

Medicine (MED)

Dept. Contact Maureen Flaherty
Location SSOM Rm. 300
Phone 708-216-5319
Email mflaherty@luc.edu


Department: Medicine 
Course Number: MED-462 
Course Title: Clinical Allergy/Immunology 
No. of Students: 4
Site: LUMC 
Supervisor: Baltazar Espiritu, M.D.  
Duration: 2.0 weeks 
Periods Offered: Year round 
Prerequisite: Available to third and fourth year students.
Special Note:

Student MUST participate in one P.M. clinic: Wednesday, 3-7pm  

On the first day of the rotation, report at 1pm to Outpatient Center on the 3rd Floor. Outpatient telephone number is 708.216.0160.


1. Overview of the immune system
2. Allergic emergencies
3. The allergy history and physical diagnosis
4. Airbourne and environmental allergens
5. Allergic and non-allergic asthma
6. Allergies of the upper respiratory tract, ears and eyes 
7. Allergic diseases of the skin 
8. Urticaria and angioedema
9. Anaphylaxis
10. Insect allergy
11. Drug allergy
12. Food allergy
13. Common clinical manifestations of immunodeficiency
14. Basic principles of therapy for allergic disease
15. When to refer and when not to refer
16. Immunizations and immunotherapy

The educational resources (review articles, recorded lectures, sample cases, review questions) related to this elective are available from the SSOM Moodle site at http//:moodle.luhs.org/ - Allergy/Immunology. The above subjects will be reviewed in clinic. The objectives are student recognition of allergic symptoms and signs in a primary care setting and well thought-out decisions regarding when and which to treat and when and which to refer to an allergist. In addition, the student should be able to recognize signs and symptoms of primary immunodeficiency diseases, understand basic laboratory evaluation and general treatment concepts.

Method of Evaluation:

Student participation in patient oriented discussion of assigned reading material will be ungraded and is intended to cue the student into his grasp of practical application. Students will present a short discussion on a subject of their choice at the conclusion of the elective. They may also be asked to participate and present at the journal clubs.

As of 09-10 academic year, grading for this elective is Pass/Fail only.

Dept. Contact Elizabeth (Liz) Lopez
Location LUH - North Entrance 3611
Phone 708-216-6560
Email elizabeth.lopez@luhs.org


Department: Anesthesiology 
Course Number: ANES-301 
Course Title: Clinical Anesthesia for M3s
No. of Students: 2
Site: LUMC 
Supervisor: Eric Pedone, MD  
Duration: 4.0 weeks 
Periods Offered: All Year 
Prerequisite: None.
Special Note:  

The purpose of this two week M3 elective course is to allow M3s to learn basic anesthesia principles while gaining exposure to and exploring the possibility of a career in anesthesiology and perioperative medicine.



Medical Knowledge:

  • Understand and discuss the science, pharmacology, and physiology of commonly used anesthetic agents.
  • Formulate anesthetic plan for various surgical procedures.
  • Recognize the impact different medical conditions and comorbidities have on anesthetic management.


Patient Care:

  • Obtain focused H&P for patients undergoing anesthetics.
  • Integrate relevant findings on H&P, labs, and imaging into anesthetic plan.
  • Perform basic room setup, including anesthesia machine check and appropriate airway setup.
  • Successfully perform basic procedures such as airway management and obtaining vascular access.
  • Manage commonly encountered issues/problems that arise during anesthetic care, including preoperative and postoperative management.


Professionalism, Communication Skills, and Interprofessional Collaboration:

  • Display behaviors that foster and warrant patient and provider trust in the anesthesiologist.
  • Communicate effectively with patients and successfully collaborate with all members of the multidisciplinary care team.
  • Advocate for patients' interests and safety when assuming care.


Practice Based Learning and Improvement:

  • Research and review textbooks and relevant literature on anesthesia topics related to patients encountered on the clerkship
  • Recognize areas of knowledge and skills that could be improved and develop goals for self-improvement


Method of Evaluation:

Evaluation structure will be based on H/HP/P/F.

Student performance will be assessed by daily evaluations from DAPOM faculty, as well completion of daily assignments covering basic anesthesia topics.  Grades will be weighted as follows:

  • Attendance and clinical evaluations: 60%
  • Daily reading and written assignments: 30%
  • End of clerkship examination: 10%

Mid-course feedback will occur at the end of week 1 via meeting with a clerkship or program director.

