
Student Awards & Honor Societies

Professionalism, service, and scholastic excellence

Every year, Stritch recognizes students, residents, fellows, and faculty for excellence in academics, service, patient care, and other accomplishments through various awards.

Honor Societies

Alpha Omega Alpha

Alpha Omega Alpha is the National Medical Honor Society. Honorees have excelled academically and shown promise of becoming leaders in the profession of medicine.

Class of 2022 Inductees
  • Margaret H. Aasen
  • Poonam Dalwadi
  • Emily Deciccio
  • Matthew T. DeJong
  • Shivani S. Doshi
  • Kendall N. Frisoli*
  • Jane J. Han
  • Elise Y. Heisler
  • Alicia C. Hughes
  • Ashley N. Iannantone
  • Vikrum Jain*
  • Inho Kim
  • Sean E. Kisch
  • Natalie Knox
  • Sucheta P. Korwar
  • Natalie M. Lemon
  • Dimitri J. Mabarak
  • Erin R. McCune
  • Elizabeth R. Nussbaum
  • Arpan Patel
  • Dhruv J. Patel*
  • Matthew R. Semler
  • Lana E. Sharba
  • Alexis R. Stefaniak
  • Anais Y. Stepanian
  • Sahr Yazdani*
  • Amy Yuan
  • Zofia A. Zdanowicz
  • Shuchi Zinzuwadia*

*inducted in 2021 as 3rd year medical students

Class of 2023 Inductees
  • Esther Belogolovsky
  • Jannie Bolotnikov
  • Zoe Brown
  • Robert Canning, Jr.
  • Justin Carrington*
  • Teresa Cheng
  • John Cook
  • Amali Fernando*
  • Megan Gjertsen
  • Jane Harter
  • Julianna Holzer
  • Samantha Jakuboski
  • Anneka Johnston-Dumerauf*
  • Molly Klare
  • Meredith Kushner
  • Cullen Lilley
  • Michael Littau*
  • Marisa Luck
  • Ester Masati
  • Elizabeth Miller
  • Tyler Morad
  • Emily Ness*
  • Yesha Patel
  • Amy Paul
  • Kaitlyn Rewis
  • Sumbul Siddiqui
  • Mark Solinski
  • Daniel Steeno
  • Alice Su
  • Katlyn Sullivan
  • Drashti Upadhyay
  • Avital Zucker

*inducted in 2022 as 3rd year medical students

Class of 2024 Inductees
  • Charlotte Adema
  • Shruthi Basireddy
  • Erin Carollo
  • Arpita Chaudhuri
  • Wyatt Corbin
  • William Cusma
  • Samantha Diulus
  • Djoni Elkady
  • Serene Hadaya
  • Carla Hanna
  • Sarang Janakiraman
  • Matthew Khouzam
  • Sebastian Kolaj
  • Jonathan Lee
  • Mary Lipa*
  • Nicole Mastacouris
  • Maya McCoy
  • Shannon McDonnell
  • Hannah O’Hagan
  • Ameer Odeh*
  • Yudai Okabe
  • Khloe Pastore
  • Caley Polkinghorn
  • Christina Rao*
  • Dylan Ross*
  • Oways Shaqildi*
  • Kellie Steele
  • Emma Stewart
  • Adrienne Wessel
  • Julianna E. Winter

*inducted in 2024 as 3rd year medical students

Class of 2025 Inductees
  • Ryan Belloli
  • Doreen Elrad
  • Kavya Jatavallabhula
  • Marisa Lenga
  • Owen Lewer
  • Andre Payman
  • Elaina Wilkens
Resident and fellow inductees
  • Dania Abu-Jubara, DO
  • Arielle Cohen, MD
  • Theodore Dietz, MD
  • Ryan D. Guerrettaz, MD
  • Sujay Kulshrestha, MD
  • Jonathan Newgren, MD
  • Abigail McKenzie Otto, MD
  • Michael Parker, MD
  • Hiten D. Patel, MD
  • James Qiao, MD
  • Michael Teitcher, MD
Faculty inductees
  • Mark Cichon, DO
  • Vivian Gahtan, MD
  • Ameet R. Kini, MD
  • James Lau, MD
  • Jonathan Metry, MD
  • Neal Mugve, MD
  • Amy Pittman, MD
  • Kathleen B. Raschka, MD
  • Sarah Ann Wagner, MD
  • Paula White, MD

Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honor Society

Recognizes Jesuit college or university students who have distinguished themselves in scholarship, loyalty, service, and commitment to the Jesuit ideals of higher education. Learn more.

