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2021 Faculty Convocation

Faculty Convocation 2021

Faculty Convocation was held at 3 p.m. CDT on Sunday, September 19, 2021.

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Provost and University Awards, 2021-2022

Robert Bucholz, DPhil
College of Arts and Sciences

Robert Bucholz, DPhil

Professor, History

Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring

Rodney Dale, PhD
College of Arts and Sciences

Rodney Dale, PhD

Associate Professor, Biology

Hayes Award for Advising and Mentoring Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring

Portrait of Catherine Haden, PhD
College of Arts and Sciences

Catherine Haden, PhD

Professor, Psychology

Faculty Member of the Year

Portrait of Steven Ramirez, JD
School of Law

Steven Ramirez, JD

Professor; Director, Business Law Center

Pedro Arrupe S.J., Faculty Award for Diversity Leadership

Portrait of Anne Reilly, PhD
Quinlan School of Business

Anne Reilly, PhD

Professor, Management

St. Ignatius Award for Excellence in Teaching

Portrait of Rebecca Silton, PhD
College of Arts and Sciences

Rebecca Silton, PhD

Associate Professor, Psychology; Director of Wellbeing & Emotion Laboratory

Kolvenback Award for Engaged Learning

Portrait of Christopher Whidden, PhD
College of Arts and Sciences

Christopher Whidden, PhD

Senior Lecturer, Political Science & Interdisciplinary Honors Program

Provost Award for Teaching Freshmen

New Full-time Faculty, 2021-2022

College of Arts & Sciences

Aqdas Aftab, Assistant Professor, English
Charles Alley, Instructor, Mathematics and Statistics
Nicholas Baker, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Yuna Blajer de la Garza, Assistant, Professor Political Science
Byron Brooks, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Eric Chang, Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics
Jason Cummings, Assistant Professor, Sociology
Kristin de Nesnera, Lecturer, Biology
Jary Delgado, Assistant Professor, Biology
Colleen English, Instructor, English
Izuchukwu Eze, Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics
Janet Fair, Lecturer, Modern Languages and Literatures
Jennifer Finn, Associate Professor, Classical Studies
Colin Gates, Assistant Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Patrick Gilger, Assistant Professor, Sociology
Jaime Grace, Instructor, Biology
Andres Gutierrez Viveros, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Biology
Tikia Hamilton, Assistant Professor, History
Justin Hastings, Instructor, English
Kirsten Hedegaard, Assistant Professor, Fine and Performing Arts
Christopher Hernandez, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Jaime Hovey, Instructor, English
Leo Irakliotis, Lecturer, Computer Science
Minwoo Jung, Assistant Professor, Sociology
Murat Kahveci, Instructor, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Chieh (Jay) Kao, Assistant Professor, Political Science
Zhandarka Kurti, Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice and Criminology
Katarzyna Lecky, Associate Professor, English
Cristina Lombardi, Assistant Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures
Adriana Lugosan, Instructor, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Takunda Matose, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Matthew Mills, Instructor, Mathematics and Statistics
Angenee Milton, Instructor, Biology
Brandiann Molby, Lecturer, English
Seyed Mousavian, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Ryan Peters, Instructor, English
Binod Rizal, Instructor, Physics
Taylor Rogers, Instructor, Philosophy
Carmen Rovi, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Josefrayn Sanchez-Perry, Assistant Professor, Theology
Yasin Silva, Associate Professor, Computer Science
Avery Smith, Instructor, Philosophy
Zoe Smith, Assistant Professor, Psychology
Paula Tallman (Hislop), Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Courtney Tomaselli, Instructor, Interdisciplinary Honors Program
Alyson Paige Warren, Instructor, English
Yang Wei, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Biology
Mena Whalen, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Darius Wheeler, Instructor, Mathematics and Statistics
Blakeley White-McGuire, Lecturer, Fine & Performing Arts
John Wilk, Instructor, Biology
Jeremy Winget, Instructor, Psychology
Caroline (Olivia) Wolf, Assistant Professor, Fine and Performing Arts
Nan (Miles) Xi, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

