
Research Highlights 2023

Loyola University Chicago School of Law faculty members contribute to a deeper understanding of law, legal institutions, and systems of oppression through a commitment to transformation, intersectionality, and anti-subordination in everything we do.

Discover some recent and forthcoming research highlights here.


Adam Crepelle

Assistant Professor

The Law and Economics of Crime in Indian Country, 110 Georgetown Law Journal 569 (2022)

Does Expanding Tribal Jurisdiction Improve Tribal Economies: Lessons from Arizona, 55 Arizona State Law Journal 211 (2023) (with Thomas Stratmann)

It Shouldn’t Be This Hard: The Law & Economics of Business in Indian Country, 2023 Utah Law Review ___ (forthcoming 2023)

Cynthia Ho

Clifford E. Vickrey Research Professor

Confronting Intellectual Property Nationalism, 100 Denver Law Review 109 (2022)

Biosimilar Bias: A Barrier to Addressing American Drug Costs, 99 Denver Law Review 517 (2022)

James Thuo Gathii

Wing-Tat Lee Chair in International Law

Writing Race and Identity in a Global Context: What CRT and TWAIL Can Learn from Each Other, 67 UCLA Law Review 1610 (2021)

Studying Race in International Law Scholarship Using a Social Science Approach, 22 Chicago Journal of International Law 71 (2021)

The Promise of International Law: A Third World View, 36 American University International Law Review 377 (2021)

The West and the Unraveling of the Economic World Order: Thoughts from a Global South Perspective, in Is the International Legal Order Unraveling? 62 (D. Sloss, ed., Oxford University Press, 2022) (with Sergio Puig)

Judicialization of Election Disputes in Africa’s International Courts, 84 Law and Contemporary Problems 181 (2021) (with Olabisi Akinkugbe)

The Agenda of Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), in International Legal Theory: Foundations and Frontiers 153 (J. Dunoff and M. Pollack, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2022)

Termination, Amendment, Modernization and Reform of Investment Treaties: Which Way Forward?, in The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in Investor-State Disputes: History, Evolution, and Future (E. Shirlow and K. Gore, eds., Wolters Kluwer, 2022) (with Dilini Pathirana)

Race, Racism and International Law: A Repudiation of U.S. Exceptionalism, International Law and Racial Justice, Wisconsin International Law Journal Symposium (2021)

Stephen Rushin

Judge Hubert Louis Will Professor of Law

The Law Enforcement Lobby, 107 Minnesota Law Review 1965 (2023) (with Zoë Robinson)

The Effect of Police Quota Laws 109 Iowa Law Review ___ (forthcoming 2024) (with Griffin Edwards)

An Empirical Assessment of Pretextual Stops and Racial Profiling, 73 Stanford Law Review 637 (2021) (with Griffin Edwards)

Masculinity in Policing: The Need to Recruit More Women in American Police Departments, 89 George Washington Law Review 1512 (2021)

Police Arbitration, 74 Vanderbilt Law Review 1023 (2021)

Federal (De)Funding of Local Police, 110 Georgetown Law Journal Online 54 (2021) (with Roger Michalski)

Law Enforcement Agent Defendants and Prosecutors, in The Oxford Handbook of Prosecutors and Prosecution 497 (R. Wright, K. Levine, and R. Gold, eds., Oxford University Press, 2021)

Unions and Police Reform, in The Cambridge Handbook of Policing in the United States 533 (T. Lave and E. Miller, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2019)

Sheldon Bernard Lyke

Associate Professor

Defense Against the Dark Arts: The Diversity Rationale and the Failed Fight for Affirmative Action, 80 Washington & Lee Law Review ___ (forthcoming 2024)

Nadia Sawicki

Georgia Reithal Professor of Law

A Malpractice-Based Duty to Disclose the Risk of Stillbirth: A Response to Lens, 106 Iowa Law Review Online 69 (2021)

Tort Law Implications of Compelled Physician Speech, 97 Indiana Law Journal 939 (2022)

Ethical Malpractice, 59 Houston Law Review 1069 (2022)

Autonomy as Corporeal, Not Just Cognitive, review of Resuscitating Consent, JOTWELL (2022)

Unilateral Burdens and Third-Party Harms: Abortion Conscience Laws as Policy Outliers, 96 Indiana Law Journal 1221 (2021)

State Peer Review Laws as a Tool to Incentivize Reporting to Medical Boards, 15 St. Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy 97 (2021)

Using Public Health Law to Minimize the Racially Disparate Impact of COVID-19, review of Allocating Medicine Fairly in an Unfair Pandemic, JOTWELL (2021)

Charlotte Tschider

Associate Professor

Legal Opacity: Artificial Intelligence’s Sticky Wicket, 106 Iowa Law Review Online 126 (2021)

Locking Down “Reasonable” Cybersecurity Duty, 41 Yale Law & Policy Review 75 (2023)

