Loyola University Chicago

Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy

Required Materials if Nominated

Award nominees will receive thorough instructions for submitting their award materials via email in mid-December, including the materials due date (which is the Sunday before Spring semester classes begin).

Once nominated, nominees must submit the following: 

  • CV
  • Cover Letter explaining why they are a competitive choice for the award
  • Essay responding to the prompt: "You are being recognized for your teaching. If you were to give a professional development session to other faculty educators, what would you present on? As you reflect on your teaching, what are areas you see for your own professional development and how might you improve in those areas?"

All materials must be submitted in a single PDF file saved in the following format: "[your last name]_[your first name]_IgnatiusAwardYear." (e.g. Johnson_Maria_Ignatius2024)

Once nominated, nominees must submit the following: 

  • CV
  • Cover Letter explaining why they are a competitive choice for the award

All materials must be submitted in a single PDF file saved in the following format: "[your last name]_[your first name]_ProvostAwardYear." (e.g. Johnson_Maria_Provost2024)

Once nominated, nominees must submit the following: 

  • CV
  • Cover Letter explaining why they are a competitive choice for the award

All materials must be submitted in a single PDF file saved in the following format: "[your last name]_[your first name]_KolvenbachAwardYear." (e.g. Johnson_Maria_Kolvenbach2024)

Once nominated for the award, nominees must submit the following: 

  • CV
  • Cover Letter explaining why they are a competitive choice for the award

Please submit your materials as a single PDF file saved in the following format: "[your last name]_[your first name]_HayesAwardYear." (e.g. Johnson_Maria_Hayes2024)

Once nominated, nominees must submit the following: 

  • CV
  • Cover Letter explaining why they are a competitive choice for the award

All materials must be submitted in a single PDF file saved in the following format: "[your last name]_[your first name]_MagisAwardYear." (e.g. Johnson_Maria_Magis2024)