

LOYOLA'S EXTERNSHIP PROGRAM offers students practical experience under direct supervision of a judge or attorney and a supervising faculty attorney from the School of Law. This program provides students with the opportunity to develop practice-ready and problem-solving skills while working at an approved field placement outside of the classroom. Externships qualify as Live Client Experience satisfying the Experiential Learning graduation requirement. In-person, hybrid, and remote externship opportunities are available nationwide and year-round. Students may earn up to 8 hours of academic credit through externship courses.

Information Sessions will be held during Fall and Spring Semesters. Specific dates for Information Sessions will be communicated in the Law Student Sakai Page, Career Services Pearson Weekly, and Law School Announcements.

  • Successful completion of all required first year coursework (rising 2Ls may apply for summer externships)
  • Securement of a legal field placement from an approved extern site (found on Pearson or as approved by the Director of Experiential Learning and Professional Development)
  • Submission & approval of internal Pearson application (via the "New Experience" link)
    • Internal Pearson Applications are currently being accepted for Spring 2025. The Spring 2025 deadline is December 13, 2024, but students are encouraged to submit them as soon as possible.
  • Simultaneous enrollment in a corresponding section of the Externship course

Information for Students

Externship Process

Informational Sessions - Overview

As a reminder, all students interested in receiving academic credit for an Externship should attend an Experiential Learning Informational Session. The schedule of Info Sessions will be announced on the Law Student Sakai Page and Law School Announcements.

Info Sessions will include:

  • A review of Experiential Learning requirements
  • Information regarding externship field placements
  • Advice and guidance on how best to sequence course work with experiential opportunities

Individual meetings may also be scheduled with the Director of Externships.

All students, including rising 2Ls (i.e. current 1L students) are eligible during the Summer Semester for any externship opportunities found in Pearson for all locations.

Second- and third-year law students interested in securing approval for a new field placement are encouraged to reach out to the Director of Externships.

Credit Hours

Total Hours During Semester at Field Placement Site

Estimated Weekly Work Hours



~ 4



~ 8 - 10



~ 12 - 15*

*Externship work schedules should not regularly exceed more than 15 hours per week during the Fall and Spring Semesters. Students may work full-time during the Summer Semesters but shall be limited to the maximum of 3 credit hours. Additional hours worked beyond the relevant totals may be noted as Pro-Bono hours for each student.

  • Approval of your application and your ability to register for the selected seminar section will be confirmed by the Director of Externships and indicated through Pearson.
  • Remember to register on LOCUS for the seminar section and credit hours you indicated on your Internal Application.  NOTE: Ensure you select the appropriate number of credit hours, otherwise LOCUS will default to 1 credit hour.

Instructions for the Internal Pearson Application

  1. Log in to your Pearson account.
  2. Go to the "Experiential Learning" module down the menu on the left (above Resource Library).
  3. Select "New Experience" on the upper right corner in blue.
  4. Select "Externships (599)" under the Select "Experiential Learning Type" heading in the first drop down.
  5. While completing the form, go to the Resource Library under "Number 8. Externships" to find the "Fall/Spring/Summer Externship Schedule" and identify your desired section number and class number  (in columns C and D).
  6. After submitting the form, you will be notified via an email from Pearson upon its approval.
  7. You should then be able to register for the course in LOCUS. If you still cannot add the intended class, please reach out to the Law Registrar's Office.
  8. When you register in LOCUS for the class, you MUST select the number of credit hours for which you are approved. If you do not, then LOCUS will default registration to 1 credit hour.

For any externship related questions, please reach out to Breanna Kantor (bkantor@luc.edu).

Key Dates

Generally, key dates and deadlines in the Externship Process are provided below. Specific key dates and deadlines will be communicated during each semester via the Law Student Sakai Page, Law School Announcements, and Career Services Pearson Weekly.

  • Field Site Job Search - Typically begin searching two weeks after the start of the classes in the semester preceding the semester for which you are applying
  • Internal Application - Typically due two weeks before the start of classes of the semester during which you will be working
  • Judicial Collect - Typically the third week in January for Summer and Fall Semester Judicial Externships and by the second week in September for Spring Semester Judicial Externships


  • Information sessions regarding all externship intensive field placements, including judicial field placements and placements will begin in early September and end in April every school year. The schedule of live sessions will be shared through the Law Student Sakai Page, Career Services Pearson Weekly, and Law School Announcements.
  • Professionalism Workshop All students interested in enrolling in the externship program are encouraged to attend professionalism workshops offered by Loyola throughout the school year.
    • Students interested in any and all experiential learning opportunities and who will be working as a legal professional during their time in law school are strongly encouraged to attend.
    • Generally, the workshop is held in late April, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Philip H. Corboy Law Center, Power Rogers & Smith Ceremonial Courtroom and via Zoom. The exact date will be announced in Law School Announcements and on the Law Student Sakai Page.

The Law Student Sakai Page will also periodically announce programs hosted by the Experiential Learning Programs, site supervisors, Professionalism, etc.

You may schedule an individual meeting with the Director of Externships with any questions about Experiential Learning.

Judicial Externships

Judicial Externships are externships available in the chambers of federal, state, and local judicial chambers. Opportunities may be remote, in person or hybrid, depending on the rules of the chamber. As permissible, we also provide out of state opportunities. Judicial Externships fulfill students’ Live Client Experience Experiential Learning requirement. All opportunities may be found on Pearson.

Additionally, the Experiential Learning Program partners with Career Services to provide a Judicial Collect for Federal Courts and Higher State Courts.

