
On-Campus Interviews (OCIs) are an efficient way to conduct first-round interviews with Quinlan business students. Business Career Services can assist you with your travel questions, requests, and scheduling needs. Employers have the option between in-person and virtual OCIs.

To reserve a schedule for interviews, please register as an Employer on Handshake, post the relevant position(s) and create an event request for on-campus interviews. If you have any questions, please contact careercenter@LUCedu. There is no fee to reserve interview schedules.

FAQs about Loyola's OCI Program

On-Campus Interviewing Seasons

You can recruit and interview undergraduate and graduate students throughout the academic year.

Fall Season

September to November

Spring Season

February to April


In order to participate in the On-Campus Interviewing Program, employers must:

  • Have an approved Handshake account
  • Post an available internship or full-time job on Handshake

Employer Guidelines

Please refer to NACE’s Principles for Ethical Professional Practice.

NACE’s principles provide everyone involved in the career development and employment process with two basic precepts: maintain a recruitment process that is fair and equitable, and support informed and responsible decision making by candidates.

Reporting Job Offers

We encourage employers who participate in on-campus interviewing to report salary data and job offers extended to Loyola students. Please see the US Department of Education's College Affordability and Transparency Center’s College Scorecard.