Loyola University Chicago

Polish Studies

Minor in Polish Studies

If you plan to grow your career in Chicago, in other metropolitan areas in the Midwest, in any major urban agglomeration on the East and West Coasts, in Texas, or in Arizona, chances are that you will encounter Polish Americans.  

Whether your future career is in healthcare or medicine, in law or law enforcement, in AI, or IT, knowledge of basic Polish and an understanding of Polish culture, history, and tradition may prove decisive in your advancement and success. Many large and small American companies are doing robust business in Poland.

The Polish Studies Minor gives you an opportunity to learn a new language and new culture. Please review the attached list of courses offered or review the Polish Studies flyer below that describes the program in detail. To register, contact your academic advisor, or click this link. You may also email me (bmclees@luc.edu) with any questions that you may have regarding Polish Studies.