
Contact Us

Office Phone Number

Please call (773) 508-8118, the general phone number for the Computer Science Department, if you need an immediate reply or if you wish to speak to someone live. It is also recommended that you send an email to one of the email addresses listed below that corresponds best to your inquiry.

Department Location

Doyle Center
Lake Shore Campus
1052 W Loyola Ave
Chicago, IL 60626

Doyle Center is the light yellow building at the northeast corner of Loyola Ave and Winthrop Ave, halfway between Sheridan Road and the lake. You can see the exact location Google Maps

The current campus map shows Doyle Center as building 6 (preschool).

Faculty, staff, and TA/RA offices are on the top two floors, and the student research lab and lounge area on the garden level.

Mailing Address

Doyle Center
Lake Shore Campus
1052 W Loyola Ave
Chicago, IL 60626

Graduate Program

Academic Advising for Current Students

For program-specific academic advising matters, current undergraduate students should contact their Computer Science advisor listed in LOCUS. You should see both the Undergraduate Program Director (Ronald Greenberg) and another CS faculty member listed. That other faculty member is your primary adviser, while the UPD is available for backup/emergencies or any more complicated matters (for example COMP enrollment override requests). If you do not have a Computer Science advisor, please ask us to assign you to a Computer Science advisor by contacting rig@cs.luc.edu or vbourne@luc.edu (which directs to the UPD and the Department's Administrative Assistant). Also see below for addresses connected to specific topics.

All Other Graduate Student Matters


Mail sent to this address will reach the Graduate Program Director (Dr. Peter Dordal for other MS programs, Dr. Yasin Silva for Data Science) and Graduate Program Secretary (Ms. Victoria Bourne). Use this address for all inquiries related to graduate student matters in the department. For general Loyola inquiries, please use the Graduate Information Request Form.

Undergraduate Program

Pre-Admission Advising


This address may be used for detailed inquiries about the undergraduate program before admission. It is currently just redirecting to rig@cs.luc.edu or vbourne@luc.edu (Undergraduate Program Director, and the Departments Administrative Assistant).

Transfer Student Advising


This address may be used for all inquiries related to undergraduate transfer/articulation. It is currently just redirecting to rig@cs.luc.edu or vbourne@luc.edu (Undergraduate Program Director, and the Departments Administrative Assistant).

Undergraduate Internship Coordinator


Mail sent to this address will reach the Undergraduate Internship Coordinator (). Use this address for all inquiries related to undergraduate internships for academic credit.


Degree Audit


This address can be used for inquiries related to the completion of degree requirements, honors, and awards.  It is currently just redirecting to rig@cs.luc.edu or vbourne@luc.edu (Undergraduate Program Director, and the Departments Administrative Assistant).

Academic Advising for Current Students

For all program-specific academic advising matters, current undergraduate students should contact their Computer Science advisor listed in LOCUS. If you do not have a Computer Science advisor, please ask us to assign you to a Computer Science advisor by contacting rig@cs.luc.edu or vbourne@luc.edu (Undergraduate Program Director, and the Departments Administrative Assistant). 

Other Undergraduate Inquiries

rig@cs.luc.edu or vbourne@luc.edu (Undergraduate Program Director, and the Departments Administrative Assistant)

Mail sent to this address will reach the department's Administrative Assistant (Ms. Victoria Bourne) and the Undergraduate Program Director. Use this address for all inquiries related to undergraduate student matters in the department for which a more specific address above does not apply. For general Loyola inquiries, please visit the Undergraduate Admission page. (Note that the undergraduate admission process is managed entirely centrally rather than by academic departments.)

General FAQs

Computer Science Lab Manager


Mail sent to this address will reach the Computer Science Lab Manager (Mr. Miao Ye). Use this address for all inquiries related to the departmental computing labs (software and hardware).

Assistance with Placement in Jobs/Internships


Mail sent to this address will reach , who is coordinating contacts with employers and can help with job placement. Also, see our jobs page.

General Computer Science Inquiries


Mail sent to this address will reach departmental staff. Use this address for general inquiries not related to the above.

Office Phone Number

Please call (773) 508-8118, the general phone number for the Computer Science Department, if you need an immediate reply or if you wish to speak to someone live. It is also recommended that you send an email to one of the email addresses listed below that corresponds best to your inquiry.

Department Location

Doyle Center
Lake Shore Campus
1052 W Loyola Ave
Chicago, IL 60626

Doyle Center is the light yellow building at the northeast corner of Loyola Ave and Winthrop Ave, halfway between Sheridan Road and the lake. You can see the exact location Google Maps

The current campus map shows Doyle Center as building 6 (preschool).

Faculty, staff, and TA/RA offices are on the top two floors, and the student research lab and lounge area on the garden level.

Mailing Address

Doyle Center
Lake Shore Campus
1052 W Loyola Ave
Chicago, IL 60626