Loyola University Chicago logo Loyola University Chicago Housed in the Loyola Business Leadership Hub Baumhart Center for Social Enterprise & Responsibility

Myla Skinner

Chief of Staff, OneGoal<br>Founder and Managing Partner, Quarter Five

Myla is the Chief of Staff at OneGoal and the founder and managing partner of Quarter Five (Q5). After working in and across non-profits in Chicago for the last 15 years, Myla saw a gap in how organizations were managing change, specifically related to DEI efforts. Organizations were either avoiding the conversation entirely or were only addressing it through small shifts. When asking organizations what they need to better navigate change efforts like DEI and care for their people along the way the consistent answer was always “time”. Businesses would tell Myla, “I don’t have enough time to do this work.” Thus, was born Quarter Five. Myla believes that the way we win at DEI is by not calling each other out, but instead, ‘calling each other in with love.’

Myla does work and leads with a constant, consistent and unwavering belief in the power of love and how it can transform how we live, work and do business. She unapologetically uses love as a lens and filter for engaging with partners she is honored to do work alongside. Myla uses her core value of love to anchor all her work and she has a resolute commitment to respect, equity, thoughtfulness and intentionality."

Chief of Staff, OneGoal
Founder and Managing Partner, Quarter Five

Myla is the Chief of Staff at OneGoal and the founder and managing partner of Quarter Five (Q5). After working in and across non-profits in Chicago for the last 15 years, Myla saw a gap in how organizations were managing change, specifically related to DEI efforts. Organizations were either avoiding the conversation entirely or were only addressing it through small shifts. When asking organizations what they need to better navigate change efforts like DEI and care for their people along the way the consistent answer was always “time”. Businesses would tell Myla, “I don’t have enough time to do this work.” Thus, was born Quarter Five. Myla believes that the way we win at DEI is by not calling each other out, but instead, ‘calling each other in with love.’

Myla does work and leads with a constant, consistent and unwavering belief in the power of love and how it can transform how we live, work and do business. She unapologetically uses love as a lens and filter for engaging with partners she is honored to do work alongside. Myla uses her core value of love to anchor all her work and she has a resolute commitment to respect, equity, thoughtfulness and intentionality."