
A grateful heart can't hold resentment

A grateful heart can

We’re slamming the door on 2020 but before we go…

Please listen to this sweet message that sums up the year. Grab tissues.

You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here

I was tempted to end the year with an Irish goodbye. We’ve been writing and talking to you nearly every other week and, like you, we are a little weary. However, the temptation to sneak out the side door is tempered by my desire to put a period on the sentence that is this year.

We were in it together

It’s been a privilege to be with you this year. Thank you for letting us walk with you, and thank you for walking with each other. You have been leaders at a time when we needed leadership. You have supported your employees, your communities, and your families. Some of you have endured hardships in your businesses and crushing losses to your families and friends. We see what you have done and are inspired by your persistence and resilience.  
We’ve been riding those waves with you all year. Our model of community was suddenly altered. We shifted and you shifted with us. Thank you for your calls and emails, and your willingness to flex with us as COVID restrictions forced our programs to move online and our events to be postponed. Your patience and support for the Family Business Center, and for one another, has kept us hopeful and energized. Like war buddies, we hope we’ll be able to swap stories about 2020 from the safe distance brought by time.

A little favor

We created a survey and I would be incredibly grateful to have your input. Your feedback will help us create the family business programs and services that will meet your needs in 2021. Take the survey.

New Horizons

If you find yourself mulling over plans for 2021, please consider what you can do to improve and advance your knowledge of family business. We have designed these unique programs for you and your family.

The Legacy Institute 
Designed to help the senior family business leader build a purposeful and meaningful third chapter. Class launches January 12 and 13.

Practical Finance and Accounting for Family Business
Designed for business-owning family members looking to improve their financial acumen and understanding of key finance and accounting practices. This virtual class meets 4 days: January 13, 14, 19 and 20.

The Governance Institute
Designed for family members who are current or prospective board members of a family business. Participants have a desire to become high functioning board members as well as a desire to develop or improve their own family business board. Class launches February 2 and 3.

The Family Business Stewardship
Designed for family business owners, shareholders, and stakeholders (including non-owner spouses and future owners) seeking the means to ensure effective stewardship of the family enterprise. Class launches March 8 and 9.

A grateful heart can’t hold resentment

As the year draws to an end, we give thanks for the gifts it brought. There have been some beautiful gifts: new babies born, heroic caregiving, time with family, and a slowing down of our world. Until we meet and speak again, may the Lord bless and keep you and bring you peace.
The Family Business Center will be closed December 19 - January 3.