


By-Laws Academic Council

As amended 24 January 2024

By-Laws PDF


This document constitutes the by-laws of the Academic Council of the College of Arts and Sciences of Loyola University Chicago.


A.     Members of the Academic Council (hereafter "the Council") eligible to vote shall comprise:

        1. One representative elected from and by the full-time members of each of the academic departments of the College of Arts and Sciences (hereafter "the College");

        2. Up to three representatives of the College’s interdisciplinary programs, as a group;

        3. One representative elected from and by the full-time members of each and any additional academic departments and/or programs overseen by the Dean of the College which are not included in II.A.1 or II.A.2.;

        4. Four at-large representatives, elected from and by the full-time members of the faculty of the College; and

        5. Up to five representatives of the Student Government of Loyola Chicago (SGLC), selected by the SGLC.

B.     All full-time faculty members at the rank of Instructor or above shall be eligible to hold office in the Council as representatives of their departments or as at-large representatives, except those on leave or at the Rome Center. The term "full-time faculty" does not include administrators above the level of department chairperson, or anyone whose stipend at the time of election derives less than fifty percent (50%) from academic work

C.     Non-voting ex officio members shall include the Dean of the College (hereafter "the Dean"), the Associate Deans of the College, the Library Director, or a representative of these members, and other officers of Loyola University as designated by the Council.

D.     Eligibility for student membership in the Council and term of office shall be determined by the Student Government of Loyola Chicago.

E.      The normal term of office for a faculty member of the Council is two years. Members of the Council may serve more than one term. Faculty members who are on leave may not serve as members of the Council during the period of their leave. Faculty members who will be on leave are not eligible to be elected to serve on the Council during the period of their leave.

F.      When a Council member representing a department or the interdisciplinary programs resigns from the Council or is otherwise unable to attend Council meetings for a period exceeding one semester, the represented department or the interdisciplinary programs may designate a replacement member to complete the term.

G. If a Council member representing a department will not be able to attend Council meetings for up to one semester, a substitute representative with full voting privileges may be appointed for that period by the department chairperson. If the Council member represents the interdisciplinary programs, such a substitute representative may be appointed by the directors of the interdisciplinary programs. Such a substitution must be communicated to the Chair of the Council before the meeting at which the substitution will have effect.

H. In the absence of any other departmental representative appointed according to these rules, a department chair may represent their department at a meeting of the Council with full voting privileges.

I. In the event that an at-large representative resigns from the Council or is otherwise unable to attend Council meetings for a period exceeding one semester, the following procedures will apply. The first and second such vacancies will be filled by the first and second alternate at-large delegates respectively, regardless of the time remaining in the term. If an elected alternate is not available, and the term is fourteen months or more, a replacement will be elected, either in a special election or in the next regular spring election, at the discretion of the Elections Committee. If there is less than fourteen months remaining in a term, no replacement will be seated.



A.     The Elections Committee shall conduct elections of at-large representatives, and shall communicate to the Council the results of the at-large election at the March meeting and of departmental elections at the April meeting.

B.     Election of Departmental Representatives:

        1. The chairperson of each department shall conduct an election for departmental representative or designate a representative. The department shall communicate the name of the designated representative to the Elections Committee prior to the March Council meeting.

        2. All full-time members of a department are eligible to vote for departmental representative. Those on leave or at the Rome Center may be eligible, at the discretion of the department chairperson.

        3. Up to three representatives from the College's interdisciplinary programs shall be included as full voting members of the Council. The representative or representatives shall be designated by the program directors, and shall be chosen from among the faculty associated with the programs, as coordinated by the Elections Committee.

        4. The following departments shall conduct elections in even-numbered years: Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, History, Mathematical Sciences, Modern Languages, Psychology, Sociology, and Theology.

        5. The following departments shall conduct elections in odd-numbered years: Classical Studies, Criminal Justice and Criminology, English, Fine and Performing Arts, Interdisciplinary Programs, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, and any other department and/or program as identified in Article II.A.3.

