Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the field, the department's faculty have earned PhDs in various disciplines: history, justice studies, law, law and society, psychology, political science, sociology, social psychology, and social work. Their varied backgrounds add diversity and strength to the department and provide students with different insights and perspectives. Quite naturally, the research interests of the faculty have been shaped by their specific academic training and work experiences.
In addition to their academic training, the criminal justice and criminology faculty has extensive administrative and research experience within the justice system. The faculty are involved currently in a number of research activities supported through federal, state, and local grants. These grants provide research opportunities and financial support to graduate students in the department. In addition, many of the faculty serve in advisory capacities to various criminal justice, social service and community-based organizations, which facilitate students’ access to internship opportunities.
Full-Time Faculty
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Chris Donner, PhD | Associate Professor and Chairperson |
Mundelein Center, Room 818 | 773.508.8456 cdonner@luc.edu |
Zhandarka Kurti, PhD | Assistant Professor | Mundelein Center, Room 807B | 773.508.8525 zkurti@luc.edu |
Arthur J. Lurigio, PhD | Professor and Associate Dean | Mundelein Center, 819 | 773.508.8893 alurigi@luc.edu |
David E. Olson, PhD | Professor Co-Director, Center for Criminal Justice |
Mundelein Center, Room 811 | 773.508.8594 dolson1@luc.edu |
Damon M. Petrich, PhD | Assistant Professor | Mundelein Center, Room 807D | 773.508.8596 dpetrich@luc.edu |
Maribeth Rezey, PhD | Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director | Mundelein Center, Room 805A | 773.508.8375 mrezey@luc.edu |
Michael J. Schumacher, PhD | Lecturer | Mundelein Center, Room 807A | 773.508.8649 mschumacher2@luc.edu |
Loretta Stalans, PhD | Professor Director, Psychology of Crime and Justice Minor |
Coffey Hall, 444 | 773.508.8368 lstalan@luc.edu |
Don Stemen, PhD | Professor Director, Sociolegal Studies Minor Co-Director, Center for Criminal Justice |
Mundelein Center, Room 811 | 773.508.8505 dstemen@luc.edu |
J. Michael Vecchio, PhD | Lecturer | Mundelein Center, Room 805D | 773.508.8892 jvecchio@luc.edu |
William C. Watkins, PhD | Advanced Lecturer, Undergraduate Program Director and Internship Director | Mundelein Center, Room 805C | 773.508.8864 wwatkins@luc.edu |
Elizabeth Webster, PhD | Associate Professor | Mundelein Center, Room 807C | 773.508.8631 ewebster1@luc.edu |
Part-Time Faculty
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Keith Atterberry | Part-Time Instructor | Mundelein Center, Room 805B | 773.508.8891 katterberry@luc.edu |
Jordan Boulger | Part-Time Instructor | Mundelein Center, Room 805B | 773.508.8891 jboulge@luc.edu |
Torey Cohen-Boseman | Part-Time Instructor | Mundelein Center, Room 805B | 773.508.8891 tcohenboseman@luc.edu |
Lily Gleicher | Part-Time Instructor | Mundelein Center, Room 805B | 773.508.8891 lgleicher@luc.edu |
J. Patrick Griffin, JD | Deputy Director of Policy and Communications, Center for Criminal Justice | Mundelein Center, Room 811 | 773.508.8891 jgriffin4@luc.edu |
Stéphanie Jean-Baptiste, PhD | Part-Time Instructor | Mundelein Center, Room 805B | 773.508.8891 sjeanbaptiste@luc.edu |
Bree Yoo-Sun Jeong McLuen | Part-Time Instructor | Mundelein Center, Room 805B | 773.508.8891 bmcluen@luc.edu |
Edward Mogul, JD | Part-Time Instructor | Mundelein Center, Room 805B | 773.508.8891 emogul@luc.edu |
Rafael Moreno | Part-Time Instructor | Mundelein Center, Room 805B | 773.508.8891 rmoreno8@luc.edu |
Melissa Parise-Spooner | Part-Time Instructor | Mundelein Center, Room 805B | 773.508.8891 mparise1@luc.edu |
Gregory Prestipino | Part-Time Instructor | Mundelein Center, Room 805B | 773.508.8891 gpresti@luc.edu |
Joseph Simpson | Part-Time Instructor | Mundelein Center, Room 805B | 773.508.8891 jsimpson11@luc.edu |
John Specker | Part-Time Instructor | Mundelein Center, Room 805 | 773.508-8891 jspecker@luc.edu |
Emeriti Faculty
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Jona Goldschmidt, JD, PhD, LLM | Professor Emeritus | 773.508.8891 (Dept.)
773.793.8470 (Mobile) jgoldsc@luc.edu |
Robert Lombardo, PhD | Professor Emeritus | Mundelein Center, Room 805B | 773.508.8891 rlombar@luc.edu |