Major/Minor Declaration
Declaring & Changing Your Major
All student-athletes must declare their major by the end of their 2nd year of enrollment or before the start of their 5th semester according to NCAA guidelines. Most student-athletes declare a major when they apply to the university. Some student-athletes keep a major declaration from the time of application through to graduation; whereas other student-athletes may end up changing their major several times before finalizing a major by their 5th semester. All changes/declaration of major must be done in collaboration with an Athletic Academic Advisor; student-athletes are not allowed to change/declare their major on their own.
Changing to a Different College/School
Student-athletes must confer with their Athletic Academic Advisor to process any changes to their major to ensure that there are no eligibility concerns. One approved, if the major you want to declare/change is in a college/school that is different from the one you are currently in; then you must fill out an internal transfer application. For example: If you are in the College of Arts and Sciences as an undecided/undeclared major, but you have now determined that you would like to major in Marketing which is in the School of Business then you must fill out an internal transfer application and email it to the College/School that you are transferring to. To access the internal transfer application Click Here.
Designated requirements by the intended college/school must be met for internal transfer consideration. Simply filling out and turning in the internal transfer application does not guarantee admittance to the College of Arts and Sciences, Schools of Business, Communication, Education, Nursing, or Social Work.
Declaring/Changing a Minor
Except for a few designated majors, declaring or even having a minor is not required for graduation. A minor field of study is useful when you are interested in a subject but not to the extent that you want to complete the major. Furthermore, there are times when students are incapable of completing the pre-requisites or requirements prescribed by the major within the traditional 8 semesters, but instead have the capability of completing the minor requirements within a reasonable time frame.
To declare a minor, please meet with an Athletic Academic Advisor.