C.     Election of At-Large Representatives:

        1. Prior to the balloting for at-large representatives, the Elections Committee shall determine that all nominees have given consent to their nominations, and will serve if elected.

        2. All full-time members of the College faculty are eligible to vote for at-large representatives. Faculty on leave or at the Rome Center may be eligible to vote, at the discretion of the Elections Committee.

        3. Two faculty members and up to two alternates shall be elected as at-large representatives each year.

D.     The Student Government of Loyola Chicago shall designate up to five student members of Academic Council.

E.      New members shall take office at the April meeting following their election. Their seating as members will be the penultimate item of new business on the agenda of that meeting.


A.     The Council members shall elect the chairperson as the last item of new business at the April meeting. He or she shall be elected by a show of hands among members eligible to vote, unless a secret written ballot is requested by ten percent of those present and eligible to vote. Eligible members of Academic Council may also vote for the chairperson by e-mail submitted to the secretary of Academic Council by noon (cst) on the day of the election. The chairperson shall designate a council member to act as vice-chairperson as needed.

B.     The designated vice-chairperson shall become the chairperson in the event that the chairperson vacates the office. In the event that both the vice-chairperson and the chairperson vacate their offices, the Council shall elect a new chairperson to serve the remainder of that academic year. Eligible members of Academic Council may also vote for the chairperson by e-mail submitted to the secretary of Academic Council by noon (cst) on the day of the election.

C.     In the absence of both the chairperson and any designated vice-chairperson at a Council meeting, the chairperson of the Curriculum Committee shall conduct the meeting. In the absence of the chairperson of the Curriculum Committee, the responsibility will successively devolve to the chairpersons of the By-Laws Committee and the Elections Committee, in that order. The report of a committee whose chairperson is acting as chairperson of the Council shall be presented by another member of that committee.

D.     With the approval of the Council, the chairperson may appoint a parliamentarian, who will advise on matters of disputed procedure according to Robert's Rules of Order. The normal term of appointment shall be for one year. The appointment may be terminated at any time by a vote of the Council.

E.      Officers of the Council may be removed from office at any time by a two-thirds vote of all members eligible to vote. Eligible members of Academic Council may also vote by e-mail submitted to the secretary of Academic Council by noon (cst) on the day on which the vote is scheduled.


A.     Meetings shall normally be held on the third Wednesday of each month of the academic year. The time of day for meetings during the following academic year will be decided by a vote at the February meeting of the current academic year. The chairperson shall publicly post a schedule of meetings no less than one calendar month before the first meeting of the academic year. Changes to scheduled times must be approved by a majority vote of members present no later than the meeting prior to any affected meeting and must be reflected in the posted schedule no less than one week in advance of the affected meeting(s). Special meetings may also be called by the chairperson.

B.     Meetings may also be called upon submission of a written petition from one-third of the members to the chairperson. Upon receipt of such a petition, the chairperson shall convene the Council within two weeks.

C.     The chairperson shall prepare a written agenda for each meeting, which will be available to each Council member before the time of the meeting. Meeting agendas shall include an item called "New Business." Members may submit new business at any meeting during the time allotted for this item.

D.     Meetings shall be open to the academic community of the College, unless otherwise decided by the Council. Non-members shall be permitted to address the Council with the permission of the chairperson. Under exceptional circumstances non-members may be present via video conference.

E.      In order for business to be conducted at a meeting, a quorum consisting of a majority of members eligible to vote must be present.

F.      Motions shall normally be voted upon by a show of hands. A roll-call ballot shall be taken at the request of any member of the Council with the concurrence of a majority of those present and eligible to vote. Voting shall be by secret written ballot if requested by ten percent of those present and eligible to vote, and it shall then have precedence over requests for a roll- call ballot. Under exceptional circumstances members of Academic Council may be considered present and eligible to vote by video conference.


A.     Committees of the Council shall consist of members of the Council only.

B.     The standing committees of the Council shall be: Curriculum Committee, By-Laws Committee, and Elections Committee. Special committees may be established from time to time by vote of the Council.