Quinlan School of Business

Osman Serdar Abraz, Clinical Instructor, Information Systems & Supply Chain Management
Larissa Adamiec, Director of Master of Science in Finance Program and Clinical Professor
Robert Arias, Assistant Professor, Marketing
Katherine Crawford Alexander, Assistant Professor, Management
Kaitlyn Hoffman, Clinical Instructor, Information Systems and Supply Chain Management
James Murphy, Clinical Instructor, Management
Steven Platt, Director of Analytics and Clinical Instructor
Lopa Chakraborti, Assistant Professor, Economics
Darryl Reynolds, Clinical Instructor, Management
Joan Shapiro Beigh, Clinical Instructor, Management
Gita Taherkhani, Assistant Professor, Information Systems and Supply Chain Management
Timothy Thompson, Clinical Instructor, Finance

School of Communication

Ayesha Abouelazm, Visiting Instructor
Urooj Raja, Assistant Professor
Minjin (MJ) Rheu, Assistant Professor

School of Education

Courtney Barcus, Clinical Assistant Professor
Cortney Bindrich, Clinical Assistant Professor
Leah Marks, Clinical Assistant Professor
Merry Quinn, Clinical Assistant Professor
Donald Sibley, Clinical Assistant Professor
Chrishirella Warthen-Sutton, Clinical Assistant Professor

School of Environmental Sustainability

Andrew Casper, Instructor
Lopamudra Chakraborti, Assistant Professor
Mary Dinsmore, Lecturer
Justin Greaves, Assistant Professor
Satomi Kohno, Assistant Professor
Gilbert Michaud, Assistant Professor
Federico Sinche Chele, Lecturer
Bo Zhang, Lecturer

Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health

Fares Qeadan, Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences
Margaret Ozan-Rafferty, Assistant Professor, Healthcare Administration

School of Law

Maria Hawilo, Senior Instructor
Thomas Mc Inerney, Senior Lecturer
Stephanie Tang, Lecturer
Maya Watson, Post Graduate Faculty Fellow, Health Justice Project

Stritch School of Medicine

Arfaa Ali, Assistant Professor, Medicine
Marriam Ali, Assistant Professor, Medicine
Mehboob Ali, Research Assistant Professor, Surgery
Khalid Al-Khafaji, Assistant Professor, Medicine
Tavor Allali-Bierman, Clinical Instructor, Pediatrics
Talal Al-Qaoud, Assistant Professor, Urology
John Annes, Assistant Professor, Radiology and Medical Imaging
Mark Arnett, Assistant Professor, Radiology and Medical Imaging
Denise Asafu-Adjei, Assistant Professor, Urology
Taysir Awad, Instructor, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Deslyn Browne, Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Meghan Cox-Pedota, Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Caleb DeMoss, Instructor, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Demetrios Doukas, Assistant Professor, Medicine
Ahmad El-Arabi, Clinical Instructor, Urology
Luis Fernandez, Professor, Surgery
Michael Fox, Instructor, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
John Fu, Clinical Instructor, Radiology and Medical Imaging
Michael Gavino, Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Leticia Gonzalez, Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Whitney Halgrimson, Clinical Instructor, Urology
Kamran Hamid, Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation
Adam Hintz, Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation
Dennis Hong, Professor, Medicine
Maaz Iqbal, Assistant Professor, Radiology and Medical Imaging
Milena Ivanova, Assistant Professor, Radiology and Medical Imaging
John Jaworowicz, Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Kaizan Kalyaniwalla, Assistant Professor, Radiology and Medical Imaging
Tyler Kaplan, Assistant Professor, Neurology
Olufemi Kassim, Assistant Professor, Medicine
Ladan Khazai, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences
Timothy King, Professor, Surgery
Erica Klein, Assistant Professor, Radiology and Medical Imaging
Lindsey Korepta, Assistant Professor, Surgery
Abby Kroken, Assistant Professor, Microbiology and Immunology
Kristen Krum, Assistant Professor, Pathology
John Kubasiak, Assistant Professor, Surgery
Alexander Kuzma, Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation
James Lau, Professor, Surgery
Bryn Laubacher, Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation
Syed Madani, Assistant Professor, Medicine
Rebecca Maddrell, Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Kathleen Mahoney, Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Michael Markos, Assistant Professor, Medicine
John McGann, Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Patrick Michel, Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
John Mitchell, Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Khin Su Mon, Assistant Professor, Pathology
Eva Murdoch, Associate Professor, Medical Education
Rahul Nath, Assistant Professor, Radiology and Medical Imaging
Theresa Nguyen, Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine
Bernadette O'Neil, Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Maria Papadaki, Research Assistant Professor Cell and Molecular Physiology
Megan Parilla, Assistant Professor, Pathology
Kyle Parker, Clinical Instructor, Pathology
David Pasquale, Assistant Professor, Radiology
Manuel Portalatin, Assistant Professor, Surgery
Susan Porto, Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Wissam Raad, Associate Professor, Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Goran Rac, Clinical Instructor, Urology
Muhammad Rafique, Associate Professor, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Yongsun Ra-Hurka, Assistant Professor, Medicine
Vidhya Rao, Research Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology
Sukit Ringwala, Assistant Professor, Medicine
Daniel Schmitt, Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation
Adeline Schnitz, Assistant Professor, Neurology
Zhenzhen Shi, Research Assistant Professor, Medicine
Gordon Shott, Instructor, Medicine
Madhavi Singhal, Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Tony Tu, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences
Huashan Wang, Research Assistant Professor, Surgery
Krishnan Warrior, Assistant Professor, Medicine
John Wilgucki, Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology
Elise Wolff, Clinical Instructor, Pediatrics
Yücel Yankol, Assistant Professor, Surgery
Mingxi Yu, Assistant Professor, Medicine
Andrea Ziegler, Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology
Michael Zilliox, Research Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology

Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing

Dian Squire, Associate Professor, Health Systems and Adult Health Nursing

School of Social Work

Diana Franco, Clinical Assistant Professor
Dana Harmon, Clinical Associate Professor
Rana Hong, Research Assistant Professor
Francisco Lozornio, Clinical Assistant Professor
Marion Malcome, Assistant Professor
Abha Rai, Assistant Professor
Guillermo Sanhueza, Associate Professor

Institute of Pastoral Studies

Felipe Legarreta, Clinical Instructor

University Centers and Programs

Muna Aryal, Assistant Professor, Office of the Provost, Engineering
Thomas Johnson, Clinical Assistant Professor, Office of the Provost, Engineering
Amanda Ward, Research Assistant Professor, Center for Urban Research and Learning

University Libraries

Jonna Peterson, Associate Librarian, Health Sciences Library

Tenure and Promotion, 2021-2022

College of Arts & Sciences

Badia Ahad, English, Professor
Howard Axelrod, English, Advanced Lecturer
Twyla Blackmond Larnell, Political Science, Associate Professor
Jonathan Bougie, Physics, Professor
Noah Butler, Anthropology, Advanced Lecturer
Daniel Cavanaugh, Biology, Associate Professor
David Eric ChanTin, Computer Science, Associate Professor
Jacob Ciszek, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Professor
Sarah Cullen Fuller, Fine & Performing Arts, Advanced Lecturer
Steven Davis, Psychology, Advanced Lecturer
James Devery, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Associate Professor
Dmitriy Dligach, Computer Science, Associate Professor
Eric Gobel, Psychology, Advanced Lecturer
Nicholas Hayward, Computer Science, Senior Lecturer
Kirsten Hedegaard, Fine & Performing Arts, Assistant Professor
John Kerkering, English, Professor
Ryan Leach, Psychology, Advanced Lecturer
Cristina Lombardi, Modern Languages & Literatures, Assistant Professor
Noritaka Minami, Fine & Performing Arts, Associate Professor
Maria Robertson Justiniano, Modern Languages & Literatures, Advanced Lecturer
Brian Seguin, Mathematics & Statistics, Associate Professor
Christopher Skinner, Theology, Professor
Peter Tingley, Mathematics & Statistics, Professor
Natalia Valencia, Modern Languages & Literatures, Advanced Lecturer
Matthew Williams, Sociology, Advanced Lecturer
Jennifer Zitzner, Biology, Senior Lecturer

School of Law

Stephen Rushin, Professor

Arrupe College

Rene Luis Alvarez, Clinical Associate Professor
Kieran Flahive, Clinical Associate Professor
Shannon Gore, Clinical Associate Professor
Megan Kelly, Clinical Associate Professor
Lavar Pope, Clinical Associate Professor
Aisha Raees, Clinical Associate Professor
Susannah Strang, Clinical Associate Professor

Quinlan School of Business

Jenna Drenten, Marketing, Acting Chair of Department of Marketing
Michael Hewitt, Information Systems & Supply Chain Management, Professor
Maciek Nowak, Information Systems & Supply Chain Management, Interim Dean
Peter Norlander, Management, Associate Professor
Cerag Pince, Information Systems & Supply Chain Management, Associate Professor
Linda Tuncay Zayer, Marketing, Acting Associate Dean, Faculty and Research

