
Requesting your transcript

To obtain your official Loyola University Chicago transcript, please visit the Office of Registration and Records.

Submitting transcripts for course pre-requisites

For some summer visiting students enrolling in advanced courses, individual departments or schools may request official or unofficial transcripts to assess pre-requisite requirements. Please send either your official or unofficial transcripts to:



Department of Biology

BIOL 101 General Biology I and BIOL 102 General Biology II are co-requisites. Students may enroll in both at the same time or if enrolled in BIOL 101, they do not need a pre-requisite for BIOL 102. This is also true for labs, BIOL 111 and 112.

If a student is enrolling in BIOL 102 without BIOL 101.

Any course above BIOL 102/112.

Department of Chemistry

CHEM 101 General Chemistry A: Prerequisite: A satisfactory performance on the Loyola math proficiency test; or completion of Math 117 (College Algebra) with a grade of C- or better and pre or corequisite: Math 118 (Precalculus)

CHEM 102 General Chemistry B: Prerequisites: CHEM101 or 105 and completion of Math 118 (Precalculus) or higher with a grade of C- or better

CHEM 111   General Chemistry Laboratory A:  Prerequisites: Co or prerequisite: 101

CHEM 112   General Chemistry Laboratory B: Prerequisites: CHEM101 and 111, or 105; Co- or prerequisite: 102

CHEM 212  Elementary Quantitative Analysis: Prerequisites: College algebra; CHEM 106, or 102 and 112

CHEM 214   Elementary Quantitative Analysis Laboratory: Pre or Co-requisites: CHEM 212

CHEM 223  Organic Chemistry A: Prerequisites: CHEM 102 or 106.

CHEM 224   Organic Chemistry B: Prerequisite: CHEM 223 or equivalent

CHEM 225  Organic Chemistry Laboratory A: Co- or prerequisite: CHEM 223; Prerequisite: 112.

CHEM 226  Organic Chemistry Laboratory B: Co- or prerequisite: CHEM 224; Prerequisite: CHEM 225.

CHEM 361  Survey in Biochemistry: Prerequisite: CHEM 222 or 224

Department of Math & Statistics

MATH 161 Calculus I: Prerequisite: Math Placement Test or Math 118

MATH 162 Calculus II:  Prerequisite:  MATH 161

Department of Modern Languages & Literatures

The Department of Modern Languages & Literatures recommends only those students with no prior experience should enroll in the 101-level for any given language course. Heritage speakers and continuing or returning foreign language students should refer to the Foreign Language (FL) Placement Process located on the Modern Languages & Literatures website for further instructions on how to enroll for the appropriate courses. Please visit the following websites for information on the placement process and for information regarding the language coordinators.

Department of Physics

PHYS 111 and PHYS 112 are co-requisites. Students may enroll in both at the same time or if enrolled in PHYS 111, they do not need a pre-requisite for PHYS 112. This is also true for labs, PHYS 111L and 112L.

If a student is enrolling in PHYS 112 without PHYS 111. This is also true for labs, PHYS 111L and 112L.


Department of Psychology

Courses at the 200 level or above, including the following in-demand classes:

PSYC 304 Statistics: Prerequisite: PSYC 101

PSYC 306 Research Methods in Psychology: Prerequisite: PSYC 304




ACCT 201 Introductory Accounting I: Pre-requisite: MATH 100 and Pre or Co-requisite: MATH 117



ECON 303 Intermediate Microeconomics: Prerequisites: Sophomore standing, minimum grade of "C-" in ECON 201 and 202.

ECON 304 Intermediate Macroeconomics: Prerequisites: Sophomore standing, minimum grade of "C-" in ECON 201 and 202.



FINC 301 Introductory Business Finance: Prerequisites: Sophomore Standing and C- or better in ECON 201, ISSCM 241, ACCT 201. (ACCT 201 can be taken as co-requisite.)

FINC 334 Principles of Corporate Finance: Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and "C-" or better in ECON 201, ISSCM 241, ACCT 201, MATH 131 or MATH 161. (ACCT 201 may taken as a co-requisite.)

FINC 335 Investments: Prerequisites: Junior standing, minimum grade of "C-" in FINC 334.

FINC 346 Options: Prerequisites: Junior standing; Minimum grade of "C-" in FINC 335.



MARK 360 Retailing Management: Prerequisites: Junior standing, minimum grade of "C-" in MARK 201.



MGMT 304 Strategic Management:  Prerequisites: MGMT 201, MARK 201, FINC 332, OPMG/ISOM 332 with grades of C- or better. 

MGMT 318 Organizational Development and Change: Prerequisites: Minimum grade of "C-" in MGMT 201 or HSM 368

MGMT 341 Ethics in Business: Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MGMT 201 and ECON 202


Supply Chain Management for Business

SCMG 332 Operations Management: Prerequisite: Business Statistics or Intro to Statistics



Please submit your unofficial transcript for courses above COMM 101 Public Speaking and Critical Thinking.


Please note that some courses may not be listed. Please email summertranscripts@luc.edu if you have questions.