
As leaders in their fields, Quinlan faculty and staff are often quoted in local and national publications on critical business issues.

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July 2021

  • The New York Times
    Happy? Sad? Stressed? How Drinking Became the Answer to Everything →
    Acting Associate Dean Linda Tuncay Zayer says that the alcohol industry's female-focused advertising is not surprising given the rise in women’s socioeconomic status.
  • KCBS Radio
    Women are being targeted by alcohol ads more than ever →
    Acting Associate Dean Linda Tuncay Zayer discusses how the alcohol industry is expanding its customer base by positioning drinking as the cure-all for a whole host of ills. The interview begins at the one-minute mark.
  • Journal of Accountancy
    Reach your students with financial literacy →
    Assistant Professor KC Rakow builds financial literacy into his classes by connecting coursework to student loans, mortgages, and retirement planning. Doing this “can bring things to life for your students,” he says.
  • Refinery29
    Like A Virgin: How Purity Culture Harmed Britney Spears & A Generation Of Pop Stars →
    Jenna Drenten, acting chair of the Department of Marketing, describes how purity culture made heroes and outcasts of a generation of female pop stars in a Refinery29 article reflecting on the #FreeBritney movement.
  • ABC 7 Chicago
    Inflation 2021: Why food, gas prices are rising →
    Associate Professor Sean Coary on 2021 inflation: "Out west is literally on fire and they're facing a huge drought. So a lot of agricultural products, whether it be blueberries or strawberries, prices just going up there just because of a lack of supply.
  • Wall Street Journal
    Supply chain backlogs turn Chicago into new chokepoint →
    “If you’re moving anything via rail from coast to coast, you’re almost guaranteed it’s got to come through Chicago,“says Interm Dean Maciek Nowak. "If you switch everything from rail to truck, it just makes matters worse, not better, and it ties up that truck for multiple days, adding further insult to injury." 
  • Zenger
    TikTok is the new frontier for advertisers →
    Prof. Jenna Drenten spoke to Zenger on TikTok's reach: “TikTok is not a replacement to how traditional advertising works in these geographically bounded areas, but it can be an incredible complement to your integrated marketing portfolio."
  • Business Insider
    Toxic mother-in-law: Experts say TikTok trend could have consequences →
    Telling stories helps people find support, says Jenna Drenten, acting Marketing Department chair, but the seriousness of narcissism shouldn't get lost in the performative aspects of storytelling. Article is behind paywall.

June 2021

May 2021

April 2021

March 2021

February 2021

January 2021

December 2020

November 2020

October 2020

September 2020

August 2020

July 2020

June 2020

May 2020

March 2020

February 2020

January 2020