C.     The chairperson shall, with the approval of the Council, appoint members to the standing committees at the first meeting of the academic year. A preliminary Curriculum Committee will be formed for the following year at the last meeting in April in order to convene in late August and review proposals for the first September meeting. The Curriculum Committee shall have at least six members. (Preferably at least two members should represent the sciences, two the social sciences, and two the humanities.) The By-Laws and Elections Committees shall each have at least three members. Appointees to the Elections Committee shall not themselves be candidates for election for the following year. Committee members shall be appointed to one-year terms. Members of committees may serve more than a single term. A representative of the Student Government of Loyola Chicago, if available, shall be a member of each standing committee.

D.     The chairperson shall designate a member of each committee as convener of that committee. The convener shall be responsible for establishing a procedure to elect a committee chairperson before the October meeting of the Council.


A.     Proposed changes or amendments to these by-laws shall be submitted in writing and circulated to all voting members with the agenda for a given meeting.

B.     A change or amendment to the by-laws shall require the approval of two-thirds of all Council members eligible to vote. If a member cannot be present, she or he may submit an absentee ballot in hard copy or by e-mail to the secretary of Academic Council by noon (cst) on the day on which the vote is scheduled. The chairperson of Academic Council shall count the absentee ballot with the other votes. Alternatively, the absent member may designate a proxy to vote on the change or amendment for the member.


Meetings of the Council shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order when not inconsistent with these by-laws and the charter.


The minutes of each Council meeting shall be considered for approval at the next Council meeting, except for those of the April meeting. The minutes of the April meeting shall be sent to all members before May 15. The corrected minutes shall be sent prior to June 15 for approval to all members eligible to vote and in attendance at the April meeting. Members shall vote to approve the corrected minutes by June 30. Members who do not vote by June 30 shall be deemed to have approved the minutes. Motions of the Council become actions of the Council when the minutes detailing them are approved.


By-Laws Academic Council

As amended 24 January 2024

By-Laws PDF


This document constitutes the by-laws of the Academic Council of the College of Arts and Sciences of Loyola University Chicago.


A.     Members of the Academic Council (hereafter "the Council") eligible to vote shall comprise:

        1. One representative elected from and by the full-time members of each of the academic departments of the College of Arts and Sciences (hereafter "the College");

        2. Up to three representatives of the College’s interdisciplinary programs, as a group;

        3. One representative elected from and by the full-time members of each and any additional academic departments and/or programs overseen by the Dean of the College which are not included in II.A.1 or II.A.2.;

        4. Four at-large representatives, elected from and by the full-time members of the faculty of the College; and

        5. Up to five representatives of the Student Government of Loyola Chicago (SGLC), selected by the SGLC.

B.     All full-time faculty members at the rank of Instructor or above shall be eligible to hold office in the Council as representatives of their departments or as at-large representatives, except those on leave or at the Rome Center. The term "full-time faculty" does not include administrators above the level of department chairperson, or anyone whose stipend at the time of election derives less than fifty percent (50%) from academic work

C.     Non-voting ex officio members shall include the Dean of the College (hereafter "the Dean"), the Associate Deans of the College, the Library Director, or a representative of these members, and other officers of Loyola University as designated by the Council.

D.     Eligibility for student membership in the Council and term of office shall be determined by the Student Government of Loyola Chicago.

E.      The normal term of office for a faculty member of the Council is two years. Members of the Council may serve more than one term. Faculty members who are on leave may not serve as members of the Council during the period of their leave. Faculty members who will be on leave are not eligible to be elected to serve on the Council during the period of their leave.

F.      When a Council member representing a department or the interdisciplinary programs resigns from the Council or is otherwise unable to attend Council meetings for a period exceeding one semester, the represented department or the interdisciplinary programs may designate a replacement member to complete the term.

