April 26, 2024
Institute for Consumer Antitrust Studies
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
8:45 AM |
Continental Breakfast and Registration
Loyola University Chicago School of Law Power Rogers & Smith Ceremonial Courtroom, 10th Floor 25 E. Pearson Street, Chicago, IL 60611
9:10 AM |
Spencer Weber Waller Professor and Director, Institute for Consumer Antitrust Studies Loyola University Chicago School of Law
9:15 AM |
Darren Bush, University of Houston College of Law Peter Carstensen, Wisconsin Law School
Breaking Up Bottlenecks in Big Tech and Everywhere Else: Two Remedies that Keep Your Packages Arriving in Two Days
Commentators: Jeffery M. Cross, Smith, Gambrell & Russell John Newman, University of Miami School of Law
10:30 AM |
Coffee Break
10:45 AM |
Theodosia Stavroulaki, Gonzaga University School of Law
The Healing Power of Antitrust
Commentators: Jordan Paradise, Loyola University Chicago School of Law Gwendolyn J. Cooley, Wisconsin Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust
12:00 PM |
Lunch Faculty Lounge, 13th Floor
12:30 PM |
Lunch Address
FTC Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya
“Commanding the Price of Labor”: Confronting the Human Cost of Labor Monopsony
1:30 PM |
Marek Martyniszyn, Queen’s University Belfast
Antitrust in Times of Crises
Commentators: Russel Damtoft, Federal Trade Commission Andre Fiebig, Quarles & Brady
2:45 PM |
Ice Cream Sundae Break
3:15 PM |
John Kwoka, Northeastern University
Confronting Consummated Mergers (co-author Tommaso Valletti)
Commentators: Marina Lao, Seton Hall Law School Jennifer Sturiale, Delaware Law School, Widener University
6:30 PM |
Colloquium Dinner
Osteria Via Stato 620 N State St, Chicago, IL 60654
The Institute thanks the firm of Quarles & Brady for their generous support for this year’s colloquium dinner.