Prescribing Exploitation, 82 Maryland Law Review 857 (2023)

The Dangers of Expansive Public Health Surveillance, review of Pandemic Surveillance by D. Lyon, Lawfare (2022)

International Cybersecurity and Privacy Law in Practice (2d ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2023)

Addressing Algorithmic Unfairness in Healthcare (ELSIhub Collections, 2022)

AI’s Legitimate Interest: Towards a Public Benefit Privacy Model, 21 Houston Journal of Health Law & Policy 125 (2021)

Meaningful Choice: A History of Consent and Alternatives to the Consent Myth, 22 North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology 617 (2021)

Beyond the “Black Box,” 98 Denver Law Review 683 (2021)

Medical Device Artificial Intelligence: The New Tort Frontier, 46 BYU Law Review 1551 (2021)

Barry Sullivan

George Anastaplo Professor of Constitutional Law and History

Executive Secrecy: Congress, the People, and the Courts, 72 Emory Law Journal 1301 (2023)

Expert Knowledge, Democratic Accountability, and the Unitary Executive, 92 Fordham Law Review ___ (forthcoming 2024)

The Supreme Court and the People: Communicating Decisions to the Public, 24 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 1 (2022) (with Ramon Feldbrin)

Detention of Terrorism Suspects: Political Discourse and Fragmented Practices, review of book by M. Duffy, 26 Canadian Criminal Law Review 117 (2021)

Reforming the Office of Legal Counsel, 35 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 723 (2021) 

Samuel D. Brunson

Georgia Reithal Professor of Law

Standing on the Shoulders of LLCs: Tax Entity Status and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, 57 Georgia Law Review 603 (2023)

Good Intentions: Administrative Fiat and the General Welfare Exclusion, 100 Washington University Law Review 1411 (2023) (with Christian Johnson)

God Is My Roommate? Tax Exemptions for Parsonages Yesterday, Today, and (if Constitutional) Tomorrow, 96 Indiana Law Journal 521 (2021)

Bargain Basement Progressivity? Constitutional Flat Taxes, Demogrants, and Progressive Income Taxation, 53 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 683 (2022)

An Employee Home Office Expense Deduction for the New Normal, 171 Tax Notes Federal 41 (2021) (with Christian Johnson)

Revoke Its Exemption: Pushing for Change in the Mormon Church, 47 Journal of Mormon History 52 (2021)

Addressing Hate: Georgia, the IRS, and the Ku Klux Klan, 41 Virginia Tax Review 45 (2021)

Loyola University Chicago School of Law faculty members contribute to a deeper understanding of law, legal institutions, and systems of oppression through a commitment to transformation, intersectionality, and anti-subordination in everything we do.

Discover some recent and forthcoming research highlights here.


Adam Crepelle

Assistant Professor

The Law and Economics of Crime in Indian Country, 110 Georgetown Law Journal 569 (2022)

Does Expanding Tribal Jurisdiction Improve Tribal Economies: Lessons from Arizona, 55 Arizona State Law Journal 211 (2023) (with Thomas Stratmann)

It Shouldn’t Be This Hard: The Law & Economics of Business in Indian Country, 2023 Utah Law Review ___ (forthcoming 2023)

Cynthia Ho

Clifford E. Vickrey Research Professor

Confronting Intellectual Property Nationalism, 100 Denver Law Review 109 (2022)

Biosimilar Bias: A Barrier to Addressing American Drug Costs, 99 Denver Law Review 517 (2022)

James Thuo Gathii

Wing-Tat Lee Chair in International Law

Writing Race and Identity in a Global Context: What CRT and TWAIL Can Learn from Each Other, 67 UCLA Law Review 1610 (2021)

Studying Race in International Law Scholarship Using a Social Science Approach, 22 Chicago Journal of International Law 71 (2021)

The Promise of International Law: A Third World View, 36 American University International Law Review 377 (2021)

The West and the Unraveling of the Economic World Order: Thoughts from a Global South Perspective, in Is the International Legal Order Unraveling? 62 (D. Sloss, ed., Oxford University Press, 2022) (with Sergio Puig)

Judicialization of Election Disputes in Africa’s International Courts, 84 Law and Contemporary Problems 181 (2021) (with Olabisi Akinkugbe)

The Agenda of Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), in International Legal Theory: Foundations and Frontiers 153 (J. Dunoff and M. Pollack, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2022)

Termination, Amendment, Modernization and Reform of Investment Treaties: Which Way Forward?, in The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in Investor-State Disputes: History, Evolution, and Future (E. Shirlow and K. Gore, eds., Wolters Kluwer, 2022) (with Dilini Pathirana)

Race, Racism and International Law: A Repudiation of U.S. Exceptionalism, International Law and Racial Justice, Wisconsin International Law Journal Symposium (2021)

Stephen Rushin

Judge Hubert Louis Will Professor of Law

The Law Enforcement Lobby, 107 Minnesota Law Review 1965 (2023) (with Zoë Robinson)

