Office of Online Learning
Welcome to the Office of Online Learning!
The Office of Online Learning (OOL) supports faculty and administration in the planning, design, and development of online courses and programs at Loyola. Our site provides comprehensive information about all of our services, including extensive faculty resources on quality assurance, accessibility, and academic integrity. For questions or to schedule a consultation, please contact us at online@luc.edu!
Instructional Design Services
The Office of Online Learning (OOL) is here to support the design, construction, and delivery of online courses and programs at Loyola University Chicago. With backgrounds in design processes and educational best practices, our instructional designer support team helps instructors and program leaders create engaging online courses that maximize student success. Check out our course support and program support pages for additional information:
Learn more about our Instructional Design Services
Course Design & Development
Work with an instructional designer as you design and build your course.

Meet with an instructional designer over Zoom to ask specific questions related to teaching, learning, and course development.

Ask an instructional designer to review your course and provide feedback.

Submit a one-time request such as having a template added to your Sakai site or a quick question through email.
Professional Development Opportunities
Instructors who want to create high-quality, engaging online learning experiences for their students can take advantage of OOL’s many professional development opportunities. We offer four types of development so instructors can select the formats, time commitments, and topics that work for them:
Learn more about our Professional Development
Online teaching courses
The online teaching courses provide the most robust training possible. Instructors who complete the courses can earn digital badges to showcase their learning.

Live workshops and webinars
For shorter, live interactions with OOL staff on a variety of topics, join us for the live events we offer each semester.

Online Teaching Professional Learning Community
Administered by OOL but directed by faculty, the Online Teaching PLC provides both live meetings and asynchronous communication space for those interested in all aspects of online teaching. Participate how you want when you can!

Asynchronous resources
For a more targeted and self-directed dive into some of the most important topics related to high-quality online teaching, visit our faculty resources page and learn at your own pace.
Check out our events!
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Fostering a Sense of Belonging in Online Courses
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
March meeting of the Online Teaching PLC
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Improving Group Work in Online Courses
View Full Calendar
Check out our latest content!
About Us
The Office of Online Learning (OOL) is committed to working with faculty, staff, and administration to create high-quality, accessible online courses and programs that meet the needs of our current and future students, as well as the strategic goals of Loyola's academic colleges and schools.
To learn more about OOL, meet our team or visit our Services page to learn more about the offerings described above.