

Course Information

Ceramics: Handbuilding

Course ID: FNAR 120
School:Arts and Sciences, College of
Program: Fine & Performing Arts
Credit Hours: 3

Course Description

An exploration of various handbuilding techniques, surface design techniques, and firing ranges available to the contemporary ceramist. Students are encouraged to pursue individual expression in the context of a broad range of methods and creative concepts. Outcomes: Students will be able to demonstrate the basics of successful construction and glaze techniques; demonstrate creative strategies and critical evaluation of the creative process; demonstrate an understanding of both historical and contemporary approaches to the medium and the role of the Ceramic artist in cultures past and present.

Fine Arts (FNAR): Loyola University Chicago (luc.edu)

Course Offering

Session Day Time Instructor Location
A Tue, Wed, Thurs 10:45 AM - 12:55 PM Biderbost LSC