Becoming a Mentor/Mentee
Inside Government will match and bring together the alumni mentor and student mentee. The level of mentorship is established by the number of Connections to which the mentor feels that they are able to commit, per semester, which can be found here.
Upon introduction, mentees and mentors should establish an agreed upon medium for communications and an agreed upon set of expectations. Together, the pair work out a possible program of Connections for the semester, using the Inside Government calendar to plan events, and of course their individual calendars.
Student mentees are responsible for initiating communications with their mentors, inviting them to attend events, setting up meetings, etc.
At the end of each semester, we want to evaluate each mentor/mentee relationship, and the program as a whole. We hope that each mentor/mentee relationship will last two semesters, but changes can be made at any time.
To Sign up
To become a mentor, please click here to fill out a short survey to become a mentor or a mentee.