Loyola University Chicago

Department of Sociology

Dr. Jordan Brown, Ph.D.

Jordan Brown
Instructor, Department of Sociology

Ph.D., Sociology
Florida State University 2012
M.S., Sociology
Florida State University 2007
B.A., Sociology/History
Indiana University Bloomington 2003

Coffey Hall 451



I joined the sociology department at Loyola University Chicago in the fall of 2010 while completing my dissertation at Florida State University.  Prior to joining the faculty I taught at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, as well as Florida State University in Tallahassee.  My research interests are in the area of collective behavior and social movements.  I am especially interested in how politicians and activists use emotions to drum up public support for their policies and causes.  Additionally, I am interested in how recent technological advances (e.g. social media and the internet) have changed the way movements mobilize, organize and recruit constituents. 

Courses Taught at Loyola
Statistics for the Social Sciences
Principles of Social Research
Sociological Perspectives
Mass Media and Popular Culture
Self and Society

Dr. Jordan Brown, Ph.D. Instructor Coffey Hall 451 773.508.3667