Loyola University Chicago

Department of Philosophy

Current Graduate Students

PhD in Philosophy

Italo Alves
Program: PhD
Interests: Critical Theory, Social and Political Philosophy, Continental Aesthetics
Email: ialves@luc.edu
Website: www.italoalves.net
Simon Babbs
Program: PhD
Nathan Berthiaume
Program: PhD
Interests: Nietzsche, Nineteenth Century Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, and Philosophy in Literature
Miguel Ceron Becerra
Program: PhD
Interests: Critical Theory, Affect Theory, Migration Studies
Benjamin Crispell
Program: PhD
Interests: Post-Kantian German Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Aesthetics
Thomas Crosby
Program: PhD
Email: tcrosby@luc.edu 
LaChanda Davis
Program: PhD
Interests: Platonic Philosophy, Ethics (including healthcare and biomedical), Social and Political Philosophy
Email: ldavis2@luc.edu 
Cheryl Fok
Program PhD
Interests: Phenomenology, Existentialism, Alterity
Email: hfok@luc.edu 
Rutger Hakkenberg
Program: PhD
Interests: German Idealism, Philosophy of Mind, Meta-ethics and Personal Identity
Pooya Heybatollahi
Program: PhD
Interests: Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Theology (Kalam)
Rhea Ienni
Program: PhD
Email: rienni@luc.edu 
David Inczauskis
Program: PhD
Lillianne John
Program: PhD
Email: ljohn2@luc.edu 
Omar Khali
Program: PhD
Email: okhali@luc.edu 
R. Andrew Krema
Program: PhD
Email: rkrema@luc.edu 
Kevin Mager
Program: PhD
Email: kmager@luc.edu
Kiku Mizuno
Program: PhD
Email: kmizuno@luc.edu
Charlotte Motmans
Program: PhD 
Interests: Contemporary French Philosophy, German Idealism, Psychoanalysis, Queer and Trans Theory
Daphne Pons
Program: PhD
Email: dpons@luc.edu 
Rene Ramirez
Program: PhD
Interests: Social-Political Philosophy, Decolonial Thought, Indigenous Critical Theory, Critical Philosophy of Race
Kit Rempala
Program: PhD
Interests: Bioethics, Phenomenology, Illness and Disabilities Studies
Peter Rosa
Program: PhD
Email: prosa@luc.edu 
Heather Slawny
Program: PhD
Email: hslawny@luc.edu 
Jason Stephens
Program: PhD
Interests: Black Studies and Afropessimism, Ancient Philosophy, the History of Slavery
Santiago Uresti
Program: PhD
Email: suresti@luc.edu
Marissa Venturi
Program: PhD
Email: mventuri@luc.edu
Donald Young
Program: PhD
Interests: 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Metaphysics and Ontology, Social and Political Philosophy

MA in Philosophy

Todd Alexander
Program: MA
John Alex Carr
Program: MA
Email: jcarr8@luc.edu 
Aziz Alfailakawi
Program: MA 
Ethan Card 
Program: MA 
Email: ecard@luc.edu
Conor Dorn
Program: MA
Email: cdorn@luc.edu 
Max Landman, S.J. 
Program: MA
Joseph Laughlin, S.J.
Program: MA 
Solomon Liebl, S.J.
Program: MA
Emmanuel Madu
Program: MA
Email: emadu@luc.edu 
William Mastin
Program: MA
Joshua Mei
Program: MA
David Miller
Program: MA
Benjamin Rogers, S.J.
Program: MA
Neo Scott
Program: MA
Nicholas J Signorello
Program: MA
Christopher Skinner
Program: MA
Kerry Synowiez
Program: MA
Terrin Winkel
Program: MA

MA in Social Philosophy

Maclean Andrews
Jesuit Scholastic
Program: MA in Social Philosophy
Email: mandrews6@luc.edu
Brian Burtka
Jesuit Scholastic
Program: MA in Social Philosophy
Christopher Castaneda
Jesuit Scholastic
Program: MA in Social Philosophy
Geraldine Diaz Guerrero
Program: MA in Social Philosophy 
Thomas Doran
Program: MA in social Philosophy 
Brennan Dour
Jesuit Scholastic
Program: MA in Social Philosophy
Email: bdour@luc.edu 
Patrick Fenner
Jesuit Scholastic
Program: MA in Social Philosophy
Email: pfenner@luc.edu 
Cyrus Habib
Jesuit Scholastic
Program: MA in Social Philosophy
Email: khabib@luc.edu 
Martin Hasler
Program: MA in Social Philosophy
Scotty Hendricks
Program: MA in Social Philosophy
Ronald Jacobs
Jesuit Scholastic
Program: MA in Social Philosophy
Richard Joubert
Jesuit Scholastic
Program: MA in Social Philosophy
Emma Madsen
Program: MA in Social Philosophy
Email: emadsen@luc.edu 
Pablo Velasquez
Jesuit Scholastic
Program: MA in Social Philosophy
Mario Verde
Jesuit Scholastic
Program: MA in Social Philosophy


No current BA/MA students

For contact information regarding any graduate students, please contact Graduate Program Assistant Miguel Diaz at mdiaz1@luc.edu