Old Files
Spring 2017 Online Teaching Course
Registration is now open for the Spring 2017 Online Teaching Course. Find the registration form by clicking on the registration link. Open to any Loyola faculty member, instructor, adjunct or teaching graduate student, the seven-unit training course covers the pedagogy and best practices of teaching and learning online.
LEARN MORELoyola Op-Ed Project
Loyola University Chicago is now accepting applications for the “Loyola University Chicago Public Voices Greenhouse,” a prestigious new program to dramatically increase the public impact of our nation’s top underrepresented thought leaders. The Public Voices Greenhouse will provide a select and diverse cohort of 15-20 selected fellows with extraordinary resources, skills and support over the course of three months (late January-April), to ensure their ideas shape not only the work in their field, but also the greater public conversations of our age.
LEARN MOREI am very pleased to announce the inauguration of the Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy, a center to promote excellence in teaching and learning. As described in Loyola’s Transformative Education in the Jesuit Tradition document, Ignatian pedagogy seeks to challenge student learners to appropriate their own process of knowing through collaborative learning, engaging experiences, reflective analysis, and understanding oneself. By assisting faculty to become teacher-scholars through Ignatian Pedagogy, the faculty contribute to the development of students as knowledgeable, well-skilled, and ethically responsible leaders for careers, community, and the world.
In my judgment, most of Loyola’s faculty are already practitioners of Ignatian pedagogy, even if what they do is not ordinarily described in these terms. Through the new Faculty Center, however, faculty will have more professional opportunities created intentionally to support the teaching craft, along with more opportunities to engage one another in conversations about the science and art of effective teaching and student learning.
Leading the Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy are Co-Directors Nancy Tuchman, Ph.D., Vice Provost and Professor of Biology, and Carol Scheidenhelm, Ph.D., who has served as Director of the Center for Learning Technologies and Assessment (LTA) for the past five years. Their work will be supported by current staff in the LTA office, other faculty administrators and, in time, a faculty Advisory Board to the Center. Among the consulting services in development are integrating mission into teaching, effective practices for technology in teaching and learning, pedagogical and technology support for online learning, development of effective collaborative and engaged learning environments, assessment of student learning, and many others.
A center dedicated to the promotion of excellence in teaching and learning will only flourish with the help of your ideas, advice and creativity, and it is a key goal of the Center to involve Loyola faculty in the sharing of teaching and learning strategies throughout the coming year. I know that I am joined by Drs. Tuchman and Scheidenhelm in inviting you to share with them your teaching skills and ideas at facultycenter@luc.edu, by visiting the Center’s offices at the Lake Shore Campus in the Granada Center, Suite 400, or by visiting their website at http://www.luc.edu/facultycenter/.
Public Voices Thought Leaders Fellowship - Application Deadline EXTENDED
Loyola University Chicago is now accepting applications for the “Loyola University Chicago Public Voices Greenhouse,” a prestigious program to dramatically increase the public impact of our nation’s top underrepresented thought leaders. The Public Voices Greenhouse will provide a select and diverse cohort of 15-20 selected fellows with extraordinary resources, skills and support over the course of three months (February-April), to ensure their ideas shape not only the work in their field, but also the greater public conversations of our age. The deadline to submit applications is Monday, December 4, 2017.
The FCIP Online Teaching Course (OTC)
The FCIP Online Teaching Course (OTC) is a fully online six-week program open to any Loyola faculty member, instructor, adjunct, staff or teaching graduate student. OTC is designed to provide you with the experience of being an online student while learning strategies for online teaching and course design.
Recognizing Excellence: Chris Murphy
The Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy is inaugurating a feature designed to recognize faculty and staff who go above and beyond their official responsibilities in serving the Loyola community. The fourth recipient of “Recognizing Excellence” is Chris Murphy.
Register Now for Focus on Teaching and Learning
Join us Thursday, August 16, 2018 on the Lakeshore Campus for Focus on Teaching and Learning. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Kate McConnell, Senior Director of Research and Assessment with the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU). She will be talking with us about valuing student learning in an age of accountability and will also provide a workshop during one of the breakout sessions.

