Commuter Student Orientations
Students with an approved housing exemption or those with an exemption currently in process are eligible to attend one of the 1-day, commuter student orientations on either June 11 or July 2. These two sessions do not have an overnight stay requirement associated with orientation.
Check back later this spring for a sample schedule for Commuter Student Orientation.
Students and parents/guests will receive detailed schedules at check-in. Students are expected to participate in the full program. Please plan your arrival to, and departure from, campus, accordingly. Sessions for parents and guests are optional.
Students with an approved housing exemption or those with an exemption currently in process are eligible to attend one of the 1-day, commuter student orientations on either June 11 or July 2. These two sessions do not have an overnight stay requirement associated with orientation.
Check back later this spring for a sample schedule for Commuter Student Orientation.
Students and parents/guests will receive detailed schedules at check-in. Students are expected to participate in the full program. Please plan your arrival to, and departure from, campus, accordingly. Sessions for parents and guests are optional.