Selected Recent Publications
Grigorescu, Alex. Lockean Liberalism in International Relations, 2024, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Elements Series (with Claudio Katz).
Kao Jay, Xiaobo Lü, and Didac Queralt. "Do Gains in Political Representation Sweeten Tax Reform in China? It Depends on Who You Ask." Political Science Research and Methods. 2024;12(1):146-165.
Doherty, David, Raluca Pavel, Maddie Jackson, and Dana Garbarski. 2024. "Who is Interested in Participating in Participatory Budgeting?" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 24:121-144.
Vivas Bastidas, Juanita, Maria Akchurin, Dana Garbarski, and David Doherty. 2024. "How Local Perceptions Contribute to Urban Environmental Activism: Evidence from the Chicago Metropolitan Area." The Sociological Quarterly 65:38-60.
Molly Melin and Alexandru Grigorescu. “Connecting International and Domestic Dots: How Conflict Entanglement Informs Resolution and Escalation”. 2024. International Journal of Conflict Management. 35(1):4-29.
Grigorescu, Alex. Restraining power through institutions: A unifying theme for domestic and international politics, 2023, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Condon, Meghan, and Amber Wichowsky. 2023. “Economic Anxiety among Contingent Survey Workers.” Current Psychology 42:12728–1273.
Crisp, Brian F., and Patrick Cunha Silva. 2023. “The Role of District Magnitude in When Women Represent Women.” British Journal of Political Science 53(3) 1061–1069.
Cunha Silva, Patrick. 2023. "District Magnitude, Electoral Coordination, and Legislative Fragmentation." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 33(3): 462-478.
Cunha Silva, Patrick. 2023. "The Effect of the Ballot in an Unranked Ballot System." Party Politics 29(1): 153-163.
DeCook, Julia R., and Jennifer Forestal. 2023. “Of Humans, Machines, and Extremism: The Role of Platforms in Facilitating Undemocratic Cognition.” American Behavioral Scientist, 67(5): 629–648.
Treul, Sarah A., and Eric R. Hansen. 2023. "Primary Barriers to Working Class Representation." Political Research Quarterly 76(3): 1516-1528.
Kao, Jay C., Amy H. Liu, and Chun-Ying Wu. 2023. “Minority Language Recognition and Political Trust in Authoritarian Regimes.” Political Research Quarterly 76(2): 622–35.
Markarian, G. Agustin. 2023. “The Impact of Police Killings on Proximal Voter Turnout.” American Politics Research 51(3): 414–430.
Melin, Molly M., and Jacob D. Kathman 2023. “Sticking it Out: Instability, Regime Type, and Troop Withdrawals from UN Peacekeeping Operations.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 40(4):398-418.
Melin, Molly M., Santiago Sosa, Andres Velez-Calle, and Ivan Montiel. 2023. “War and International Business: Insights from Political Science.” AIB Insights 23(1): 1-6.
Blajer de la Garza, Yuna. 2022. “The Meek and the Mighty: Two Models of Oppression.” European Journal of Political Theory 21(3): 491-513.
Camarena, Kara Ross. 2022. “Repatriation during Conflict: A Signaling Analysis.” World Development 158: 105960.
Demirkaya, Betül, Patrick Cunha Silva, and Brian F. Crisp. 2022. "The Logic of Campaign Spending in Mixed-Member Electoral Systems." Electoral Studies 79: 102496.
Doherty, David. 2022. "What Can Conjoint Experiments Tell Us about Americans' Abortion Attitudes?" American Politics Research 50: 147-156
Doherty, David, Conor M. Dowling, and Michael G. Miller. 2022. Small Power: How Local Parties Shape Elections. Oxford University Press.
Doherty, David, Conor M. Dowling, and Michael Miller. 2022. "Race, Crime, and the Public's Sentencing Preferences." Public Opinion Quarterly 86: 523-546.
Doherty, David and Kate Hansen. 2022. "Partisan Identities and Interpretations of Economic Data." Politics, Groups, and Identities 10: 705-714.
Navarrete, Keyla, Skky Martin, Dana Garbarski, and David Doherty. 2022. "Cook County Community Survey: A Study on Policing and Neighborhood Perceptions." Illinois Municipal Policy Journal 7: 93-112.
Forestal, Jennifer. 2022. Designing for Democracy: How to Build Community in Digital Environments. Oxford University Press.
