2012-2014 Faculty Fellows
Bren Ortega Murphy
She has served in numerous leadership roles at Loyola, including Chair of Faculty Council, Chair of Communication Studies and Director of Women’s Studies. She was one of the first recipients of Loyola’s highest teaching award, the Sujack Award for Teaching Excellence. -
Asim Gangopadhyaya
I have been the chair of the Physics department from 2003 till June 30th of 2013. The freshmen projects have been elevated to become a required part of our programs, and thus both students and faculty received credits for this very labor intensive work. -
Sarah Gabel
Dr. Sarah Gabel is the Chairperson for the Department of Fine and Performing Arts. She teaches a variety of acting and directing classes as well as a Community-based Arts service learning class for the Multi-cultural Learning Living Community. -
Alexandru Grigorescu
His professional experiences in the 1990s, working as a Romanian diplomat posted at the United Nations, while pursuing a graduate degree in Political Science, convinced him of the extraordinary value of combining "hands-on" activities with academic ones. -
Daniel Amick
Dr. Daniel Amick began teaching anthropology, archaeology, and environmental sciences at Loyola University Chicago in 1995. He initiated experiential learning programs in field and lab archaeology with the help of awards from the Academic Opportunities Fund and Loyola Faculty Scholar Program.