Stories & News

Le Jeu d’Adam et Eva
On April 24, MSTU student Nate Ferguson directed fellow students in the 12th century “Play of Adam and Eve”, to explore the way medieval people expressed the relationship between humans and the supernatural.

Going medieval on exam stress
The participants in HIST 329 Medieval England took to the East Quad this morning to work off some exam week stress. We played Kubb, the (quasi)-medieval lawn game (very similar games are recorded, so who’s to say this one wasn’t played?).

A “Taste of Medieval England” included mac and cheese, pretzels, and cheesecake – who knew?
We found out as we researched material culture in Medieval England (HIST 329). Using cookbooks from fourteenth-century England and France, we created a menu such as might have been enjoyed at the abbot’s table of a fairly unreformed Benedictine monastery: no meat, but plenty of cheese and eggs. (No beer or wine, of course, per University regulations… )