Student Academic Services

Student Academic Services
Student Academic Services (SAS) is home to a diverse group of departments that provide academic support, resources, and guidance to students throughout their time at Loyola. Learn More
News and Stories
First and Second Year Advising
First and Second Year Advising serves the academic advising and support needs of undergraduate students at Loyola through the first two years of their college experience. We provide students with academic advising services and referrals to our university partners that contribute to a successful transition from high school to college and to our students’ holistic development.
VisitNew Student Programs
New Student Programs aims to create a seamless and integrated first-year experience that serves all students, but also tailors the experience to meet individual student and family needs.
VisitScholars Programs
In partnership with our students, the Scholars Programs team will focus on persistence, scholarship retention, and academic success. As students navigate their transition and continuum experiences, our goal is to provide tailored advising, wraparound support, and attainment-based programming.
Academic Concern Referrals
Concerned about a student? Please follow this link to submit academic-related concerns.
CURA Network
As a centralized website for reporting student concerns, the CURA Network, led by the Office of the Dean of Students (DOS), provides support, coordination, case management, and resource referrals for student concerns across the university.
VisitFind a Job
Looking for a job or internship? Handshake provides a timely, one-stop shop for job postings, career fairs, events and workshops. Handshake also allows you to schedule your next Career Advising appointment!
Learn MoreGet Help in an Emergency

Campus Safety
If there is an imminent threat to anyone's personal safety or if there is an emergency in progress, please call Campus Safety at 773.508.7233. VISIT
Our Events
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
AEP Career Bootcamp Event
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Hope Chicago Spread the Love Event
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
LSP February Colloquium
View Full Calendar

The Kettle
The Kettle centralizes student resources and news in one place. Bookmark it today! VISIT