G. If a Council member representing a department will not be able to attend Council meetings for up to one semester, a substitute representative with full voting privileges may be appointed for that period by the department chairperson. If the Council member represents the interdisciplinary programs, such a substitute representative may be appointed by the directors of the interdisciplinary programs. Such a substitution must be communicated to the Chair of the Council before the meeting at which the substitution will have effect.

H. In the absence of any other departmental representative appointed according to these rules, a department chair may represent their department at a meeting of the Council with full voting privileges.

I. In the event that an at-large representative resigns from the Council or is otherwise unable to attend Council meetings for a period exceeding one semester, the following procedures will apply. The first and second such vacancies will be filled by the first and second alternate at-large delegates respectively, regardless of the time remaining in the term. If an elected alternate is not available, and the term is fourteen months or more, a replacement will be elected, either in a special election or in the next regular spring election, at the discretion of the Elections Committee. If there is less than fourteen months remaining in a term, no replacement will be seated.



A.     The Elections Committee shall conduct elections of at-large representatives, and shall communicate to the Council the results of the at-large election at the March meeting and of departmental elections at the April meeting.

B.     Election of Departmental Representatives:

        1. The chairperson of each department shall conduct an election for departmental representative or designate a representative. The department shall communicate the name of the designated representative to the Elections Committee prior to the March Council meeting.

        2. All full-time members of a department are eligible to vote for departmental representative. Those on leave or at the Rome Center may be eligible, at the discretion of the department chairperson.

        3. Up to three representatives from the College's interdisciplinary programs shall be included as full voting members of the Council. The representative or representatives shall be designated by the program directors, and shall be chosen from among the faculty associated with the programs, as coordinated by the Elections Committee.

        4. The following departments shall conduct elections in even-numbered years: Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, History, Mathematical Sciences, Modern Languages, Psychology, Sociology, and Theology.

        5. The following departments shall conduct elections in odd-numbered years: Classical Studies, Criminal Justice and Criminology, English, Fine and Performing Arts, Interdisciplinary Programs, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, and any other department and/or program as identified in Article II.A.3.

C.     Election of At-Large Representatives:

        1. Prior to the balloting for at-large representatives, the Elections Committee shall determine that all nominees have given consent to their nominations, and will serve if elected.

        2. All full-time members of the College faculty are eligible to vote for at-large representatives. Faculty on leave or at the Rome Center may be eligible to vote, at the discretion of the Elections Committee.

        3. Two faculty members and up to two alternates shall be elected as at-large representatives each year.

D.     The Student Government of Loyola Chicago shall designate up to five student members of Academic Council.

E.      New members shall take office at the April meeting following their election. Their seating as members will be the penultimate item of new business on the agenda of that meeting.


A.     The Council members shall elect the chairperson as the last item of new business at the April meeting. He or she shall be elected by a show of hands among members eligible to vote, unless a secret written ballot is requested by ten percent of those present and eligible to vote. Eligible members of Academic Council may also vote for the chairperson by e-mail submitted to the secretary of Academic Council by noon (cst) on the day of the election. The chairperson shall designate a council member to act as vice-chairperson as needed.

B.     The designated vice-chairperson shall become the chairperson in the event that the chairperson vacates the office. In the event that both the vice-chairperson and the chairperson vacate their offices, the Council shall elect a new chairperson to serve the remainder of that academic year. Eligible members of Academic Council may also vote for the chairperson by e-mail submitted to the secretary of Academic Council by noon (cst) on the day of the election.

C.     In the absence of both the chairperson and any designated vice-chairperson at a Council meeting, the chairperson of the Curriculum Committee shall conduct the meeting. In the absence of the chairperson of the Curriculum Committee, the responsibility will successively devolve to the chairpersons of the By-Laws Committee and the Elections Committee, in that order. The report of a committee whose chairperson is acting as chairperson of the Council shall be presented by another member of that committee.

D.     With the approval of the Council, the chairperson may appoint a parliamentarian, who will advise on matters of disputed procedure according to Robert's Rules of Order. The normal term of appointment shall be for one year. The appointment may be terminated at any time by a vote of the Council.

