
DeWitt Clinton Elementary School

Loyola University School Partners at Clinton

Clinton Elementary School became one of Loyola's school partners in 2019. In this first year, Loyola is working to identify needs that a community school could fulfill and to establish a community schools culture within the school, with the goal of developing beneficial programs for students and adults. Clinton Elementary currently offers students programs and events that help uplift the students. Programs include: art, fitness, chess, and book clubs. Clinton offers volunteer oppurtunites doing activities like planting sessions and spring cleaning activities. In every aspect of the school, uplifting the community is their goal.  

About Clinton

Mission: The Clinton School mission is to educate the whole child for college and career readiness. The Clinton School Community will enhance the academic and social emotional skills of all students, leading them to become positive contributors to a global society.

Resource Coordinator: Lor Clincy


School Website

Loyola University School Partners at Clinton

Clinton Elementary School became one of Loyola's school partners in 2019. In this first year, Loyola is working to identify needs that a community school could fulfill and to establish a community schools culture within the school, with the goal of developing beneficial programs for students and adults. Clinton Elementary currently offers students programs and events that help uplift the students. Programs include: art, fitness, chess, and book clubs. Clinton offers volunteer oppurtunites doing activities like planting sessions and spring cleaning activities. In every aspect of the school, uplifting the community is their goal.  

About Clinton

Mission: The Clinton School mission is to educate the whole child for college and career readiness. The Clinton School Community will enhance the academic and social emotional skills of all students, leading them to become positive contributors to a global society.

Resource Coordinator: Lor Clincy


School Website