Course Information

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Course ID: COMP 170
School:Arts and Sciences, College of
Program: Computer Science
Credit Hours: 3

Course Description

This programming intensive course with its weekly lab component introduces basic concepts of object-oriented programming in a language such as Java. Outcomes: Ability to take a problem, break it into parts, specify algorithms, and express a solution in terms of variables, data types, input/output, repetition, choice, arrays, subprograms, classes, and objects; ability to judge a good program.


Prerequisite: MATH 118 or Placement or COMP 125 or COMP 141 or COMP 150 or COMP 180 or permission or SCPS student; Prior experience with a procedural programming language is sufficient to obtain permission to enroll.

Course Offering

Session Day Time Instructor Location
Full Mon, Tue, Wed 10:25 AM -11:15 AM Irakliotis ONLINE

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