School of Communications

Florence Chee, Associate Professor
Elizabeth Coffman, Professor
George Villanueva, Associate Professor

School of Education

Seungho Moon, Professor
Katherine Phillipo, Professor
Blanca Torres Olave, Associate Professor

School of Environmental Sustainability

Laura Brentner, Advanced Lecturer
Richard Melstrom, Associate Professor

Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health

Patricia Sheean, Applied Health Sciences, Associate Professor

Stritch School of Medicine

Sonya Agnew, Surgery, Associate Professor
Michael Ander, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Associate Professor
Michael Anstadt, Surgery, Associate Professor
Rod M Arceo-Mendoza, Endocrinology, Associate Professor
Promila Banerjee, Medicine, Associate Professor
Brian Barbas, Emergency Medicine, Associate Professor
Carlos Bechara, Surgery, Professor
Troy Buck, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Associate Professor
Susanna Byram, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Associate Professor
Khaled Dajani, Medicine, Professor
Josephine Dlugopolski-Gach, Medicine, Associate Professor
Recia Frenn, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Associate Professor
Anand Germanwala, Neurological Surgery, Professor
Amit Goyal, Medicine, Associate Professor
Gopal Gupta, Urology, Professor
Michael Hakimi, Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Associate Professor
Kelly Henry, Medicine, Clinical Associate Professor
Paul Hutchison, Medicine, Associate Professor
Makio Iwashima, Microbiology and Immunology, Professor
Natalie Kamberos, Pediatrics, Associate Professor
Joao Kazan-Tannus, Radiology and Medical Imaging, Associate Professor
Peter Kekenes-Huskey, Cell and Molecular Physiology, Associate Professor with Tenure
Agnes Libot, Medicine, Associate Professor
Margaret Liotta, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Associate Professor
Stephen Littleton, Medicine, Associate Professor
James Lubawski, Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Associate Professor
Michael Majewski, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Associate Professor
Virginie Mansuy Aubert, Cell and Molecular Physiology, Associate Professor with Tenure
Michael McCarthy, Medical Education, Associate Professor with Tenure
Coleen Napolitano, Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, Affiliate Professor
Mina Oftadeh, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Associate Professor
Susan Pacheco, Medicine, Clinical Associate Professor
Chirag Patel, Otolaryngology, Associate Professor
Sameer Qazi, Medicine, Associate Professor
Sana Quddus, Medicine, Associate Professor
Wissam Raad, Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Associate Professor
Rabeeya Sabzwari, Medicine, Associate Professor
Shanika Samarasinghe, Medicine, Professor
Peter Sargon, Medicine, Associate Professor
Bital Savir-Baruch, Radiology and Medical Imaging, Assistant Professor
Steven Shea, Radiology and Medical Imaging, Associate Professor
David Smith, Medicine, Associate Professor
Hobie Summers, Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, Professor
Sarah Thilges, Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Associate Professor
Sarah Wagner, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Professor

Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing

Monique Ridosh, Family and Community Health Nursing, Associate Professor

School of Social Work

Amy Krings, Associate Professor
Christie Mason, Clinical Associate Professor

Institute of Pastoral Studies

Michael Canaris, Associate Professor

In Memoriam

James Babler, PhD Professor Emeritus, College of Arts & Sciences 5/2/2021
Edward Bermes, PhD Professor Emeritus, Stritch School of Medicine 2/16/2021
Nicholas Emanuele, MD Professor, Stritch School of Medicine 12/15/2020
Patricia Kay Felkins, PhD Associate Professor Emerita, School of Communication 1/29/2021
John Jacobs, PhD Lecturer, College of Arts & Sciences 10/16/2020
Michael S. Kelly, PhD Professor, School of Social Work 9/2/2021
Irene Meyer, PhD Professor Emerita, Mundelein College 2/11/2021
Bren Ortega-Murphy, PhD Professor Emerita, School of Communication 4/26/2021
Stefan Pambuccian, MD Professor, Stritch School of Medicine 12/23/2020
Ernestine Riggs, PhD Associate Professor Emerita, School of Education 2/13/2021
Leanne (Sue) Vondran, MBA Clinical Instructor (Retired), Quinlan School of Business 2/22/2021
Susan Wardzala, MA Librarian, University Libraries 6/5/2021