The Effect of Police Quota Laws 109 Iowa Law Review ___ (forthcoming 2024) (with Griffin Edwards)

An Empirical Assessment of Pretextual Stops and Racial Profiling, 73 Stanford Law Review 637 (2021) (with Griffin Edwards)

Masculinity in Policing: The Need to Recruit More Women in American Police Departments, 89 George Washington Law Review 1512 (2021)

Police Arbitration, 74 Vanderbilt Law Review 1023 (2021)

Federal (De)Funding of Local Police, 110 Georgetown Law Journal Online 54 (2021) (with Roger Michalski)

Law Enforcement Agent Defendants and Prosecutors, in The Oxford Handbook of Prosecutors and Prosecution 497 (R. Wright, K. Levine, and R. Gold, eds., Oxford University Press, 2021)

Unions and Police Reform, in The Cambridge Handbook of Policing in the United States 533 (T. Lave and E. Miller, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2019)

Sheldon Bernard Lyke

Associate Professor

Defense Against the Dark Arts: The Diversity Rationale and the Failed Fight for Affirmative Action, 80 Washington & Lee Law Review ___ (forthcoming 2024)

Nadia Sawicki

Georgia Reithal Professor of Law

A Malpractice-Based Duty to Disclose the Risk of Stillbirth: A Response to Lens, 106 Iowa Law Review Online 69 (2021)

Tort Law Implications of Compelled Physician Speech, 97 Indiana Law Journal 939 (2022)

Ethical Malpractice, 59 Houston Law Review 1069 (2022)

Autonomy as Corporeal, Not Just Cognitive, review of Resuscitating Consent, JOTWELL (2022)

Unilateral Burdens and Third-Party Harms: Abortion Conscience Laws as Policy Outliers, 96 Indiana Law Journal 1221 (2021)

State Peer Review Laws as a Tool to Incentivize Reporting to Medical Boards, 15 St. Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy 97 (2021)

Using Public Health Law to Minimize the Racially Disparate Impact of COVID-19, review of Allocating Medicine Fairly in an Unfair Pandemic, JOTWELL (2021)

Charlotte Tschider

Associate Professor

Legal Opacity: Artificial Intelligence’s Sticky Wicket, 106 Iowa Law Review Online 126 (2021)

Locking Down “Reasonable” Cybersecurity Duty, 41 Yale Law & Policy Review 75 (2023)

Prescribing Exploitation, 82 Maryland Law Review 857 (2023)

The Dangers of Expansive Public Health Surveillance, review of Pandemic Surveillance by D. Lyon, Lawfare (2022)

International Cybersecurity and Privacy Law in Practice (2d ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2023)

Addressing Algorithmic Unfairness in Healthcare (ELSIhub Collections, 2022)

AI’s Legitimate Interest: Towards a Public Benefit Privacy Model, 21 Houston Journal of Health Law & Policy 125 (2021)

Meaningful Choice: A History of Consent and Alternatives to the Consent Myth, 22 North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology 617 (2021)

Beyond the “Black Box,” 98 Denver Law Review 683 (2021)

Medical Device Artificial Intelligence: The New Tort Frontier, 46 BYU Law Review 1551 (2021)

Barry Sullivan

George Anastaplo Professor of Constitutional Law and History

Executive Secrecy: Congress, the People, and the Courts, 72 Emory Law Journal 1301 (2023)

Expert Knowledge, Democratic Accountability, and the Unitary Executive, 92 Fordham Law Review ___ (forthcoming 2024)

The Supreme Court and the People: Communicating Decisions to the Public, 24 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 1 (2022) (with Ramon Feldbrin)

Detention of Terrorism Suspects: Political Discourse and Fragmented Practices, review of book by M. Duffy, 26 Canadian Criminal Law Review 117 (2021)

Reforming the Office of Legal Counsel, 35 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 723 (2021) 

Samuel D. Brunson

Georgia Reithal Professor of Law

Standing on the Shoulders of LLCs: Tax Entity Status and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, 57 Georgia Law Review 603 (2023)

Good Intentions: Administrative Fiat and the General Welfare Exclusion, 100 Washington University Law Review 1411 (2023) (with Christian Johnson)

God Is My Roommate? Tax Exemptions for Parsonages Yesterday, Today, and (if Constitutional) Tomorrow, 96 Indiana Law Journal 521 (2021)

Bargain Basement Progressivity? Constitutional Flat Taxes, Demogrants, and Progressive Income Taxation, 53 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 683 (2022)

An Employee Home Office Expense Deduction for the New Normal, 171 Tax Notes Federal 41 (2021) (with Christian Johnson)

Revoke Its Exemption: Pushing for Change in the Mormon Church, 47 Journal of Mormon History 52 (2021)

Addressing Hate: Georgia, the IRS, and the Ku Klux Klan, 41 Virginia Tax Review 45 (2021)