Nicholas Senn High School
Nicholas Senn High School is a neighborhood public school in the Edgewater community on Chicago’s northeast side, serving 1,450 culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse students. Senn offers three academic pathways for students: International Baccalaureate (IB); SennArts; and Design & Digital Journalism. Loyola has had a formal partnership with Senn since 2012. Together we work to strengthen teaching, increase college access and success, and generate opportunities for civic engagement. Loyola has played an instrumental role in building IB instructional capacity, supporting the Design academic pathway, and launching the Digital Journalism program. One marker of success is the number of Senn students who apply (125), gain acceptance (75), and enroll (10-15) at Loyola each year. Prior to our partnership, virtually no Senn students applied to or enrolled at Loyola.