Recognizing Excellence
Recognizing Excellence: Chris Murphy
The Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy is inaugurating a feature designed to recognize faculty and staff who go above and beyond their official responsibilities in serving the Loyola community. The fourth recipient of “Recognizing Excellence” is Chris Murphy. Interview and write up by Kerry Snider Student Worker, Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy
A note from the retiring director:
The past 12 years have gone by too quickly! As I pack my office and walk out the door for the last time, I want to reflect briefly on the joy that this opportunity has afforded me. Thank you, all, for your efforts in attending programs and workshops and taking an active role in the mission of teaching and learning. Thank you to the FCIP staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure that the Center functions effectively and programming is relevant. Thank you to Dr. Nancy Tuchman who worked with the Center in the early days as co-director; to Dr. Julia Pryce for her years with us as part-time associate director; to Fr. Jose Mesa and Dr. Ann Marie Ryan for their guidance as faculty fellows for the Center. And to Dr. John Pelissero who had the confidence in me to hire me in the first place. I will miss you all and know FCIP will continue to thrive because of the great people who ensure that teaching is a priority.
Carol Scheidenhelm

Loyola's Teaching & Learning Community
Come join the new Loyola Teaching and Learning Community open to any faculty, staff, or graduate students who teach or develop curriculum. Communities like these meet regularly to discuss scholarly research about teaching and teaching practices and to exchange ideas with colleagues across the university.

Pamela Caughie
For the thirteenth FCIP Spotlight, we recognize Pamela Caughie, Professor, Department of English
READ MOREAlice B. Hayes Award for Advising and Mentoring
This year’s selection committee has identified two recipients of the 2018 Hayes Award for Advising and Mentoring: Dr. Minerva Ahumada and Dr. David Doherty

Spring 2019 Teaching and Learning Workshops
Learn a new teaching strategy, technique or skill at one of the Teaching & Learning workshops offered online only. Share ideas, find resources, and network with others.
Strategic Planning
FCIP is embarking on a strategic planning process to help us determine how our Center can best meet the needs of faculty and staff. We will be inviting past FCIP program participants and other constituents to discuss how they have benefited from FCIP’s services and what they would like to see FCIP do in the future.

Ignatian Pedagogy Seminars
Join our guest speakers and discuss the practical application of the 5 Domains of the Ignatian Pedagogy Paradigm in your teaching. Share ideas and meet other colleagues that are teaching in the Jesuit tradition. All Sessions are also streamed online via Zoom. If you are on campus, its even nicer to see you in person.
Academic Year 2022-2023 Ignatian Pedagogy Faculty Scholar Position Description and Application Information
To support Loyola educators’ (faculty, staff, and graduate student) interest in Ignatian Pedagogy (IP), the Faculty Center for lgnatian Pedagogy (FCIP) seeks diverse candidates for an IP Faculty Scholar for the 2022-23 academic year.

Sustainability and Curriculum Design Resources
Review Faculty Scholar Amy Wilkinson's robust set of resources on sustainability and curriculum design and note the connections she draws to LUC's Catholic Identity.
Learn More
2023-24 Faculty Teaching Awards Winners
Learn more about these instructors who exemplify teaching excellence at Loyola. Congratulations to our 2023-24 Faculty Teaching Awards winners!
Learn MoreCertificate Program Registration is Open!
Registration is closed for FCIP's Anti-Racist Pedagogy (ARP) Certificate Program and Ignatian Pedagogy (IP) Certificate Program, running from Fall '24 to Spring '25! Click "Read More" for more details and the registration form.
READ MORECarol Scheidenhelm, Ph.D.
Title/s: Director, Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy
Office #: Cuneo Hall 408
Phone: 773-508-7489
Email: cschei1@luc.edu
As director of the Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy, Carol strives to help provide opportunities for faculty to come together and share best practices in teaching that reflect Loyola’s founding principles. To this end, she works with departments, colleges and faculty to organize faculty development sessions on topics of interest to faculty across disciplines. The Center strives to address the needs of the faculty as identified by the faculty. The Center continues to plan programming around the importance of Ignatian pedagogy as it relates to our Jesuit educational traditions.
Carol helps direct the Center staff as they provide workshops on the pedagogical issues inherent in teaching with technology and best practices in online and blended teaching. Other services provided by the Center include assistance with effective practices for ePortfolio use in assessment and help for departments in the process of reviewing and updating their assessment planning efforts.
Carol earned a Ph.D. in English from Northern Illinois University (NIU), where she worked as Assistant Director of the Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center. She also taught online courses in English and Education for NIU. Since coming to Loyola, she has become active in both instructional design and assessment groups. She works actively with ITS and Academic Technology Services to analyze and select appropriate online technologies and with the Office of the Provost on campus-wide teaching initiatives. Carol chairs Loyola's Academic Technologies Committee, co-chairs the Copyright Committee, is a member of the Focus on Teaching and Learning planning group, and founded the Chicago Area Assessment Group (CAAG), an informal organization of university and college professionals interested in assessment.
Contact Carol for more information about the Center's Ignatian Pedagogy workshops, the online teaching course, assessment planning and reporting, or other issues relating to teaching and learning.