
The Great Paradox

The Great Paradox

Ouch. I feel you.

This week, many of us have lifted our eyes to a horizon that we can’t see or don’t like. Hard decisions have been made and more are coming. The paradox is that our process functions are on overdrive—we are absorbing and integrating a lot of information, all while having to make fast decisions. However, to be most effective you need to invest in yourself. Rest and recharge YOU—the processor of all that information.

Here are some resources that can boost immunity and help you rest.

Family businesses in the food & beverage industry

We all know that supply chains are stressed but food and beverage companies are finding ways to support one another and stock shelves. Our friends at the Chicagoland Food and Beverage Network are keeping an updated COVID-19 page with the latest help for food and beverage businesses. If you're a family business in the food and beverage industry, or if you just want to check out what CFBN is doing to help, head over to their page.

On a lighter note, Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner! And while you may be celebrating virtually this year, I thought it would be fun to share this article for all you Sangria lovers out there, brought to you by one of our oldest Family Business Center members.

Programs to support you next week

Our own COVID-19 support page is regularly updated with resources, recordings from past webinars, newsletters with embedded links, and future offerings. Be sure to tune-in next Wednesday, May 6 for Mitigating Your Business Risk featuring Jim Martin of Cendrowski Corp. Advisors.

It’s time to turn the page to May. April was a bear but you made it! As you prepare for the month ahead remember the great paradox: you have rest to be ready. Take care and stay strong. And please call or write if you need help or have questions. We are here to help.