Frequently Asked Questions & Videos
How do I get my question answered?
FSYA advisors actually really enjoy answering our students’ questions and we are of the mindset that there is no such thing as “dumb” question. However, there are times that are better to bring forward certain questions based on where we are in the academic calendar.
For questions during your registration week, prior to your orientation, refer to the email you received with your registration instructions. There is information in there about how you can access assistance from our Student Registration Assistants, as well as our academic advisors. This email will be sent out to you the Friday before your registration opens. You will also have the opportunity to speak to an academic advisor on day one of your orientation.
If you have questions about long-term planning, like studying abroad, adding a major or another minor, or other questions/interests that go beyond your fall 2023 semester, please bring those to campus with you when you start the semester! Many of those topics, and much more, will be covered in your UNIV 101, First Year Seminar Course. While there will dedicated class periods for in-depth academic planning presentations; students are encouraged to share their questions with their instructor and peer advisor each week before, during or after class. Advising appointments open up the second week of each semester; Express Advising is available each week for brief questions; and students are always encouraged to send an email to their advisor.
If you have questions the first week of class, utilize our Express Advising. The link to access it, as well as the hours it will be available on our website prior to the start of the semester. You are welcome to email our office during that week as well, but please note that due to the volume of messages we receive, our response time can be delayed.
Finally, if there is ever a time or situation you are not sure when or who to contact, please reach out to
Academic Planning Basics
Can I enroll in a class that is closed?
Each class has a number of available seats set by the department offering a class. This number is often based on the physical capacity of the room. If a course you are interested in is closed, we recommend that you find a different section or course and enroll in it. You can keep the closed course in your shopping cart and if during the first week a spot opens up you can come to Express Advising and ask an advisor about swapping into it. While we do seats open up that first week of class, we cannot guarantee that one will, so it is important that you are enrolled in alternative class for the fall.
Often, students will ask if they can get on a waitlist if a class is closed. If a class does have a waitlist, it is through LOCUS. Due to how incoming students’ enrollment times are set up, the waitlist function does not work. You should NOT put yourself on the waitlist for the fall 23 semester. You will be able to utilize this function when available for all future semesters.
Remember: You have another seven semesters to get into a particular class or to take a particular instructor. The most important thing is to get into the classes you NEED for your academic plans.
How can I change my schedule after I enroll?
How do I make sure I receive the correct course credit for my AP/IB/Cambridge/CLEP test scores, and/or dual credit from high school?
First and foremost, be sure to include all of your AP/IB tests and scores (if known), as well as any possible transfer courses you took while in high school on your advising intake sheet. When sharing what courses you have taken for college credits, please be sure to include the subject, course number as it is listed on your transcript, and where the course was taken (e.g. ENG 101 at Loyola University Chicago). If you forget to include something, respond to the email that you receive with your registration instructions to let the advisors know. Having information on what you may be getting credit for will assist our advisors when they are reviewing your schedule after your registration closes before you attend orientation, and once again in August prior to the start of the semester. It is just as important to us as it likely is to you that you don’t take a class that you don’t need. So having all of your information is very important.
You can find what AP/IB scores we accept here. For transfer credits, you can utilize MyList to see if we already have an articulation for the course(s) you have taken. Please note if you don’t see the course you took on MyList it doesn’t mean that we won’t accept the credits, it typically means that nobody has attempted to transfer that particular course to Loyola, and an advisor will assist you with getting that information.
Students are encouraged to confirm that their test scores and final transcripts were requested to be sent to Loyola prior to orientation.
What are important dates to understand about the academic calendar?
What is a credit hour?
What is the core curriculum?
The University Core is a curriculum that all undergraduate students must complete. It is designed to expand student's understanding of themselves and the world, to reinforce the development of skills, and to integrate essential values. The University Core consists of ten different knowledge areas and 16 total courses. Undergraduate students will complete these requirements through their time at Loyola University Chicago. Depending on your planned major or minor, you may be waived from completing some of the knowledge areas.
What should I do when I receive an error message while trying to enroll in a class?
What type of courses will LUC students complete in while earning their degree?