2024 Honorees
  • Charlotte M. Adema
  • Wyatt M. Corbin
  • Samantha C. Diulus
  • Serene Hadaya
  • Carla E. Hanna
  • Sebastian Kolaj
  • Mary C. Lipa
  • Ameer Odeh
  • Caley R. Polkinghorn
  • Emma R. Stewart
  • Adrienne E. Wessel
2023 Honorees
  • Robert Canning, Jr.
  • Teresa Cheng
  • Amali Fernando
  • Megan Gjertsen
  • Molly Klare
  • Meredith Kushner
  • Elizabeth Miller
  • Amy Paul
  • Mark Solinski
  • Avital Zucker
2022 Honorees
  • Sarah Lynn Fracci
  • Kendall Nicole Frisoli
  • Ashley Nicole Iannantone
  • Natalie Anne Knox
  • Dimitri Joseph Mabarak
  • Matthew Robert Semler
  • Anais Yevgineh Stepanian
  • Megan Sophia Wu
  • Sahr Yazdani
  • Zofia Anna Zdanowicz
  • Shuchi Zinsuwadia
2021 Honorees
  • Anne Helene Arnason
  • Leslie Carandang
  • Daniel Jonathan Cotton
  • Brett Ferguson Curran
  • Philip Gergis Ghobrial
  • Konrad Kubicki
  • Lisa Elaine Laurenzana
  • Patricia Wood Morrow
  • Dimpi Ankitkumar Patel
  • Herbert Parker Stride
  • Julia Elizabeth Witowska

Gold Humanism Honor Society

Recognizes medical students, residents, and faculty who exemplify compassionate patient care and who are role models, mentors, and leaders in medicine. Stritch students are nominated by their peers and selected by a committee. They are inducted in their M3 year and each completes a project throughout their M4 year.

2024 Recipients
  • Frances N. Akwuole
  • Sara Alattar
  • Louise V. Amat
  • Shruthi Basireddy
  • Monica S. Contractor
  • Wyatt M. Corbin
  • Sarah M. Fahey
  • Veena R. Hamill
  • Kristine T. Khieu
  • Sebastian Kolaj
  • Angelika J. Kwak
  • Shannon M. McDonnell
  • Ermelinda Ndoka
  • Shaya Nikfar
  • Hannah R. O’Hagan
  • Clara I. Pavesi-Krieger
  • Alexandria M. Plezia Gerew
  • Farah Rahman
  • Christina S. Rao
  • Nepheli I. Raptis
  • Emma F. Sheedy
  • Kellie D. Steele
  • Tasha A. Tombo
  • Julia L. Versel
  • Maura S. Walsh
  • Hannah F. Wang
2023 Recipients
  • Esther C. Belogolovsky
  • Marissa Borgese
  • Hannah G. Carey
  • Geoffrey Chen
  • Teresa Cheng
  • Eric Chuang
  • Elizabeth M. Belford
  • Margaret M. Fahrenbach
  • Rebecca F. El Zoghbi
  • Amali M. Fernando
  • Samantha H. Jakuboski
  • Molly K. Klare
  • Ellen G. Kuo
  • Ellen E. Murchie
  • Yesha Patel
  • Amy A. Paul
  • Laura E. Pax
  • Kaitlyn E. Rewis
  • Nataly L. Sanchez
  • Anisha Sharma
  • Patrick R. Smith
  • Vidya J. Visvabharathy
  • Peyton I. Whiston
  • Edgar G. Yap
2022 Recipients
  • Danielle Alexandra Paula Andrews
  • Tatiana Maria Barriga
  • Therese Eugenie Blanch
  • Enrique Julian Blanco Martinez
  • Erik Steven Carlson
  • Natalia Chreptowicz
  • Brooke Christine Dickens
  • Sarah Lynn Fracci
  • Kendall Nicole Frisoli
  • Tooba Ghous
  • Steven Christian Goicoechea
  • Madeline Gore
  • Kirsten Nicole Herr
  • Natalie Anne Knox
  • Ralph Lamonge
  • Dale Manuel Lobo
  • Ryan Anthony Mark, SJ
  • Amaury Itzae; Michel
  • Elhaum Garakani Rexali
  • Sofia M. Ruiz-Castaneda
  • Alexis Rose Stefaniak
  • Anais Yevgineh Stepanian
  • Kristin I. Swope
  • Elisabetta Menalli Tyriver
  • Teresa Marie Veselack
  • Maria Rose Young
  • Hye-Jin Yun
2021 Recipients
  • Meghna Agarwal
  • Anne Helene Arnason
  • Leslie Carandang
  • Philip Gergis Ghobrial
  • Carolyn Ann Hofmeister
  • Sara Imam
  • Kristen Kelly
  • Shilpa Kolachina
  • Lauren Elizabeth Lamparter
  • Sarah Michelle Leibovitch
  • Peter Quang Minh Mai
  • Brianna Nicole Martinez
  • Louis Nikolis
  • Dimpi Ankitkumar Patel
  • Elhaum Garakani Rezaii
  • Shamika Kayo Robinson
  • Joshua David Sink
  • Herbert Parker Stride
  • Ryan Walter Sweeney
  • Stephanie Lynn Sweeney
  • Joshua Jay Thomas
  • Andrea Jean Wakim
  • Amir Emad Zakhary

President's Medallion

As part of the annual Loyola University Chicago Founder's Day celebration, the President's Medallion honors one student from each school who is recognized for outstanding scholarship, leadership, and service.

  • 2024: Charlotte Adema
  • 2023: Amali Fernando
  • 2022: Kendall Nicole Frisoli
  • 2021: Herbert Parker Stride


Ralph P. Leischner, Jr., MD, Memorial Scholarship

For exemplary compassion, integrity, enthusiasm, and commitment to lifelong learning.

  • 2024: Emily Carnes, Angelika Kwak
  • 2023: Safiya Aijazi, Mark Solinski
  • 2022: Hye-Jin Yun, Zofia Anna Zdanowicz
  • 2021: Ayomide O. Adeleye, Daniel Jordan Murphy
  • 2020: Sahand Ghodrati, Margaret Musso
  • 2019: Emelin Garcia Neito, Silvia Plascencia Oliveros
  • 2018: Camille Beecher, Audrey Hertenstein

Dr. John R. Tobin Outstanding Leadership Award

For a record of exemplary leadership on campus or in the community, scholarship, and adherence to Judeo-Christian ethical principles. Caliber and breadth of involvement and academic record is considered.

  • 2024: Frances Akwuole
  • 2023: Kaitlyn Rewis
  • 2022: Yolanda Lan Ngoc Pham
  • 2021: Lachlan Driver
  • 2020: Saad Siddiqui
  • 2019: Ayah Mohamed
  • 2018: Johana C. Mejias-Beck
  • 2017: Julia Graham

Father John Fahey, SJ, Outstanding Service Scholarship

For a selfless and unflagging record of commitment and contribution to the service of others, particularly those medically underserved or socially marginalized, and whose actions are a positive role modeling of the Jesuit ideals.

  • 2024: Julia Versel
  • 2023: Jannie Bolotnikov
  • 2022: Madeline L. Gore
  • 2021: Philip Gergis Ghobrial
  • 2020: Jazzmyne Montgomery
  • 2019: Ingrid Kiehl
  • 2018: Kamaal Jones
  • 2017: Elizabeth Stranges

Geoffrey Gunnar Memorial Scholarship

For scholastic excellence and a desire to advance educational goals in some specific area.



  • Dylan Ross (Scholar)
  • Charlotte Adema (Awardee)


  • Anneka Johnston-Dumerauf (Scholar)
  • Amali Fernando (Awardee)


  • Sahr Yazdani (Scholar)
  • Shuchi Zinzuwadia (Awardee)


  • Caitlin Nicole Smith (Scholar)
  • Julia Elizabeth Witowska (Awardee)


  • Temitope Adeyeni (Scholar)
  • Giselle Malina (Awardee)


  • Lindsay Haacker (Scholar)
  • Sasha M. Rosen (Awardee)


  • Ryan Bonner


  • William Gange

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Stamm Ophthalmology Award

Awarded for demonstrated excellence during clinical rotations in ophthalmology.



  • Wyatt Corbin
  • Sagar Shah



  • Alexis Rose Stefaniak


  • Paul Michael de Bustros



  • Sarah Griffin


  • William Gange


  • Clayton D. Kirk

Margaret Raiford Hano Memorial Nephrology Award

For outstanding clinical performance in nephrology at Loyola University Medical Center in either the third or fourth year.



  • Adam Magier




  • Martin Gerard Walsh



  • Daneyal Syed


  • Patrick Kramer


  • Caleb Norton

Gissur Brynjolfsson, MD, Scholarship

For dedication and commitment to achieving a medical education through perseverance in the face of challenges.

  • 2024: Lauren Ross
  • 2023: Alyssandra Abrenica
  • 2022: Danielle Andrews
  • 2021: Elhaum Garakani Rezaii
  • 2020: Kyle Bartelt
  • 2019: Belsy Garcia Manrique
  • 2018: Peyman Farhangi Oskue
  • 2017: Jeff Cochran

Other Awards

Faculty Award for Excellence in the Basic Sciences

For academic excellence in the first and second years of the Basic Sciences curriculum.



  • Mary C. Lipa
  • Dylan H. Ross
  • Oways K. Shaqildi


  • Amali M. Fernando
  • Emily J. Ness
  • Avital S. Zucker


  • Kendall Nicole Frisoli
  • Vikrum Jain


  • Frank R. Leuzzi
  • Patricia Wood Morrow

Faculty Award for Excellence in the Clinical Sciences

For academic excellence in the Clinical Sciences curriculum.



  • Charlotte M. Adema
  • Dylan H. Ross


  • Amali M. Fernando
  • Molly K. Klare


  • Taylor Alanna Daum
  • Kendall Nicole Frisoli
  • Sahr Yazdani


  • Anne Helene Arnason

Outstanding Performance in Third-year Clerkships

For the best overall combination of achievement in the clinical and didactic components, demonstrated professional and humanistic qualities, and positive contributions to the learning and patient care endeavors of the healthcare team.

2024 Awardees
  • Stephanie A. Ryan, Pediatrics
  • Mary C. Lipa, Internal Medicine
  • Dylan H. Ross, Surgery
  • Caley R. Polkinghorn, Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Angelika J. Kwak, Family Medicine
  • Erin J. Carollo, Psychiatry
  • Emily A. Flammersfeld, Neurology
2023 Awardees
  • Laelle L. Peterson, Pediatrics
  • Allison S. Poles, Internal Medicine
  • Amali M. Fernando, Surgery
  • Isabella S. Park, Family Medicine
  • Emily J. Ness, Psychiatry
  • John T. Cook, Neurology
2022 Awardees
  • Sahr Yazdani, Pediatrics
  • Kendall Nicole Frisoli, Internal Medicine
  • Elizabeth Rose Nussbaum, Surgery
  • Nayeli Lizette Langarica, Family Medicine
  • Kendall Nicole Frisoli, Psychiatry
  • Lana Elias Sharba, Neurology

St. Ignatius Award For Outstanding Contribution to Teaching Peers

For performance that best exemplifies positive and consistent contributions to the teaching and learning environment of their peers in classroom, small group, laboratory, or clinical settings.




  • Cullen Lilley


  • Anais Stepanian



  • Andy Chen


  • Elizabeth Southworth


  • Nathan Pecoraro


  • Katherine Nowicki

Professionalism, service, and scholastic excellence

Every year, Stritch recognizes students, residents, fellows, and faculty for excellence in academics, service, patient care, and other accomplishments through various awards.