Loyola University > Academic Affairs, Division of > Faculty Affairs > Review, Promotion and Tenure
Review, Promotion and Tenure
Interfolio’s Review, Promotion and Tenure (RPT) module offers a single, streamlined platform for the review, promotion, and tenure process. With Interfolio RPT faculty will be able to present their dossier in a clear, consistent and equitable manner. Faculty committees will be able to review applicant materials, solicit external and internal letters of review and recommendation, share candidate materials with the appropriate university administrators, and vote on promotion and tenure decisions –all within a single platform.
Academic Faculty Annual Evaluation Timeline
- October 15 - School/College notifies Faculty Administration the list of faculty who will need Interfolio cases via Interfolio@luc.edu
- November 1 - Interfolio case created
- February - March - School/Department Review
- April - Candidate Receives Decision