Loyola University Chicago

Women's Studies and Gender Studies

WSGS Events - Fall 2023

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Badass Women In Greek Myth: The Danaids as Culture Heroes
Feminist Lecture Series

4 pm - 5 pm, Cuneo 212 & Zoom

Dr. Leanna Boychenko
(Loyola University Chicago)

Missed this event? Watch Here!


Interdisciplinary Approaches to Eating Disorders: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment
A Public Symposium

10 am - 5 pm, Damen Student Center 

Loyola University Chicago



Renee Engeln, Anne Figert, Alissa Haedt-Matt, Sylvia Herbozo, Jeffrrey Roth, Katherine Williams, and Marya Hornbacher

Click here to RSVP.


The Path to Jin, Jiyan, Azadî: Foundations of Kurish Feminist Resistance Throughout History
Feminist Lecture Series

4 pm- 5 pm, Cuneo 212 & Zoom

Fatima Rasoul
(Loyola University Chicago)

Missed this event? Check out the PowerPoint here! 


The Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the Geopolitics of Gender

Interdisciplinary Lecture Series


4 pm - 5 pm, 

Damen Student Center, Sr. Jean MPR North

Cinzia Solari 

(Associate Professor of Sociology at University of Massachusetts Boston) 

Click here for event registration.



Idealized Anatomy and the Discursive Formation of Sex in the United States and Europe 
Feminist Lecture Series

4 pm - 5 pm Cuneo 212 & Zoom

Sam Forrey

(Loyola University Chicago) 

Missed this event? Watch Here!