  1. Students interested in a Federal or Higher State Court judicial externship for academic credit should submit their résumés and transcripts during the Judicial Collect Period using the Pearson.
  2. We will provide these materials to the judges with whom we partner. NOTE: Some judges may ask for additional documents which may include a request for a writing sample. If that is the case, please make sure that your writing sample has been carefully reviewed before you submit it to the judge. Always submit your best work.
  3. Judges who participate in the program will select students to interview (in person, Zoom, or by telephone) and extend offers.
  4. Judges’ schedules vary with respect to when they will begin the selection process.
  5. If you are extended an offer, the expectation (assuming no conflicts of interest), is that you will accept the offer and decline other interviews for judicial field placements that may be pending. Students must honor this commitment.
  6. Judicial Collect Instructions


  1. Can Weekend JD students participate in Externships or other Experiential Learning opportunities? Yes, WJD Students may participate in Externships. WJD students may contact the Director of Externships to discuss options.
  2. May I be compensated for my externship experience? As of Fall 2023, students may seek to earn academic credit for their work in both paid and unpaid externships. Externs may be compensated by the host organization or receive funding for their work from third party sources, including but not limited to PILI or other related sources of funding (i.e. PILI, third party grants, fellowships via an approved site, stipends, etc.).
  3. Where can I find Externship Opportunities? All Externship Opportunities may be found on Pearson. If you identify an opportunity that is not on Pearson and has otherwise not been approved by Loyola, contact the Director of Externships to seek approval for the site.
  4. Where can I find State and County Court opportunities? All Externship Opportunities may be found on Pearson
  5. How can I learn how to use or troubleshoot Pearson? If you have questions about how to use Pearson, you may view the Pearson Tutorial or contact Career Services. 
  6. Are remote Experiential Learning opportunities permissible? Yes. LUC offers remote externships and students may contact theDirector of Externships if they have identified remote sites that are not approved or on Pearson
  7. What are Cook County application requirements for the Director of Externships to certify for Cook County Sites?  Email the following documents in PDF format to the Director of Externships
    1. Cover letter; motivation letter addressed to the Director of Externships
    2. Resume
  8. Where can I find the External Application? Log in to your Pearson account and go to the Experiential Learning Module and New Experience at the upper right corner.
  9. How do I obtain my 711 License? Complete this form and submit it to the Registrar's office to process.
  10. Is it possible to encounter scheduling conflicts? Yes, students may encounter scheduling conflicts between their skills/competition classes and their Externship Seminar. If you are taking both a skills/competition class and an externship, be sure to factor in your in class schedule, work schedule, and your skills/competition class and required practice schedules. Feel free to contact the Director of Externships to discuss this process.
  11. Is the Saturday Externship Seminar exclusively for WJD students? No, all students may register for the Saturday Externship Seminar section. That section is delivered during the WJD schedule and distanced learning modality.

Information for Supervisors

Site Supervisor Overview

Thank you for considering being a part of and supporting Loyola University Chicago School of students through our Law Externship Program (“Program”).  You are a critical part in the success of the Program and in providing our students with the real life experience they need to attain before they become full-fledged attorneys.  

The Program seeks to provide students with practical experience under your supervision and an assigned supervisor from the School of Law. 

If you are interested in learning more about the Program, please review and/or submit our New Site Application and feel free to reach out to the Director of Externships.

Requirements and Timelines for Site Supervisors

Thank you for being a Site Supervisor.  Once you have completed the New Site Application, please contact the Director of Experiential Learning & Professional Development.

Upon approval of the Application and you are hosting students, during the work experience, Site Supervisors agree to the following:

  • Complete a Law School Supervisor Memorandum of Understanding - Generally at the beginning of the applicable semester
  • Law Firm Supervisors are prohibited from assigning student externs on billable work at unpaid field placements. Alternatively, you may assign externs to the following including but not limited to:  pro-bono projects, fully in your pro-bono department, general legal research on emerging issues for all of your clients, editing and reviewing document templates, foundational skills 

  Please feel free to contact the Director of Externships if you would like to discuss further

  • Orient the student to the workplace, including key policies and procedures - On commencement of work
  • Two student Performance Evaluations (Mid-Term and Final) - Mid and end of semester
  • Review and approve Monthly Timesheets
  • Communicate with student’s Academic Supervisor and Director of Externships as needed

Academic Supervisor/Adjunct Faculty

Thank you for your time and dedication to continuing to guide and mentor our students as they begin the burgeoning steps into practice.  Your guidance is invaluable in providing them with the practical tips and tools towards an ethical and inclusive practice.  

As an academic supervisor, you have a plethora of resources available to you on the Experiential Learning Faculty Sakai Page.  Please contact the Director of Externships for access.

LOYOLA'S EXTERNSHIP PROGRAM offers students practical experience under direct supervision of a judge or attorney and a supervising faculty attorney from the School of Law. This program provides students with the opportunity to develop practice-ready and problem-solving skills while working at an approved field placement outside of the classroom. Externships qualify as Live Client Experience satisfying the Experiential Learning graduation requirement. In-person, hybrid, and remote externship opportunities are available nationwide and year-round. Students may earn up to 8 hours of academic credit through externship courses.

Information Sessions will be held during Fall and Spring Semesters. Specific dates for Information Sessions will be communicated in the Law Student Sakai Page, Career Services Pearson Weekly, and Law School Announcements.

  • Successful completion of all required first year coursework (rising 2Ls may apply for summer externships)
  • Securement of a legal field placement from an approved extern site (found on Pearson or as approved by the Director of Experiential Learning and Professional Development)
  • Submission & approval of internal Pearson application (via the "New Experience" link)
    • Internal Pearson Applications are currently being accepted for Spring 2025. The Spring 2025 deadline is December 13, 2024, but students are encouraged to submit them as soon as possible.
  • Simultaneous enrollment in a corresponding section of the Externship course