Dept. Contact Maureen Flaherty
Location SSOM Rm. 300
Phone 708-216-5319
Email mflaherty@luc.edu


Department: Medicine 
Course Number: MED-462 
Course Title: Clinical Allergy/Immunology 
No. of Students: 4
Site: LUMC 
Supervisor: Baltazar Espiritu, M.D.  
Duration: 2.0 weeks 
Periods Offered: Year round 
Prerequisite: Available to third and fourth year students.
Special Note:

Student MUST participate in one P.M. clinic: Wednesday, 3-7pm  

On the first day of the rotation, report at 1pm to Outpatient Center on the 3rd Floor. Outpatient telephone number is 708.216.0160.


1. Overview of the immune system
2. Allergic emergencies
3. The allergy history and physical diagnosis
4. Airbourne and environmental allergens
5. Allergic and non-allergic asthma
6. Allergies of the upper respiratory tract, ears and eyes 
7. Allergic diseases of the skin 
8. Urticaria and angioedema
9. Anaphylaxis
10. Insect allergy
11. Drug allergy
12. Food allergy
13. Common clinical manifestations of immunodeficiency
14. Basic principles of therapy for allergic disease
15. When to refer and when not to refer
16. Immunizations and immunotherapy

The educational resources (review articles, recorded lectures, sample cases, review questions) related to this elective are available from the SSOM Moodle site at http//:moodle.luhs.org/ - Allergy/Immunology. The above subjects will be reviewed in clinic. The objectives are student recognition of allergic symptoms and signs in a primary care setting and well thought-out decisions regarding when and which to treat and when and which to refer to an allergist. In addition, the student should be able to recognize signs and symptoms of primary immunodeficiency diseases, understand basic laboratory evaluation and general treatment concepts.

Method of Evaluation:

Student participation in patient oriented discussion of assigned reading material will be ungraded and is intended to cue the student into his grasp of practical application. Students will present a short discussion on a subject of their choice at the conclusion of the elective. They may also be asked to participate and present at the journal clubs.

As of 09-10 academic year, grading for this elective is Pass/Fail only.

Dept. Contact Elizabeth (Liz) Lopez
Location LUH - North Entrance 3611
Phone 708-216-6560
Email elizabeth.lopez@luhs.org


Department: Anesthesiology 
Course Number: ANES-301 
Course Title: Clinical Anesthesia for M3s
No. of Students: 2
Site: LUMC 
Supervisor: Eric Pedone, MD  
Duration: 4.0 weeks 
Periods Offered: All Year 
Prerequisite: None.
Special Note:  

The purpose of this two week M3 elective course is to allow M3s to learn basic anesthesia principles while gaining exposure to and exploring the possibility of a career in anesthesiology and perioperative medicine.



Medical Knowledge:

  • Understand and discuss the science, pharmacology, and physiology of commonly used anesthetic agents.
  • Formulate anesthetic plan for various surgical procedures.
  • Recognize the impact different medical conditions and comorbidities have on anesthetic management.


Patient Care:

  • Obtain focused H&P for patients undergoing anesthetics.
  • Integrate relevant findings on H&P, labs, and imaging into anesthetic plan.
  • Perform basic room setup, including anesthesia machine check and appropriate airway setup.
  • Successfully perform basic procedures such as airway management and obtaining vascular access.
  • Manage commonly encountered issues/problems that arise during anesthetic care, including preoperative and postoperative management.


Professionalism, Communication Skills, and Interprofessional Collaboration:

  • Display behaviors that foster and warrant patient and provider trust in the anesthesiologist.
  • Communicate effectively with patients and successfully collaborate with all members of the multidisciplinary care team.
  • Advocate for patients' interests and safety when assuming care.


Practice Based Learning and Improvement:

  • Research and review textbooks and relevant literature on anesthesia topics related to patients encountered on the clerkship
  • Recognize areas of knowledge and skills that could be improved and develop goals for self-improvement


Method of Evaluation:

Evaluation structure will be based on H/HP/P/F.

Student performance will be assessed by daily evaluations from DAPOM faculty, as well completion of daily assignments covering basic anesthesia topics.  Grades will be weighted as follows:

  • Attendance and clinical evaluations: 60%
  • Daily reading and written assignments: 30%
  • End of clerkship examination: 10%

Mid-course feedback will occur at the end of week 1 via meeting with a clerkship or program director.