
The Truth is in the Telling: Tradition and Innovation in Passover Haggadot from the Stephen P. Durchslag Collection

March 2 – June 16, 2013

The Truth is in the Telling highlights selections from the Haggadot collection of Chicagoan Stephen P. Durchslag. The Haggadah is the book that tells the story of the Jewish Exodus from Egypt. The story recounts the journey of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the present moment and is read aloud by Jews throughout the world at the traditional ritual meal of the Seder.

Image: Haggadot collage

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March 2 – June 16, 2013

The Truth is in the Telling highlights selections from the Haggadot collection of Chicagoan Stephen P. Durchslag. The Haggadah is the book that tells the story of the Jewish Exodus from Egypt. The story recounts the journey of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the present moment and is read aloud by Jews throughout the world at the traditional ritual meal of the Seder.

Image: Haggadot collage

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