Loyola University Chicago graduates receive a Liberal Arts education, which simply means that they take courses in many different disciplines in order to become a more well-rounded person and life-long learner. All students will graduate with at least 120 credit hours, this is accomplished by completing the Core Curriculum; college/school degree requirements (e.g. foreign language, writing intensives, etc.); major requirements; and minor requirements and/or general electives if necessary.
You will learn more about your specific degree requirements when you learn how to create an academic plan in your UNIV 101, First Year Seminar Course. Students are encouraged to check-in with their advisor regularly to review their academic plans.
Which University Core classes should I take first?
Any of the Core areas recommended for your major in the registration guide you received in your registration email are appropriate for your first semester. It will likely come down to class availability and preference as to what you end up taking your first semester. We recommend that students prioritize enrolling in the recommended major courses since they may have a larger impact on your ability to complete your major requirements in a timely manner. Because you will likely be taking Core throughout your four years, you have much more flexibility as to when you take any particular area. Most areas of Core have a foundational and a Tier II requirement (the exception is Ethics and Artistic Core – students just take one course from this area to fulfill the requirement). A foundational Core class is not “easier” than at Tier II course, it is just broader in what it covers. For example: HIST 104: Global History Since 1500 is a Foundational Historical Core class. HIST 211: The United States to 1865 is a Tier II Historical Core class. Foundational core provides a broader perspective of the knowledge area, and Tier II has a narrower focus. When picking Core, if the knowledge area has a foundational and tier II option, the student needs to complete the foundational Core requirement first. For more information about the Core and to see what courses fulfill the various areas, click here
Academic Support
How can I add a minor?
For your fall registration, we want you to focus on enrolling in the courses you need for your major and that will fulfill your Core. Most minors are small enough where they can still be completed even if they are started a year or two into a student’s academic career. When you come to campus in the fall, you can talk to your academic advisor about declaring a minor. In UNIV 101, you will learn how to create an academic plan and how to incorporate all of your academic requirements. This will allow you the opportunity to see how a minor might fit into your plans and whether or not you want to officially declare it.
Minors are not necessary to declare and really should only be pursued if it is in an area of interest or passion for a student. Having one or even multiple minors does not give a student an advantage when applying to grad programs or employment.
How can I change my major?
The advising intake sheet that you will need to complete prior to coming to registration provides space for students to share if the major they want to pursue is different than the one they indicated on their application. If you have already completed that form, then you should reply to the registration email to request the change. If you decide to make the change after your registration window has closed, you can let and advisor know that the advising rotation you attend at orientation. He or she will assist you in making any necessary changes to your schedule based on your new intended major.
If you have already completed your registration and orientation experience, and it is before the second week of August, you can reply to the registration email you received prior to coming to orientation. If it is later than early August, please reach out to so that we can connect you with an advisor who can assist you.
What if I need advising over the summer prior to my first semester?
Most questions can be answered by utilizing our website and reviewing the registration instructions you will receive via email about a week before you come to orientation. Once you receive that email you can respond with questions; ask to Zoom with an advisor if that will be a more efficient way to address your questions; and there will be a link that will allow you to Zoom with one of our Student Registration Assistants. After you complete your registration, and come to campus for orientation, you will attend an advising rotation during your first day of orientation. However, if you find that you have an urgent matter, before you receive your registration email, or after you complete orientation, please email and we will be happy to assist you.
What is University 101 (UNIV 101) and is it required that I take it in the fall?
UNIV 101 is the mandatory, first-year seminar that all students complete their first semester at Loyola. The course is intended to help students build community with their peers; learn about the various available academic, social and spiritual resources available on campus; provide an opportunity to explore Chicago; better understand their academic requirements and map out their academic plan; and to provide an introduction to the Jesuit educational traditions. The course meets once a week and is pass/no pass. Each section is taught by a professional staff member, as well as a Peer Advisor: A current undergrad, who provides a student perspective and additional support. To learn more about the course, including “Magis” sections, please review the UNIV 101 page on the New Student Program’s website.
Helpful Videos
AP & IB Credit Guidelines
Dual Credit Guidelines
Math Placement Guidelines
Seven Tips for a Successful Registration Week
Writing Placement Assessment Guidelines
Click each link below to view more videos: