Peter Rosenblatt
Peter Rosenblatt Ph.D, Sociology Coffey Hall 438 |
Peter Rosenblatt grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, and holds a Ph.D in Sociology from Johns Hopkins University. His research focuses on housing policy, urban inequality, and education. He uses mixed methods to understand the way individuals respond to constraints and opportunities in the housing market, and the way housing markets themselves shape and are shaped by housing policies. His research attempts to take into account the uniqueness of local context, and the history of a city in understanding how housing policies unfold and influence urban inequality.
Dr. Rosenblatt conducts policy-relevant research that attempts to further our understanding of how low-income and minority families respond to housing policies. While we know a lot about how patterns of mobility perpetuate segregation and inequality we do not know much about the motivating factors, decision-making processes, and experiences behind these patterns. Dr. Rosenblatt’s recent research addresses this gap. He studies the Housing Choice Voucher (formerly Section-8) program, HOPE VI, and assisted mobility programs including Moving To Opportunity (MTO) and the Baltimore Thompson mobility program.
Dr. Rosenblatt draws on mixed methods to conduct his research. He has conducted interview studies with low-income families and youth in Baltimore and Mobile, Alabama, and is currently working on a National Science Foundation sponsored study that explores how moving from public housing to the suburbs affects access to schooling opportunities for low-income families and children. He has published in City & Community, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, and Teachers College Record, and has discussed his research at the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. His report on the impact of the foreclosure crisis on families in Baltimore city was presented at a congressional hearing.
Recent and Forthcoming Publications:
Rosenblatt, Peter and Stefanie DeLuca. Forthcoming, 2012. “'We Don't Live Outside, We Live in Here': Residential Mobility Decisions of Low-income Families.” City & Community.
Rosenblatt, Peter, Kathryn Edin, Queenie Zhu. Forthcoming. “I Do Me: Young Black Men and the Struggle to Resist the Streets” in Orlando Patterson, ed. Bringing Culture Back In: Rethinking the African-American Youth Crisis.
DeLuca, Stefanie, Philip Garboden and Peter Rosenblatt. Forthcoming, 2013. “Maintaining Segregation: How Housing Policies Shape the Residential Trajectories of Low Income Minority Families.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Special Volume, Rethinking Urban Disadvantage: The Role of Systems, Institutions, and Organizations (Mario Small and Scott Allard, Eds.).