E.      Officers of the Council may be removed from office at any time by a two-thirds vote of all members eligible to vote. Eligible members of Academic Council may also vote by e-mail submitted to the secretary of Academic Council by noon (cst) on the day on which the vote is scheduled.


A.     Meetings shall normally be held on the third Wednesday of each month of the academic year. The time of day for meetings during the following academic year will be decided by a vote at the February meeting of the current academic year. The chairperson shall publicly post a schedule of meetings no less than one calendar month before the first meeting of the academic year. Changes to scheduled times must be approved by a majority vote of members present no later than the meeting prior to any affected meeting and must be reflected in the posted schedule no less than one week in advance of the affected meeting(s). Special meetings may also be called by the chairperson.

B.     Meetings may also be called upon submission of a written petition from one-third of the members to the chairperson. Upon receipt of such a petition, the chairperson shall convene the Council within two weeks.

C.     The chairperson shall prepare a written agenda for each meeting, which will be available to each Council member before the time of the meeting. Meeting agendas shall include an item called "New Business." Members may submit new business at any meeting during the time allotted for this item.

D.     Meetings shall be open to the academic community of the College, unless otherwise decided by the Council. Non-members shall be permitted to address the Council with the permission of the chairperson. Under exceptional circumstances non-members may be present via video conference.

E.      In order for business to be conducted at a meeting, a quorum consisting of a majority of members eligible to vote must be present.

F.      Motions shall normally be voted upon by a show of hands. A roll-call ballot shall be taken at the request of any member of the Council with the concurrence of a majority of those present and eligible to vote. Voting shall be by secret written ballot if requested by ten percent of those present and eligible to vote, and it shall then have precedence over requests for a roll- call ballot. Under exceptional circumstances members of Academic Council may be considered present and eligible to vote by video conference.


A.     Committees of the Council shall consist of members of the Council only.

B.     The standing committees of the Council shall be: Curriculum Committee, By-Laws Committee, and Elections Committee. Special committees may be established from time to time by vote of the Council.

C.     The chairperson shall, with the approval of the Council, appoint members to the standing committees at the first meeting of the academic year. A preliminary Curriculum Committee will be formed for the following year at the last meeting in April in order to convene in late August and review proposals for the first September meeting. The Curriculum Committee shall have at least six members. (Preferably at least two members should represent the sciences, two the social sciences, and two the humanities.) The By-Laws and Elections Committees shall each have at least three members. Appointees to the Elections Committee shall not themselves be candidates for election for the following year. Committee members shall be appointed to one-year terms. Members of committees may serve more than a single term. A representative of the Student Government of Loyola Chicago, if available, shall be a member of each standing committee.

D.     The chairperson shall designate a member of each committee as convener of that committee. The convener shall be responsible for establishing a procedure to elect a committee chairperson before the October meeting of the Council.


A.     Proposed changes or amendments to these by-laws shall be submitted in writing and circulated to all voting members with the agenda for a given meeting.

B.     A change or amendment to the by-laws shall require the approval of two-thirds of all Council members eligible to vote. If a member cannot be present, she or he may submit an absentee ballot in hard copy or by e-mail to the secretary of Academic Council by noon (cst) on the day on which the vote is scheduled. The chairperson of Academic Council shall count the absentee ballot with the other votes. Alternatively, the absent member may designate a proxy to vote on the change or amendment for the member.


Meetings of the Council shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order when not inconsistent with these by-laws and the charter.


The minutes of each Council meeting shall be considered for approval at the next Council meeting, except for those of the April meeting. The minutes of the April meeting shall be sent to all members before May 15. The corrected minutes shall be sent prior to June 15 for approval to all members eligible to vote and in attendance at the April meeting. Members shall vote to approve the corrected minutes by June 30. Members who do not vote by June 30 shall be deemed to have approved the minutes. Motions of the Council become actions of the Council when the minutes detailing them are approved.