Ignatian Pedagogy Resources
This area of the website contains additional readings and materials about Ignatian Pedagogy. Some of the materials are designed by FCIP staff and LUC instructors. Other materials are from journals.
Jesuit phrases representing Loyola values - This resource describes Jesuit phrases that corresponds to Loyola values. In order to embed your learning experience with Loyola values, it is important to understand how those values are being conceptualized.
Common phrases in Jesuit education
Advancing the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm - This short video from Xavier University gives examples of how to think about using the IPP in your classroom.
Magis Instructional Design Model for Transformative Teaching - This article talks about the intersections of IP with other theories of learning and instructional design approaches. The author walks the reader through how to think about embedding IP into the design of a course or learning experience.
Weaving IP into Your Course Objectives - This document, created by Julia Pryce and former FCIP director Carol Scheidenhelm, helps you think through how your learning objectives can incorporate dimensions of Ignatian Pedagogy and tie to Bloom's Taxonomy.
Ignatian Pedagogy Educational Resources - LUC IP Certificate alums share how they use Ignatian Pedagogy in teaching and course design.
Ignatian Pedagogy in the Classroom - This resource guide gives examples of how to use the IPP in different areas of your course. For example, what are some activities or assignments to use to make the context dimension of the IPP come to life in your classroom?
Collection of Teaching Statements from LUC Faculty - Several winners, finalists, and runners up for the St. Ignatius of Loyola Award for Teaching Excellence have generously agreed to share their teaching statements on FCIP’s website. Peruse these statements to see examples of how these faculty members, recognized by their students and colleagues for their teaching excellence, use activities inspired by Ignatian Pedagogy or think about Ignatian Pedagogy in their teaching.
Julia Pryce (runner up, 2021-2022), School of Social Work: Bio Statement
Michael Burns (runner up, 2021-2022), Department of Biology: Bio Statement
Betsy Jones Hemenway (finalist, 2021-2022), Department of History: Bio Statement
Regina Conway-Phillips (runner up, 2020-2021), School of Nursing: Bio Statement
Ruth Gomberg-Munoz (finalist, 2020-2021), Department of Anthropology: Bio Statement
Leanna Boychenko, Department of Classical Studies: Bio Statement
See the following page for resources on integrating sustainability into your course curriculum: Sustainability Resources
Difficult Dialogues Resources - This guide contains a compilation of resources designed to help instructors facilitate dialogues about controversial, sensitive, or otherwise difficult topics in the classroom.
Managing Difficult Dialogues Seminar Recording - This seminar discusses strategies for instructors to navigate difficult dialogues before, during, and after class.
Difficult Dialogues Seminar Slides
3 Ways to Address the Ongoing Violence in Gaza - FCIP's Faculty Scholar in Civil Academic Discourse Patty Lamberti shares three ways to address the ongoing violence in the Gaza region and throughout the Middle East with your students.
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