Assessment Resources
Assessment vs. Evaluation
Authentic/Performance Assessment
- Authentic Assessment Toolbox: Portfolios (Jon Mueller, North Central College)
- Overview of ePortfolios (Loyola University Chicago Center for Experiential Learning)
- Authentic Assessment Resources (Compiled by University of Wisconsin-Stout)
- Create an Online Rubric (iRubric)
- Authentic Assessment Toolbox: Rubrics (Jon Mueller, North Central College)
- Repository of Rubrics on Various Topics (Compiled by DePaul University)
- Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) VALUE Rubrics
General Assessment Information
- 9 Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning
- Assessment tools (Carleton College)
- Internet Resources for Higher Education Outcomes Assessment (Assessment Commons)
- National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA)
Instrument Banks
- Affective Assessment (STEM-focus) (Carleton College)
- Measuring Quality in Higher Education (AIR, ACE, and NILOA)
- Open-source Quizzes, Tests, and Tools (MERLOT)
Learning Outcomes
- Helpful Resources for Writing Measurable Learning Outcomes (University of North Florida)
- Writing Learning Outcomes (American Association of Law Libraries)