, National Science Foundation, $15,000, July 1993 – June 1994
  • Chandra N. Sekharan, A Study of Outstanding Issues in the Design of Algorithms for Partial K-Trees, National Science Foundation, $36,501, July 1991 – June 1994

Foundation Grants

  • Eric Chan-Tin (PI), Loretta Stalans, Jeffrey Huntsinger, Jennifer Forestal, Mohammed Abuhamad, and Jason Cummings. “Slowing the Spread of Online Misinformation through Inoculation”, Dr. Scholl Foundation, $50,000, November 2023 – November 2024.
  • Eric Chan-Tin (PI), Mohammed Abuhamad, Loretta Stalans, Jennifer Forestal, Jeffrey Huntsinger. “Understanding the Origin and Spread of Online Misinformation”, Dr. Scholl Foundation, $50,000, October 24, 2022 – December 31, 2023.
  • Eric Chan-Tin. “Loyola University Chicago Experiential Cybersecurity Scholarship Program”, Motorola Solutions Foundation, $25,000, August 16, 2023 – May 15, 2024.
  • Eric Chan-Tin (PI), Mohammed Abuhamad, Loretta Stalans, Jennifer Forestal, Jeffrey Huntsinger. Interdisciplinary Student Projects in Cybersecurity at Loyola University Chicago: Spreading Misinformation on Social Media and its Consequences for Trust in Government and Cybersecurity, Scholl Foundation, $50,000, 2021–2022
  • Eric Chan-Tin. R&D Development for Well Stimulation, $10,000, Halliburton Landmark, 2018

Industry Grants/Unrestricted Gifts

  • Yasin N. Silva (PI), Deborah Hall (Co-PI). Toward Safer Online Experiences for LGBTQ+ Communities. Google Research - Award for Inclusion Research (AIR) Program, Total: $60,000.00, 01/01/23 - 12/31/2023. https://research.google/outreach/award-for-inclusion-research-program/recipients/?filtertab=2022
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Intel, OneAPI: Curricular Modules to Expand Systems Courses, $40,000, 2022
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Google, TensorFlow Models Garden Software Engineering, $30,000, 2021
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Facebook, Low-Power Computer Vision Competition, $30,000, 2021
  • George K. Thiruvathukal and Yung-Hsiang Lu (Purdue), Google, Google Research Awards: Machine Perception, $75,000, 2017
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, 4C Insights, Unrestricted gift to supportt systems research at Loyola, $10,000, 2017
  • Konstantin Läufer and George K. Thiruvathukal, Typesafe, Unrestricted gift to support languages/systems research at Loyola, $5,000, 2015
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Microsoft, Unrestricted gift to support HPC and Bioinformatics Research, $15,000, 2009
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Microsoft, In-kind equipment donation of computational cluster (80 nodes), $100,000, 2009
  • William L. Honig, Konstantin Läufer, and George K. THiruvathukal, HP, Learning the Wonders of Computing with Wireless Collaboration, $68,000, 2007
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Hostway Corporation, Unrestricted gift to support creation of open source laboratory, $30,000, 2007