Modern Languages and Literatures
¡Bienvenidos! Willkommen! huānyíng! marHaba! Yookoso! Witamy!
Our department serves over 2700 students a year in twelve different languages!
The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures offers coursework in many languages. Exact offerings vary each semester, but typical courses include Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi/Urdu, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian and Spanish. We offer BA degree programs in French, Italian and Spanish, and several minors are offered in language study, while others combine language, literature, and culture.
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Our Stories
Lunar Legacy: A Post-Mid-Autumn Celebration
More than 60 Chinese language students, faculty, and staff attended the Chinese Culture Day celebrating the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival (also known as the Moon Festival) at LLRC on Oct. 24, 2024. The event was sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, the Language Learning Resource Center, and the Chinese Program.
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Don Quixote's Orchestral performance at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra A group of students from Dr. Buitrón Vera's class, Don Quijote in Visual Culture, attends the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's enchanting Don Quixote show.
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The night before their first "contrôle" (test), a dozen of students from French 101 and 104 went to the Music Box to see “La double vie de Veronique” (“The Double Life of Veronique”), directed by Krzysztof Kieślowski. They were accompanied by their instructor, Anne-Sophie Rouveloux, who organized the outing.
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Arabic, Artistry, and Bridges of Belonging in Oman
Please join the Arabic program in appreciating Giulianna’s blog, “Arabic, Artistry, and Bridges of Belonging in Oman” as she reflects upon the profound central value of art in Arabic culture(s) to foster a sense of belonging to homelands, preserve narratives across generations, and to celebrate the often-neglected collective memories of the past.
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German American Friendship Award
Professor and Director of German Studies, Dr. Reinhard Andress received the German American Friendship Award. This prestigious award is given twice per year by the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Washington, Emily Haber, in a small ceremony at the General Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Chicago.