News Archive
The John Grant Lecture in Healthcare Ethics: "Dying Well" by Dr. Stephen Doran, MD
Talk: "Nothing Halfway: System Critique and Building in German Idealism" by Dr. Jim Kreines
Book Talk: Dr. Amy Shuffelton, "Collaboration: Philosophy of Education in Practice"
Philosophy Department Non-Conference
History of Philosophy Roundtable Spring 2024 Talks
Book Lecture: Kathleen Osberger, "I Surrender: A Memoir of Chile's Dictatorship, 1975"
Philosophy Colloquium: "The Altered Animal" by Dr. David Peña-Guzmán
LaChanda Davis Organized Talk by Angela Davis at SFSU
Loyola Will Host Dr. Marco Impagliazzo
Phenomenology Research Group Event: "Why Ancient Monism Matters Today" by Dr. Dimitris Vardoulakis
Philosophy Colloquium: "Social Movements as Units of Explanation" by Dr. Megan Hyska
Faculty Debate: Confucius vs. Jean-Paul Sartre on the Meaning of Life