Untitled, 2002
Anish Kapoor (British, born India, b. 1954)
Two-plate white ground etching printed on paper
Museum purchase. LUMA Collection 2006-02
"Kapoor’s work is engaged with deep-rooted metaphysical polarities: presence and absence, being and nonbeing, place and nonplace, the solid and the intangible. Through this interplay between form and light, Kapoor aspires to evoke sublime experiences that address primal physical and psychological states."
– The Missing Peace: Artists Consider the Dalai Lama
Untitled, 2002
Anish Kapoor (British, born India, b. 1954)
Two-plate white ground etching printed on paper
Museum purchase. LUMA Collection 2006-02
"Kapoor’s work is engaged with deep-rooted metaphysical polarities: presence and absence, being and nonbeing, place and nonplace, the solid and the intangible. Through this interplay between form and light, Kapoor aspires to evoke sublime experiences that address primal physical and psychological states."
– The Missing Peace: Artists Consider the Dalai Lama