Hansen, Eric R. 2022. "White Constituents and Congressional Voting." American Politics Research 50(4): 564-82.
Kenwick, Michael R., and Sarah Maxey. 2022. “You and Whose Army? How Civilian Leaders Leverage the Military’s Prestige to Shape Public Opinion.” Journal of Politics 84(4): 1963-78.
Maboudi, Tofigh. 2022. The “Fall” of the Arab Spring: Democracy’s Challenges and Efforts to Reconstitute the Middle East. Cambridge University Press.
Maboudi, Tofigh and Ghazal P. Nadi. 2022. “From Popular Participation to Constitutional Legitimacy: Evidence from Tunisia.” Political Research Quarterly 75(2): 441-57.
Maboudi, Tofigh, Ghazal P. Nadi, and Todd Eisenstadt. 2023. “Render unto Caesar Just a Little Bit Longer: The Relationship between Constitutional Reforms and Executive Survival.” Government and Opposition, 58(3), 576-597.
Maxey, Sarah. 2022. “Finding the Water’s Edge: When Negative Partisanship Influences Foreign Policy Attitudes.” International Politics 59(5): 802-826.
O’Brochta, William, and Patrick Cunha Silva. 2022."Signaling Democratic Progress through Electoral System Reform in Post-Communist States." Political Research Quarterly 75(4): 1037-1050.
Ang, Milena, and Yuna Blajer de la Garza. 2021. "Vulnerability, Due Process, and Reform in Modern Mexico." Constitutional Political Economy 32: 346-75.
Avdeyeva, Olga A., and Richard E. Matland. 2021. "Gender-Trait and Ethnic Biases in Russian Regions: Ethnic Integration, Regional Economics, and Women in Local Politics." Politics & Gender 17(4): 720-45.
Avdeyeva, Olga, and Molly Melin. 2021. "International Socialization, International Politics, and the Spread of State Bureaucracies for Women's Advancement." Journal of Human Rights 20(4): 396-413.
Doherty, David, Conor M. Dowling, and Michael G. Miller. 2021. "The Conditional Effect of Local Party Organization Activity on Federal Election Outcomes." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. 31:368-387.
Forestal, Jennifer. 2021. “Beyond Gatekeeping: Propaganda, Democracy, and the Organization of Digital Publics” Journal of Politics (83)1: 306-32.
Forestal, Jennifer. 2021. “Constructing Digital Democracies: Facebook, Arendt, and the Politics of Design” Political Studies (69)1: 26-44.
Hansen, Eric R., and Joshua Jansa. 2021. “Complexity, Resources, and Text Borrowing in State Legislatures.” Journal of Public Policy 41(4): 752-775.
Hansen, Eric. R., and Sarah A. Treul. 2021. "Inexperienced or Anti-Establishment? Voter Preferences for Outsider Congressional Candidates." Research & Politics 8(3).
Hansen, Eric R. and Andrew Tyner. 2021. "Educational Attainment and Social Norms of Voting." Political Behavior 43(2): 711-35.
Kao, Jay C. 2021. "Family Matters: Education and the (Conditional) Effect of State Indoctrination in China." Public Opinion Quarterly 85(1): 54–78.
Maxey, Sarah. 2021. "Limited Spin: When the Public Punishes Leaders Who Lie about Military Action." Journal of Conflict Resolution 65(2-3): 283-312.
Melin, Molly. 2021. The Building and Breaking of Peace: Corporate Activities in Civil War Prevention and Resolution. Oxford University Press.
Melin, Molly. 2021. “The Business of Peace: Understanding Corporate Contributions to Conflict Management.” International Interactions 47(1): 107-134.
Miller, William T., Christina A. Campbell, and Twyla Larnell. 2021. "Bias Detected? An Examination of Criminal History Using the OYAS-DIS for Girls and Black Youth." Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 19(2): 101-19.
Sanchez, Peter M., David Doherty, and Kirstie L. Dobbs. 2020. “Skin Color and System Support in Latin America.” Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics 6: 352-372.
Saraceno, Joseph, Eric R. Hansen, and Sarah A. Treul. 2021. “Reevaluating the Substantive Representation of LGB Americans: A Multiverse Analysis.” Journal of Politics 83(4): 1837-43.
Schumacher, Michael J., and Peter J. Schraeder. 2021. "Does Domestic Political Instability Foster Terrorism? Global Evidence from the Arab Spring Era (2011-14)." Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 44(3): 198-222.