
…point…to line…to plane: Labanotation and Antony Tudor’s The Leaves are Fading

February 16 April 27, 2008

Dance notation as a type of schematic drawing was the subject of this exhibition. Using Airi Hynninen’s notation of the dance work The Leaves Are Fading by celebrated choreographer Antony Tudor (1908–1987), the system of labanotation records a choreographer’s work for posterity. Segments from The Leaves Are Fading, Gelseys Song, and an ensemble piece illustrate how a fleeting performance can be captured. Tudor’s piece premiered in 1975 and was created in conjunction with the music of Antonín Dvorák (1841–1904).

The exhibition was made possible through the guidance and courtesy of the Antony Tudor Ballet Trust and the Dance Notation Bureau. The exhibition also coincided with the 100th anniversary of Tudor’s birth.

Image: Antony Tudor, Choreographer. Notated by Airi Hynninen, 1975

February 16 April 27, 2008

Dance notation as a type of schematic drawing was the subject of this exhibition. Using Airi Hynninen’s notation of the dance work The Leaves Are Fading by celebrated choreographer Antony Tudor (1908–1987), the system of labanotation records a choreographer’s work for posterity. Segments from The Leaves Are Fading, Gelseys Song, and an ensemble piece illustrate how a fleeting performance can be captured. Tudor’s piece premiered in 1975 and was created in conjunction with the music of Antonín Dvorák (1841–1904).

The exhibition was made possible through the guidance and courtesy of the Antony Tudor Ballet Trust and the Dance Notation Bureau. The exhibition also coincided with the 100th anniversary of Tudor’s birth.

Image: Antony Tudor, Choreographer. Notated by Airi Hynninen, 1975