Department of Biology
Loyola University Chicago
All students must register for BIOL 511. Teaching Practicum one time to qualify for the M.S. in Biology. Students receiving a full stipend and full tuition scholarship from the Graduate School must register for BIOL 511 two times. Ideally, students will be assigned to a course taught by their thesis director, but this will not always be the case.
Until the teaching requirement is fulfilled, students must discuss potential teaching options for the upcoming semester with their thesis director. This form is to be returned to the graduate program director indicating the student and director's preference for semester(s) and course(s) for the student's teaching assignment.
Students requesting to work with an instructor other than the thesis director should discuss the issue with that faculty member in advance and have them sign this form.
Final assignments will be made by the graduate program director, graduate committee chair and department chair.
Semester: _________ Course Requested: ___________________________
Instructor of Record: ____________________________________________
Other Comments:
Student's Signature
Thesis Director's Signature
Course Instructor's Signature (if not thesis director)